2d Lost Garden Zelda style tiles resized to 32x32 with additions
- Don't list this collection in the archive RPG
- !Project::a future KISS Fantasy RPG
- 2d
- 2D - RPG Tiles
- 2D 32x32
- 2D assets
- 2D Fantasy Survival Horror
- 2D game
- 2D Game Art, Music, and Sound Effects I like
- 2D tiles
- 2D::Tile::Orthogonal
- 32x32 ambient
- 32x32 Fantasy Tiles
- A Pool: Unsorted (GDN)
- Andruil RPG
- Art used in Dusk Graphical MUD
- Base pixel art for 3D pixelish RPG
- Best Orthogonal (rectangular) Tilesets for Tilemaps
- Billys Revenge artwork
- cc-by-3 possible game kits and gfx
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- Key Pan Blah Me See By Say He She May Game Co
- lichverse
- Loot run
- LPC Art Collection + Others
- LPC RPG Assets
- Medicine's disordered list of Fantasy RPG Tilesets
- My Game
- My Game Sprites
- NOT CC0 Tiles & Tilesets
- Orthogonal Fantasy 32x RPG Graphics | CC0 or CC-BY
- peri
- Planets
- reverie lost
- Rockwood village
- RPG Game
- RPG Stuff Collection
- RPG Tiles
- RpgMakerAssets
- Shadow Alchemy
- SmartPoints Example Game
- SNES Style RPG
- Stendhal
- Stendhal Potential
- Terrain transitions
- The Weary Adventurer
- Theme - Fantasy Sprites
- THEME: fantasy / rpg
- Tile Sets
- tileset
- Tilesets
- Tilesets
- Tilesets and Backgrounds (PixelArt)
- Top Down 2D JRPG 32x32 Art Collection
- Top Down Fantasy RPG for Commercial Use
- Top Down Rpg
- Top Down RPG Pixel Art
- Top-down 2D RPG
- TopDown RPG
- topdown tiles
- Tower Defense Art
- Trees: Mega Pack CC-BY 3.0
- Trevas
- Ultimate TableTop
- Used in Hero of Allacrost
- Used in Valyria tear
- Viewpoint - Orthogonal Sprites
- WildDog
- Zelda Like RPG
- zombie-buster project
Daniel Cook's tiles from http://www.lostgarden.com/2006/07/more-free-game-graphics.html resized to 32x32 pixels (with Jetrel's help). I know that most games use 32 pixels as the standard size so I decided to try and make my favorite mountain tileset usable for most games. I had to remove some variation tiles because of cross licensing and unknown authors. So I've decided to create my own new variation tiles so we know who made them, me! This is a way for me to improve my pixel skills :)
Jetrel took Dans art (40x40) and resized them to (32x32) for use in Hero Of Allacrost. http://www.allacrost.org/
Bertram made a fork of Hero of Allacrost called 'Valyria Tear'. http://valyriatear.blogspot.com/ He polished some pixels to make his game look better.
I noticed the tileability of Jetrel's work resizing wasn't matching up smooth so I made modifications trying to make it better. It's still not perfect but it's alot better then it was. I also made some variation tiles as well as the flower, fern, and bush.
Saphy's tall grass from http://opengameart.org/content/the-mana-worldforest-tileset looked so nice in this tileset I contacted her through The Mana World forums and got her permission to add it in this tile set. http://forums.themanaworld.org/
We might use these tiles in this old school MUD style online RPG project I'm helping with called "Dusk". Check it out and keep your eye on it's development. It's similar to The Mana World.

Thanks for providing all that info!
Please double-check that vbgore.com uses the same license for art assets and update the submission, after all their license most likely requires attribution and you're not naming the people who made the cave entrance, additions and variations.
EDIT: flagged for license issue because pretty sure Dan's work is CCBY3 only and not GPL. Checking now.
I wasn't sure what license Dan's art was, sorry I am totally new at this. I just added CCBY3 to the license. I will look into vbgore.com and see who needs credit and check their license out sorry about not reserching it throughly before.
