Progress pic thread! (Show us what you're working on!)
In the spirit of free and open collaboration, I thought we needed a place to show off what we're working on (and get criticisms hopefully)!
I decided to go with a Horror-theme myself, and start working on art assets inspired from different horror games, film and stories. While it could have trouble fitting in with the original art set, I like horror too much. And there aren't many libre Horror-focussed stuff, and even say, an RPG could hypothetically use bits of for more gothic/demonic areas.
First off I made a chain-link tile-set, inspired from the chain-link floors in Silent Hill.
While I like it, it's a bit too detailed for the rest of the art set. However I still have the xcf, so the noise etc can be fairly easily removed. (I'll find a place to upload the xcf)
Next I decided to start work on an animation inspired from the Jacob's Ladder head shake effect.
For those who don't know Jacob's Ladder (WARNING! YOU MAY FIND THIS DISTURBING!):
Also have an xcf, I'll get to finding places to upload them.
Comments/Criticism welcome! Or just post your own stuff!
Hi daneeklu,
Yes, i meant a simple few logs stacked in a triangular pack for instance ;)
The sack you just made would gladly go along as a outdoor prop for a village map, btw.
I also take the opportunity to say that your work is simply amazing, IMO. :)
Best regards,
@melior: are you still going to adapt those spells?
@wulax: if you dont animate the horse, can you please just make the standing frame for each direction so I can animate it badly for my game?
@daneeklu: did you ever make the side view turtle shell? could you please? i will just use front for back and flip side for the other side.
thanks guys :) everything looks awesome
Gah, running out of time... I was hoping to have a full mage set, but I don't think I'll have time to do male clothing. So my submission will (hopefully) be a full female mage set of clothing/accessories plus a few spells for her to use. Maybe a staff, too, but no promises (on any of that).
@Melior: I made a staff
@wulax: I dont want to be pushy and I know that it would be a little late and might interefere with your plans but we probably will need cloth as armor as well. He should have slash/thrust/bow fire/walk/die animations to be compatible. Also, can you create one or two additional thrust weapons? We probably will have alot of slash weapons. May be another smaller/shorter bow, but the we already have would do fine as well.
I might add a suggestion too, we wont be having magic (probably) but it would be pretty nice to have casting animations for your characters.
Thanks alot
@gr3yh47: front animation of turtle shell would probably look good for sides as well.
@FeralFantom: Looks nice, good job.
@daneeklu: Very nice shading on the meat and sacks, they look awesome.
@gr3yh47: As I said on IRC, I will probably give it a try after the art contest is over.
@cemkalyoncu: I'll do those things if I have the time.
I finished the full plate animations I think:

@wulax: Looks great. Is the casting animation also included? (I don't see it in the gif)
@cemkalyoncu I dont know why you would think we'll have plenty of slash weapons, since only one or 2 have been shown here. also the turtle shell doesnt work for my application of the side view due to animation timing :p
@greyhat: Most of competition is going on privately (at least I hope so) and the guidelines contains slash animation and slash weapons.
@cemkalyoncu i hope you're right, too. but there's just no way to know i suppose.
@wulax: That knight looks really nice! I can't wait to see all your finished characters next to each other.
@gr3yh47: If I find time and energy, I might do sideview of the turtle shell. It probably won't take long but other things have taken priority.
@Bertram: I made a wood pile with some variations. Here they are, next to some smithing equipment. Hope you like it.
@daneeklu: Those blacksmith tools looks really cute, well done.
@Ghosa, Sure, here they are:
I made a robed guy too. The cloth animations aren't very realistic but looks ok I think.
Hi daneeku,
Thanks a lot for those! The palette used is very refreshing, and great to see some variations on it!
The smith element is a formidable addition, too. :)
Speaking of which, I wondered, where and/or when are the new sprites being collected and put in shape for use in the LPC apps?
Best regards,
@daneeklu: great improvement. those tools look awesome.
@wulax: how do you make those animations so fast? it usually takes me a long time. (well I guess that might be because I am not an artist or pixel artist lol).
@Bertram: I think you add them here . I have been too lazy to put my stuff on but hopefully I will do it today (hopefully it won't take long cause I did not make much stuff ಠ_ಠ ugh)
I finished and submitted my contest entry so I'll make it available here too:
It contains the skeleton, combat dummy, thrust and bow animations, clothes, armor and weapons that I have posted in this thread.
