Isometric snow tileset (flare)
- 00 Isometric Stuff
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my snow / winter tileset is a winter version of Clint Bellangers grassland tileset
it contains snow-ground, a grassy snow-ground, an ice-wall and almost every asset from the grassland tileset with snow on it.
it also contains some other new elements: ice with transitions to the water, a lighter (winter-)water version, snow-transition tiles to create a transition to the grassland tileset and some more objects.
the preview images don't show all tiles because it contains a lot of tiles, some with a few extra variations as in the original grassland tileset
source files are included, the tileset is included in three versions: as whole tileset images, as strips from the montage tool and as seperated images (render output).
render settings are the same used in the flare tileset too.
edit: added some more objects, rotten tower, broken tower and temple entrance, also added / fixed a few other things

Very nice work. But I would suggest to structurize tilesets so they would be compatible with current grassland tileset (as a result we will need minimal effort to integrate your work into flare. )
So the idea is next
1. We need such structure for winter tileset to write maps in Tiled. If you add new objects, add them to separate file, so all the rest objects in files are located in the same places as in grassland
2. We need all tiles in one file, as it's done for grassland. All new objects should be added in the end, starting from new line.
3. As a result we will create tileset definition file with minimal effort, just by adding tiles, not present in grassland to the end of file. This will implement your idea about having the same map in grass and winter version with minimal effort.
Note, that there is no need to change current images, just add new package.
i don't really know, if it is that, what you mean, i attached a single image version to the tileset to the other 2 files.
i also noticed a small issue, the normal water (not the lighter winter version) of my tileset is different as the water in the original tileset
Yes, looks like it's what we need, also it would be nice to get folder for Tiled, but this should be not a problem, as Tiled uses final tileset file, but just splitted into few files. Thanks for your work, I will ask someone more familiar with Tiled to import your work into flare-game.
Hello. I have commited your tileset into noname mod repository. I didn't test it, but all tiles except one from tileset_ice and tileset_other should work now in both flare and Tiled. These two last will require integrating into Tiled rules and writing tileset definitions for flare.
But there still can be some issues, you can try and test, maybe some offsets are incorrect, etc. One thing I have noticed that tents are not split in snowplains.png, which is used by Tiled.
Hello rubberduck. There are some issues with your tileset, which should be fixed to correctly use it in Tiled/Flare. You are the artist, so fixing them should not be a problem for you.
One notice, if some tiles, that are present in grassland tileset do not need editing, they still should be present in winter tileset, as we can use only one tileset per map and can't combine tilesets. So.
1. We need winter version of teleports (if not edited, then just copied). Should be placed in next files:
* Original here:
* In the same position as in grassland
2. We need winter versions of broken tower and temple entrance (if not edited, then just copied)
* In the same position as in grassland
3. As mentioned, tents in have incorrect placing.
4. Add rotten tower to
5. Path markers are missing from and (its that blue markers, the same location as in grassland)
6. Water tiles are missing from and (the same location as in grassland)
If you can do this, please send pull request to noname-mod repository.
Here you can find needed blend/texture files, or here at opengameart. (
After fixing this, I will try to add tileset definitions to snowplains_other and snowplains_ice, so all tiles work.
i will change/ add these parts next, but i don't have time the next days.
Nice version, thanks for your work !
i have fixed some issues and added some objects too,if ok and if needed will send a pull request soon too.
Nice work, thanks a lot. Noticed few issues.
1, You didn't add teleports to snowplains_tileset_final.png
2. Also rotten tower, but this is not essential. (to snowplains_tileset_final.png and in separate file)
3. Path markers should be copied also to snowplains_tileset_final.png
4. snowplains_water.png You forgot to add updated version to (by mistake?). snowplains_tileset_final.png was updated accordingly as I see...
Also thanks for grass background fix!
I can commit changes without pull request, just by updating files using new one you have placed here, so it's not essential for you to send pull request.
Thanks for your awesome work, waiting for fixing remaining issues. Sorry that I gave you more work, just want to be sure all is perfect. I will ask other devs and it is possible that we will intergate snow tileset in game core, not only in noname mod.
updated again
Thanks a lot, pushed to noname mod. Also I guess we really will add your tileset to flare core, we have votes already...
Could you also look into this if have time?
Added few fixes inside repository, just for your knowledge
Thanks you very much.
I use your arts in my game.
(Retaliation of Devils(ROD))
Sorry I am not good at English.