Hi Zabin,
According to the fire spot, the removal of the red dots on the hills centers, and the addition of the variation of stone ground, the original image is coming from ValyriaTear:
Added in May, the 24th:
Unless otherwise told, the additions are property of Jetrel (Richard Kettering) and GPLv2 due to the former licensing done in Allacrost. I'd be completely glad if he agree to license his work to CCbySA3.0 or CCby3.0 for instance, and btw. ;)
As for the rest, the cave entrance, the barrel, the sign, the box, and the new stone, I can't tell, but hope they are openly licensed. :)
Hi Bertram,
I made these tiles for you ;) and for me if I ever make my own game. Good work with Valyria Tear so far.
Yes the original tileset came from your game. I completely redone the mountain tiles to look more like the original art. So they are definately not the property of Jetryl. The one Jetryl done look blurred out IMO and mine are sharper looking and still have the red dots so are more like the original. You can't see that from such a small view of the tiles.
I changed every mountain tile, every gravel tile, pavement to gravel.
I didn't change the grass, the new stone variation, the fire spot, the trees, the suit of armor, or the few rocks.
I thought Len and Saphy's tall grass fit nicely into the tileset.
So I've been reserching about the licenses,
Lost Garden--- http://lunar.lostgarden.com/labels/License.html , Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. So I don't understand how Jetryl can license it GPLv2?
VBgore--- http://www.vbgore.com/VbGore_SP ,Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. Then I see--- http://www.vbgore.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=46 which says there is no license. So I decided to email Spodi, the main programmer, and ask him who should be credited. Here's what he said,
vbGORE never had any license attached to it, so it is basically "do whatever you want". I do remember asking Dan Cook if it was alright if I used those tiles in the vbGORE engine, and he said yes. But I don't remember much outside of that. Also, I don't remember where most any of the other tiles came from since most all of vbGORE's graphics were arranged by others. But I do remember that the character sprites were created by another user, and that all the ugly graphics were created by me.
"So in short, no more licenses. vbGORE will be and for now on, is free forever."
http://vbgore.googlecode.com/svn-history/r52/trunk/Code/Client/Declares.... There's some license information and credits for contributors.
Sorry for posting such a long post but I don't understand this whole licensing free open source. You'd think because it's free open source you'd be allowed to use it right? Free as in freedom! I guess I could delete the added stuff because we don't know who to credit, then it should be good right?
Hi Zabin,
I'm very glad you took the time to ask and find the what and what-not about those pieces of art. :)
I'll definitely take the time to compare the current and new tilesets with the addition you made once we sort out the content license of it all.
I hope Len and Saphy will agree to make the licensing of the herb fit the current tileset since I totally agree with you, it would fit perfectly. :)
Looking forward the final outcome of it.
Best regards,
I've spoken with Jetrel and he says his contributions are CC0, so his part of the licensing is taken care of.
Correct, art which has unknown author and is potentially protected by copyright under unknown terms cannot be put on OGA.org. Please cut them out and update the preview, if you can't find the info.
The statement """vbGORE never had any license attached to it, so it is basically "do whatever you want".""" is wrong. See #1 of copymyths.
I removed the flag so you should be able to fix it.
I'm confused by the title of this submission by the way. :) Maybe I'm just not getting it.
Hi qubodup,
I agree with you about the title, I didn't think it sounded right when I typed it. The folder that had the tiles was called 2d Circle Graphic which refered to all the tiles. This is just the woodland set which has a Zelda like look to it. I've changed it to a better topic ;)
I removed the art done by unknown artist's. Sorry I didn't know these things. I'll try and contact Len and Saphy to see if I could add their art work.
Hey Bertram, if you downloaded the tileset anytime today it might have flaws since I was trying to erase those tiles really fast I made a allinement mistake. It's fixed now. I've tested them out on your game by switching them out and I think they are an improvement. I definately think the new ground tiles are better but both mountain tilesset's are good. Test them and let me know what you think, variety is the spice of life.
I plan on drawing my own cave enterence and variations. So in a couple days I should have that and hopefully Len and Saphy's ok to use their art. Then I'll feel this is complete.
Hi Zabin,
Ah thanks for telling, I was just wondering about it. ;)
I've made a quick try on the new version, and I'll make sure to compare images of the game with both tilesets more thoroughly later on.
If you're in variations and upgrades, may I suggest to slightly decrease the outline or the trees and the stones? IMHO, those are too eye catchy for simple setting pieces.
If you can't, don't worry, I'll do it myself. ;)
I plan to change the trees and everything else. I'm a pixel art newbie so what I do takes me some time. So it's going to take me awhile but I should add something new every few days. I wanted to get the first draft here so I could get some input. If you like something I polished, awesome, if you don't I won't be offended ;) I'm completely new at pixel art.
