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- Is team up an option? by Tsorthan Grove
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- Re: lights, iron fields, low breeze loop & cosmic creature remixed (Tsorthan Grove vs Vitalezzz) by glitchart
- Re: lights, iron fields, low breeze loop & cosmic creature remixed (Tsorthan Grove vs Vitalezzz) by Tsorthan Grove
- Re: Lights by glitchart
- Re: Echoes of Yesterday by glitchart
- Re: Monsters In My Closet by glitchart
- Re: 50+ Monsters Pack 3D by glitchart
- Re: The ruins. by MedicineStorm
- Re: The ruins. by MedicineStorm
Team River Fox
Real happy to fit this competetion in with our other Development, if you need art or programming, give us an e-mail.
From the stylistic musings of BRivera: An Elf Maiden, A soldier, A Soldier turned into a zombie,a rogue, an explorer that looks vaguely like Dr. Who, a rundown old building, and a tree to rest under.
From the Stylistic musings of CPhillips: A spinning diamond, an Evil Church, and a hollow tree.
SoFar.png 143.9 Kb [1292 download(s)] 167.6 Kb [724 download(s)]