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- Among Vampires - Medieval Vampire RPG by voyn
- Building a Library of Images for Everyone by Eric Matyas
- 2D procedural cave generator using cellular automata (tutorial) for Godot 4.3 by SIEMPRERETORNA
- Help me find the source of this track by glitchart
- Change Username Requests by BenjaTheMaker
- Sharing My Music and Sound FX - Over 2500 Tracks by Eric Matyas
- What is generated with the help of the collaborative A.I. is licensed in what way? by tir2
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- Re: Imagindar Abilities Sound Effects Pack by smokiee
- Re: Journey Collection [Part 2] by user09032001
- Re: Journey Collection [Part 2] by mistermoores
- Re: Imagindar Abilities Sound Effects Pack by MedicineStorm
- Re: Imagindar Abilities Sound Effects Pack by barny
- Re: Journey Collection [Part 2] by MedicineStorm
- Re: seamless tileset template by Atheris
- Re: 100 plus game sound effects WAV,OGG,M4A by Triskelion614
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Hey folks!
Just wanted to let everyone know that, as of today, is 1 year old! I think this is a good time to say thank you to all of the art contributors, donors, and community members who have made this site what it is. Here's to many more years!
P.S. We're in the planning phase of OGA 2.0, which will have more tools for the art and development communities along with the archive that made the site popular. If you have any ideas for improvements or collaboration features, drop us a line, either here, or on our IRC channel.
- bart's blog
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Just wanted to give props to Anton Lapshin for developing Bart's Game, based on an idea by yours truly and conceived right here on the OpenGameArt Forums. The basic idea is that it's an arcade/puzzle game in which there's a human in a maze inhabited by monsters. The catch is that you don't control the human at all (who is constantly freaked out and running in random directions) and instead you move the walls of the maze to corral the human toward the exit while preventing the monsters from catching him. Check it out!
Please note that, while it works in its current form, it's still under heavy development.
- bart's blog
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We had a brief problem this morning with backups filling up the hard drive. I've freed some space, so we should be good to go again.
- bart's blog
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Hey folks!
I'd like to start pushing toward creating more 3D content for the community, including high-poly, rigged 3D models (perferably with textures and basic animations). As things stand, we just don't have the budget to do that right now, as such a job would run between $1000 and $3000 or more for male and female models.
So, this is where donations come in. To the right of this blog entry, there is a "Donations" box, and contained therein is a button marked "Donate to". In particular, I'd like to nudge people toward the small subscriptions ($3 or $5 per month) which, despite the small denominations, would go a long way toward purchasing more art for the FOSS community, particularly if a lot of people decided to help us out.
Also, I've mentioned this in the past, but it bears repeating: For the forseeable future (as long as our bandwidth usage doesn't exceed the capabilities of the fairly hefty dedicated server I'm renting), every penny of the donations to OGA will go toward commissioning art for the community. In addition to that, I will continue to put money from my own pocket toward commissions on a monthly basis as I am able to do so. You can see more about our costs in the "More Information" section of the donation page.
Finally, if you're interested in creating some art for OGA, we are always thrilled to accept art contributions. If you'd be willing to donate some of your time and talent but don't know what to contribute, consider stopping by our IRC channel (linked in the upper right corner of the site) and asking around. There's always something to do. :)
- bart's blog
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Yesterday I put in a plug for the Open Font Library. Today I discovered another free-as-in-speech font site that's worth checking out: The League of Movable Type. As of this post, their archive is pretty small (only 7 fonts), but each one of them is very well done. In particular, those of you out there who are working on sci-fi games may want to take a look at Orbitron, which is the sort of font that goes on the side of a space ship The fonts on this site are OFL licened, which means that they're usable in both open source and proprietary projects.
Anyway, I encourage you to check them out -- and keep an eye on them, because it looks like they update frequently!
- bart's blog
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