Hi again,
Don't worry, you'll see no pressure done from me. ;) (or I hope so.)
I'll try to comment the work done in a constructive way once I've got the time to test it.
Best regards,
Hi Zabin,
I've tried both tilesets for some times now and here is my opinion on the modifications you made:
Note that this is my humble opinion as I'm no expert in this area.
There are positive and negative sides about the modification, I'll start by the negative points:
- The modified tileset has got vertical artifacts everywhere that you might have noticed and maybe it's part of your technique. In any case, you'll notice them right away when comparing both.
- I don't know if it was intended, but it seems like you lowered the number of color used, maybe to achieve that 'sharper' effect you're seeking. The point is that when looking at it as a whole (and in game btw), the little stones shape, and the hill borders are too undefined.
- You still have a horizontal offset shift to the right on certain tiles.
Now, the positive ones:
+ I like the work done on the grey stones grounds, they are mouch more precise while not being messy.
+ Also the herb place on hill borders looks better that way, more lively and less blurry.
+ I don't know whether you worked on the tileability, but it feels a bit better now.
Anyway, keep it up :)
Best regards,
Hi Bertram,
I agree with everthing you said about the modification. I think the vertical artifacts are caused mainly from my little stones tile. The little stones shape doesn't stand out enough so your right about it being too undefined. I've started making it more defined the other day but haven't finished yet.
I'm not sure which tiles are offset, but you did say the tileability feels better now and that was my main improvement I was going for :) I know it's still not perfect but I feel the tiles fit together better.
Thanks for comparing them and giving me your input. I saw the same flaws in it but it's good to get someone else's opinion on it. I'm glad you liked some of it and I am continuing improving on it.
Hi Zabin,
I'm glad you've kept working on it :)
Don't worry too much about the horizontal shifting, since it will be unnoticeable in game if the tileability is correct, anyway.
I'm looking forward the next version of it. ;)
Best regards,
Hi again,
I worked on my little stones, got rid of the vertical artifacts and tried making each stone more defined. I think the little rocks stand out alot better now.
I also added little stones in a darker shade with the transition tiles from light to dark stones.
I plan on making the cliff stones more defined but thats going to take me awhile. I also plan on making cave enterence and the 4 corners of the brown stone path. As i'm improving these tile's i'm testing them out and trying to make them fit together nicely because I noticed the old tileset's tilability doesn't match smoothly at all. Mine are better but not perfect yet.
It took me some time to make my cave enterence since I had to learn about using gradients to make the gravel fade to black. I think the plants hanging in front look cool but the rock I made might not fit in just right. Should I move it or take it out and add some plants there instead?
What do I have to do to be allowed to add Len and Saphy's tall grass? Since Dan Cook's art was licensed CCBY3, why can't I take another free art made by Len GPL2 and combine them together in the same tileset and just mark it with both licenses and specify in the description which tiles belong to those licenses?
1. This is more than just Dan's set - it has some other stuff added to it? In that case you have to make sure it's clear that the title indicates that it is not exactly Dan's set (add "with additions" for example).
2. You have to list every author (including original creator - Danc) and the changes they made. Use the attribution field for this for example. In the "author name" field, you should probably add " and others"
3. "vbgore is a open source game engine so I'm pretty sure the new tiles are legal to use." is sitll in your text. Is it still true? The guess is not enough to be sure I'm afraid.
4. To my knowledge CCBY and GPL are not compatible and it is legally impossible to distribute an image file that contains both CCBY and GPL images, since it would have to comply with both licenses, which is impossible (CCBY adds restrictions while GPL prohibits adding restrictions for example.)
You could ask Dan and all the people who made changes to this set for permission to use GPL or ask the other set's owner for permission to use it under CCBY...
Thanks for the point about GPL/CCby image files, I was myself unclear with it, and I'll react accordingly.
Thank you qubodup for all that info! I added "with additions" to the title. Added attributation and explained who is responsible for what. Cleared the unnessary info about vbgore since there is nothing in the tileset which came from there anymore. Also thanks for letting me know about the combining licenses question I had.
