Looks great, but he is too wide for standard armor. But weapons should work. Good part is that we can leave it as it is and fit him some cloths as some of them would be more civilized. It is quite suitable when fighting they will prefer no armor at all. Also a female variant would be nice.
Single sided one handed axe fitting to slash animation will do just fine. Details doesnt really matters. They will be the most popular barbarian weapon.
For humans we are missing axe that would be required, other than that we are covered in that aspect. For wild animals, I should go over all quests to be able to say that. But I know that there are bugs in LPC style.
Good thing is, I live in Northern Nicosia. The region is way too dry but the architecture is very fitting. Also check this image for placement of buildings and vegetation, not the architecture. Imagine a river instead of sea.
There will only be two human races no non-humans. Natives and the barbarians. Barbarians are secretive people that does not talk about their past. But its known that they have migrated from far north. There wont be any sort of supernatural monsters. Giant animals or insects are possible (even there is a quest about it).
The nemrut statues feel alright for temple relics. For other statues, I guess desaturating then colorizing standard LPC chars would to the trick, if I get time I will go ahead and do it. The general should be some one in plate armor, where as king might have some civilized garment. I have seen some pixel art adobe architecture but they were tiny and not suitable.
For development, I would like to give a hand but I dont have Flash CS5 and have a little time at hand.
For Kongregate I am perfectly OK with it and I am a regular there as well (with same name).
A little more foresty Urfa would do the trick. We want some dense forest to hide secrets. Kujasa is faithless, even before the temple was razed. They tolarate religious people as long as they mind their own business. But their numbers are a few. Thus any sort of religious activity is done in their homes. This can be observed by fact that Trimak has no religious buildings at all. Statues for five gods could be the items that are needed to transfer the city. Or even one of them could be hidden by the herbalist.
The system is a d20 system, however, it is custom tailored for hand to hand combat. I can translate the ruleset if you like. Also you can check Trouble in Libreland as we have used a similar system there. Its based on block/parry/dodge system which hits are generally devastating but not very often. It is pretty good for table top games to increase the tension. I find it very hard to say "The orc crits and smashes your head with a sledge hammer, you loose 15hp and still healty enough to fight back". You may use any system including the one in here. But there must be abilities and skills to offset the inexistance of any magic/supernatural things. Although there should at least be a basic magic system as if the temple is built, some NPCs will be able to use them.
PS: If you want a preview of what is to come, or may be even try to get google translate to work, I have uploaded Turkish version of the full document. I do some refining as I translate too.
When I started first, I had far east chinese/japanese style in mind. But I didnt felt their building style will do good for the story, so I have gone with mostly Anatolian/Turkish (mix of both wooden and adobe buildings) architecture, which can look very mysterious when packed tightly. To be honest I havent read dune books and dont have much idea except for few stories and sandy setting, so I can't say for sure. But I was not imagining any deserts either, may be some pain soil/rocky areas and foresty areas. Towns interior is mostly plain soil with some trees and bushes around. Main streets are paved.
For statues and landmarks, those blue rectangles where supposed to be them. However, it seems like I havent noted anything about them. I distinctly remember empty circles to be wells. Probably one of the statues could be the emperors, another one to be the General Hatrok. There is a filled circle which could be some sort of a fountain.
I found an image that somewhat captures what I think:
Some of the question I can answer immediately, some will take time. I will update the website with this info as well. The region around Trimak is foresty not very dense and there are open fields as well. Its mostly green. Its around 200m above the sea level having a soft climate. Notice that there are almost no seasons as its very close to equatorial line.
Economy of Trimak mostly depends on the trade routes. Its lands are fertile and there are many farms around. When I was designing the game, I started with Japanese fighting styles. However, people of Kujasa are not exactly like Japanese as there no wars in between states, or war is stranger to ordinary people. I will post additional details hopefully tomorrow. Buildings would be wooden or may be even adobe as it will fit in the climate better.
More details later, for now I am posting the maps without translation so that you would have an idea.
Hair and moustache only has one way. That might take time to adapt.