Repost of some of them and other examples:
A readme is provided in the archive with various information.
@dethe: I have found that when you have already made some basic parts of animations most of them can be modified and combined in various ways to make future animations easier and faster. Look in the archive I posted for the Gimp files if you are curious how I structure the workflow in Gimp. It still takes quite a lot of hours to make a complete set of clothes/armor though. Not sure if I can give any more suggestions than this.
Oh my god, thank you wulax. Good luck in the art competition :D I know you will get 1st or second.
EDIT: may I ask where in the folders can you find the dark skinned character?
it's gr3yh47.
and wow, wulax, amazing job. thanks for releasing everything in an archive and with the source files too. yay!
now crunch time for me...
@wulax: I think we will only use your chars, good job with the tunic and trousers. I would say good luck with the competition but I dont think you will need it ;)
@dethe: I didn't bother including any of the alternate color versions or even save them after I created the preview animations. It is quite trivial for users to change it themselves with something like Gimp or ImageMagick:
Light skin to darker:
convert male_walkcycle.png -fuzz 5% -fill #b88751 -opaque #fbece6 -fill #996b4a -opaque #f7c6a4 -fill #996b4a -opaque #efb189 -fill #996b4a -opaque #fdd5b7 -fill #744b30 -opaque #eaa377 -fill #62351c -opaque #d28560 -fill #3e2613 -opaque #9e3e37 dark_male_walkcycle.png
Blue eyes to more brown color:
convert dark_male_walkcycle.png -fuzz 1% -fill #c4b59f -opaque #50d4ec -fill #b19998 -opaque #5187b3 -fill #4b444c -opaque #293d4b dark_brown_eyes_male_walkcycle.png
There are probably better ways of doing this but these commands work ok.
The hair is easier:
convert hair.png -channel red -modulate 50,50,-110 dark_hair.png
Alternately you can do it visually in Gimp. It would probably be a better idea though to figure out some method of doing this in game instead of storing them as separate files...
EDIT: Some more fuzz was needed to get it right.
EDIT 2: Now the skin color script should work right :) Something went wrong before.
Wulax: wow, those are some awesome scripts :)
And an awesome archive. Can't wait to put those in-game!
@wulax: Very nice! I don't think there are better ways than that. Imagemagick has a bunch of language bindings to use them in game, or you could just use these scripts as-is on Linux and OSX (though you might have to write separate batch files for Windows).
Wow Wulax, that script to convert colors easily is a godsend.
I wasted nearly 3 hours on the following:
I was trying to do an ogre, but ended up doing all of these... I include the "big" size as a reference, as I hate having to zoom in to see the detail...
Sadly, I'm nowhere near as patient or taleneted as the above artists to actually do 96 frames like these... so... Pick 1 and I shall attempt to do as many fraames as I possibly can.
@Nushio: I like all of them. The shading looks best on Maskman and Darkness though.
I edited my previous post for changing skin color since I seem to have messed up some frames with non uniform colors :-/ New command is:
convert male_walkcycle.png -fuzz 5% -fill #b88751 -opaque #fbece6 -fill #996b4a -opaque #f7c6a4 -fill #996b4a -opaque #efb189 -fill #996b4a -opaque #fdd5b7 -fill #744b30 -opaque #eaa377 -fill #62351c -opaque #d28560 -fill #3e2613 -opaque #9e3e37 dark_male_walkcycle.png
Everyone liked Maskman, so I'm working on that one sprite:
Anyone feel like doing a cape?
You can find the spritesheet here:
As well as an xcf here: It has layers per body. Some of the groups are pretty unfinished, as it is an experiment after all :-)
@Nushio: your chars look pretty good. I would like to see all of them animated.
@wulax: I recently had time to check your submission throughly. There are two more animations you may want to draw for completeness. First one is shield with slash animation. This one would be pretty usefull. And the second is additional animations for skeletons. This will allow us to use skeletons as a race (or enemies) in our game. Think about skeleton archers. There is another one which I know would be a huge time hog and probably wont make it: female versions.
Today I will try to write a generic c++ functions that will perform color modifications.
2 requests before the art contest ends. An old tree with branches but no leaves and a gravestone.
I wish there were more things such as obstacles or buildings to populate the game world
For you dethe since I'm a nice fella :)
a bit light, I think it needs more time with the details, but it was a quick one.