I would like to add Len's tall grass from The Mana World Forest tileset because it fits in perfectly. I hope I get in touch with him and hopefully he'd be ok with his tall grass being added to this tileset. If anyone knows how to get in touch with him please let him know that his artwork would fit in perfectly with this tileset and that it would be nice for this tileset to be more complete.
Hi Zabin,
Len has an account here:
so you can easily contact him through the contact tab, (hopefully):
Thanks for the many additions, I'll try them out asap.
Best regards,
Hi Zabin,
I tried the latest version (11) of the mountain tileset and I must say I love the work you've done there :D
Most of the artifacts are gone, and tileability has improved! + nice additions so far!
I truely think I'll use from now on if you don't mind about it.
While on it, here is your version with a reduced outline of the two stones on bottom right:
Best regards,
Ah btw, got news from Len about the grass?
Hi Bertram,
I just remembered reading in the Mana World forums that Saphy did most of the plants for the forest tileset. So I contacted her through the forums message system earlier today and got a reply from her really fast. Here's what she said.
Hi Slobovian,
I don't know of Daniel Cooks, but you can go ahead and use the tall grass tileset. I haven't really polished it up to include more varietion. You are free to make changes and enhance it.
I used GIMP draw it.
Sweet! Thanks alot Saphy!
I've worked on the tileability of the gravel to grass so it's even better now! I agree with you about the mountain rock edges not being defined enough so I took the old mountain (more defined) and added my new plants (more lively) to get the best of both tilesets! I also added your reduced outline of the 2 rocks.
Bertram, I would be honored if you use my tileset in your game :) I think my tileset is definately an upgrade. They fit together better, more variations, and my mountain plants look more lively.
I feel like I've almost completed the tileability so in the next version there will be more props.
Eh eh. I already does. ;)
It's not the latest version (I'll upgrade asap, but the honor is mine :])
EDIT: I'll also add you in the credits ;)
Thanks a lot!!
Thanks, I'm glad you like it.
I just added new stones and a darker version of the tall stone. I also tried to take out the line on the cliff meeting gravel. I plan to add more but I'm going to take a break for while.
hi zabin! i would like to use this tileset for a flash-based game that i'm working on, if you are ok with it. please answers soon
Hello Aisen! Yes, please use these tiles! I'm polishing up this tileset because I would like to play a game using these tiles. If your game is available for play I would love to check it out :)
I'm still adding to and polishing up this tileset, so check back every couple weeks and there will be new stuff.
If I ever get time to learn programming, I plan on making a online RPG game using this old game engine "Dusk" written in Java. The battle system and PVP clan system is addicting. Back in the day when Dusk was popular there was 3 or 4 Dusk worlds online. I thought the game scripting was very easy for anyone to learn and make their own world. The gameplay is good enough IMO, but I think the GUI needs upgraded to make Dusk look more new. I want to learn programming so I can upgrade that and also fix up the walking animation and have layers on the game. I would love to do that but I dunno if I can learn java :( sorry for rambeling on about my game ;) Good luck with yours.
its not available yet but im trying my best to make it be :D
wish you good luck with your game :D
btw there are some few other great tilesets from lostgarden.com, but they are in a bad form.i mean i need them 32x32 :D
if you can also make them 32x32 i will be the happiest human :D
You mean the house interior and exterior on lostgarden.com right? They are already resized to 32x32 by Jetrel, i'm pretty sure, for Hero of Allacrost. The guy "Roots" quit making Hero of Allacrost so this cool guy "Bertram" made a fork called "Valyria Tear" which uses all of the great art work done for Hero of allacrost.
Here's Bertram's game- http://valyriatear.blogspot.com/
I think the tilesets your asking for is called mountain_house_exterior,(2), and Mountain_house_interior. Which is available on his git repository located here- https://github.com/Bertram25/ValyriaTear/tree/master/img/tilesets
Keep up the good work Bertram!
Hi, :)
@Aisen: It's true, check the tilesets out if you want while also checking for the LICENSES file to know about the copying info.
@Zabin Thanks a lot! I'm on it ;)
While speaking about all that, you might want both to have a look at those files which could become a great tileset, too:
look at the pack! http://www.lostgarden.com/files/CircleTextures.zip
I'll keep on checking that thread from time to time and update my files accordingly. :)
Best regards,
@Zabin thank you for showing me those ones!