Looks great, but he is too wide for standard armor. But weapons should work. Good part is that we can leave it as it is and fit him some cloths as some of them would be more civilized. It is quite suitable when fighting they will prefer no armor at all. Also a female variant would be nice.
Single sided one handed axe fitting to slash animation will do just fine. Details doesnt really matters. They will be the most popular barbarian weapon.
For humans we are missing axe that would be required, other than that we are covered in that aspect. For wild animals, I should go over all quests to be able to say that. But I know that there are bugs in LPC style.
Good thing is, I live in Northern Nicosia. The region is way too dry but the architecture is very fitting. Also check this image for placement of buildings and vegetation, not the architecture. Imagine a river instead of sea.
There will only be two human races no non-humans. Natives and the barbarians. Barbarians are secretive people that does not talk about their past. But its known that they have migrated from far north. There wont be any sort of supernatural monsters. Giant animals or insects are possible (even there is a quest about it).
The nemrut statues feel alright for temple relics. For other statues, I guess desaturating then colorizing standard LPC chars would to the trick, if I get time I will go ahead and do it. The general should be some one in plate armor, where as king might have some civilized garment. I have seen some pixel art adobe architecture but they were tiny and not suitable.
For development, I would like to give a hand but I dont have Flash CS5 and have a little time at hand.
For Kongregate I am perfectly OK with it and I am a regular there as well (with same name).
@StumpyStrust: it depends on the application. Here you go: boom3.7z, Split up by Graphics Splitter.
A little more foresty Urfa would do the trick. We want some dense forest to hide secrets. Kujasa is faithless, even before the temple was razed. They tolarate religious people as long as they mind their own business. But their numbers are a few. Thus any sort of religious activity is done in their homes. This can be observed by fact that Trimak has no religious buildings at all. Statues for five gods could be the items that are needed to transfer the city. Or even one of them could be hidden by the herbalist.
The system is a d20 system, however, it is custom tailored for hand to hand combat. I can translate the ruleset if you like. Also you can check Trouble in Libreland as we have used a similar system there. Its based on block/parry/dodge system which hits are generally devastating but not very often. It is pretty good for table top games to increase the tension. I find it very hard to say "The orc crits and smashes your head with a sledge hammer, you loose 15hp and still healty enough to fight back". You may use any system including the one in here. But there must be abilities and skills to offset the inexistance of any magic/supernatural things. Although there should at least be a basic magic system as if the temple is built, some NPCs will be able to use them.
PS: If you want a preview of what is to come, or may be even try to get google translate to work, I have uploaded Turkish version of the full document. I do some refining as I translate too.
When I started first, I had far east chinese/japanese style in mind. But I didnt felt their building style will do good for the story, so I have gone with mostly Anatolian/Turkish (mix of both wooden and adobe buildings) architecture, which can look very mysterious when packed tightly. To be honest I havent read dune books and dont have much idea except for few stories and sandy setting, so I can't say for sure. But I was not imagining any deserts either, may be some pain soil/rocky areas and foresty areas. Towns interior is mostly plain soil with some trees and bushes around. Main streets are paved.
For statues and landmarks, those blue rectangles where supposed to be them. However, it seems like I havent noted anything about them. I distinctly remember empty circles to be wells. Probably one of the statues could be the emperors, another one to be the General Hatrok. There is a filled circle which could be some sort of a fountain.
I found an image that somewhat captures what I think:
Please ignore the architecture. In addition to this one there would also be a forest and a large mountain to the north.
Some of the question I can answer immediately, some will take time. I will update the website with this info as well. The region around Trimak is foresty not very dense and there are open fields as well. Its mostly green. Its around 200m above the sea level having a soft climate. Notice that there are almost no seasons as its very close to equatorial line.
Economy of Trimak mostly depends on the trade routes. Its lands are fertile and there are many farms around. When I was designing the game, I started with Japanese fighting styles. However, people of Kujasa are not exactly like Japanese as there no wars in between states, or war is stranger to ordinary people. I will post additional details hopefully tomorrow. Buildings would be wooden or may be even adobe as it will fit in the climate better.
More details later, for now I am posting the maps without translation so that you would have an idea.