Flare Environment Concept Art Pack 1
Thursday, August 11, 2011 - 16:17
Art Type:
Three finished pieces of environment concept art for Flare tilesets: Badlands, FIre Temple, and Ice Palace.

awesome stuff!
Amazing! (OoO)
Nice stuff, I especially love the Fire Temple.
very nice!
Hi Justin,
Wondering can I use these images on my mmo game will be release this summer named "Kara Destan", I will credit you if I can use.
Here is the gameplay of Kara Destan
Hello Anon,
The license on these images (CC-BY-SA/GPL) require that the rest of the media and the game itself be released under the same license. If that doesn't work for you, then you should consider checking out content released under CC-BY instead, which allows you to use it and just credit the author.
P.S. The copyright owner (I'm not sure if that would be Justin or Clint Bellanger in this case, since I don't know their commission arrangements) is free to make an exception if they want, obviously.
Thanks for this! Going to be using it in my GPLv3 Licensed Roguelike MMO - www.TheASCIIProject.com
beautiful environmental concept art. Thanks for putting it online under a CC license.
I don't know if I'll have the opportunity to use them in a project (i'll tell you) but I find the snowy one really really really cool. thanks again!
Do you do commisions? I have a TTRPG that I have been creating over the past 7 years called Zellonia. Looking for: a massive sword statue in a mountain with a large fantasy town sprawling down the side of the mountain stretching almost to the oceans edge. I know this would take a long time to create and there is no rush if you are interested. I am willing to pay for artwork.