@Bertram i'll make sure to check those ones too!:D good job with the tileset :D
Best Regards,
@ Bertram Thanks for pointing out the circle textures. I've seen them before but now that I'm getting a little better at pixel art, I see how I can utilize them. It looks like they could be potential ground tiles, but since they are 128x128 it's kinda impossible to make them 32x32. There's a wood texture which I can use to make my own barrel :) Nice plant texture I can convert into a nice looking bush :) I'll play with it and see what I can come up with in the next version.
@Zabin: Great to see there could be good work made out of this :)
By the way, I'll update my tileset to use your latest version.
Best regards,
Hi @Bertram! I wanted to ask you about the licenses at the https://github.com/Bertram25/ValyriaTear/tree/master/img/tilesets. Are they free to use? i would love to use them in my game as well!
Hi @Aisen, :)
Just go for it!
The licensing information is in this file:
Looking forward to play your game. :)
Hey @Aisen, Yep they are free to use :) You just have to give credit by including the license information. If I ever make my own game I would use those tiles also :P I don't think anyone would mind seeing a few games with those tilesets, they're the best! Looking foward to play your game also :)
Hello, :-]
I've filled up the tileset completely.
New stuff- 4 corners for stone path, some ground variation tiles, cave enterence variations, fern, flower bush, and saw grass. It took me while to make the fern look alright but I think the new plants look pretty good.
Good news about my game :-) I've contacted one of the old developer's and he says he's still interested in reviving the game. He bought the old website it was originally hosted on and updated it about a week ago.
Right now he's working on the GUI client code to make it look more modern. The old(ancient) GUI pops up on the main site if you want to see how old of a game this is :P (server is offline) He's explained to me it's coded with antiquated code (Java1.3!) and he's rewriting it in new Java. He's just getting back into this project and I want to help motivate him by getting more people interested in this old school online RPG. So check in every week or so to watch his progress and if you have something to say join Dusk's forums(unfortuneately his captcha isn't working ATM).
Hi Zabin!
Congrats for al the additions, I'll make sure to check your website once in a while.
Looking forward to play your game. :)
Best regards,
Hello again :)
I noticed a small mess up on that last version I uploaded. Fixed it.
I have a WIP of the snow tiles that go with these tiles. You can check them out if you look in the Dusk Classic forums.
If the developer inplements what we are talking about, it's going to be a very nice online game similar to The Mana World. Right now he's completely redoing the client's GUI and trying to get character animation working and layers. If he accomplishes that I will be impressed because I know then people will be interested in this game. :-) Check in every week for updates.
Hi Zabin,
thanks for all the hard-work. You might consider adding the snow tileset as an improvement of this one, maybe:
For everyone, here is the link:
Best regards, :)
All of these graphics are very impressive.
I apologize if this has already been asked, but I have used one of your rock/ground tiles in a racing game called Leaf Racer I made at the following site: http://www.gilbertfamilyfarm.com/games/LeafRacer/LeafRacer.php.
Do I give you credit by copying the following text to my website?
Daniel Cook made the original tiles size 40x40. Jetrel resized Dans work to 32x32 pixels, added new stone path, fireplace, and gave the trees more variety. Saphy made the tall grass for the Mana World forest tileset and gave me permission to use them in this tileset :) Thank you Saphy! I use Jetrel's resized version as placeholder and copied the colors of the original and pasted over Jetrel's work to resemble the original more. I also took the darker shade gravel and made the variation tiles to go from light to dark gravel using my own version of both shades. I also made the new cave entrance while looking at Len's Forest tileset as inspiration.
@familyfarm Yep, these tiles are pretty awesome. I just re-worded the attribution instructions to simplify it to a short sentence. So copy the new simplified shortened text of the attribution instructions and provide the links as well and you'll be just fine ;-)
Thank you!
Thank you for getting the licensing stuff all cleared up, and for all your work on this! This makes the Lost Garden Circle tilesets much more accessible/usable in games, especially with the CC-BY license.
I would like to get the game on mindjolt, but they will not allow any 3rd party links. Is there any way I can just post the attribution instructions in the game without the link?
cÒóL !! Thanks for sharing ;)
I'm using this in my lateral-thinking puzzle game, Compass Rose.
I use the cave floor tile, and some remixes of it, in my tileset: https://opengameart.org/content/cave-puzzle-tileset-three-quarters-cheat-perspective
Thanks for sharing it so generously!