And something I did yesterday
a tree stump, more art later when I submit
Thank you C.Nilsson it looks great
I did an easy color switcher that can be generic enough to be used in any game. You can find the code here:
I will also post test application as soon as we find a name for our game. Here is the screen shots. I know that they are not as good as wulax's way of switching colors but this one is alot easier and may support total random coloring.
My game is in html canvas. Im going to have it so you can choose your skincolor and haircolor. I think switching the colors in canvas is fairly simple.
One thing I would recomend is once a player picks some colors then the game can save a png file with the colorization that they chose so that you dont have to change it every frame of your game.
going to second that leafless tree request
still working on the male death animation
also doing a crpyt stlye building that wil probably be able to be used for more
not sure if I will do the woman
did a background image of like an open book
The desk is really crappy but im satisfied with the book
@cemkalyoncu: That color switcher looks quite interesting.
The slash animation isn't really designed to hold a shield, I think, since the arm swings behind the body. I tried working with it though and this is what I came up with:
Normal body cut:
With metal hat:
I updated the lpc_entry archive on dropbox to include this.
I might create more animations for the skeleton later. It will be a lot of work though. Female versions are unlikely in the near future.
@wulax: wont we need walking animation for the shield too? (not requesting, just thinking out loud :P)
Edit: wulax has pointed out that it is already included, pay no attention to me
@gr3yh47: You mean the walkcycle animation for the shield? That should already be included in the archive in png/walkcycle/WEAPON_shield...
Finished the hurt cycle for the dude:
I have no idea how to work the hat in the last frame, really it should be falling off, but there is no room in the image.
I might just have the guy be hatless.
Also finished the crpyt tileset along with a darker grass and dirt set to make a more night feel.
Made this mockup using C. Nilsson's graves and wulax's skeleton:
@wulax: shield looks perfect with slash animation. For the hats, I guess the drawing order should be reversed for north facing char since the hat should be infront. It might solve the issue for every large out there.
@FeralFantom: your dude looks awesome. And the game mockup as well. A nice story and it would a fun to play adventure game. Or may be puzzle ;)
I have updated the color switcher code. Better eye detection (hopefully), comments and license.
Did an FBI type guy who was easy because hes just a recolor of the other dude I did, but I also decided to give him a pistol to shoot.
I used wulax's bow animation to get the arm angles for shooting.
@FeralFantom: niiiice, will you consider adding gun animation to the dude as well?
FeralFantom: try this
Update on the fence! now also an entrance.
it's a bit hard to get right the first time, you have to look at the shadows to select the right tiles, it looks something like this, might fit your cemetery
@melior: How far did you get on the spells? I'd like to try to pixelize the ones you didnt get to
@feralphantom: are there frames where he draws the gun? will clothes that fit the bow animation fit the gun animation?
@gr3yh4:7I have a version of the fire, ice, and lightning spells, but the ice one took too long. I did a (bad) full paintover since I couldn't get gimp to give me something useful automatically. I'm not too crazy about how these are turning out, and the judges won't be too impressed with bad pixelized versions of good art, so these are very low priority.
@melior don't let it take up time you need for finishing entries you are happy with. would you mind at least finishing them sometime in july though?
Here's the entry by laetissima and me.
It has a lot of random stuff, but here's a quick explanation:
@pennomi: pretty nice stuff. will you consider modifying accessories for other animations. Esp facial hair is would really be nice. UI also looks pretty good. If I have time for it I will replace my current UI graphics with those for LPC stuff.
cemkalyoncu: Thanks! I didn't apply any of the facial features to the animations, but it's trivial (albeit time-consuming). I'll see if I can whip up a script that does it for me since that could end up being crazy long.
@pennomi: May I ask something extra? Can you color facial hair with yellow or another color. Automatic color switching cannot work for black as it contains no shadows.
@cemkalyoncu: If you mean the professor guy yeah I can do that,
@C. Nilsson: Those are sweet! I was actually thinking about how it needed gates
@gr3yh47: I didn't make a draw gun animation, I figured for most uses you would want an immediate firing reaction when the player shoots. I might be able to do something though.
As for the bow animation, it has the character standing sideways, so I just took the normal standing base and edited in the arms from the side and front bow, so the bow animations won't match, but it might be easy to edit the bow clothes and standing clothes together of any given clothing set.
FeralFantom: more stones for you!
You are a god among men