Hello Hapiel, amazing art, I have used this one for the tutorial and presentation of my android game:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fede.michimiu
Mentioned you in the credits. Thank you very much!
Hello ansimuz I have used this and many other of your arts in two android games:https://play.google.com/store/search?q=yosoychiro&hl=es_AR&gl=US
mentioned you on the credits.
Your art is amazing! Thank you!
Hello Bart, I have used your sound for a teleport on an android game:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fede.michimiuThank you and regards.
Hello themightyglider, I have used one of these sounds for when the character falls from a high altitude, it´s an android game:
so far only my friends played but several said they love this sound.
Thank you and regards.
Hello Centurion_of_war, this music is amazing, It is addictive, I have used it for 3 levesl in an android game: 9, 33 and 41:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fede.michimiu
Of course I have mentioned you in the credits. Thank you and regards.
Hello Centurion_of_war , I love this composition. Used it for several levels in an android game:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fede.michimiu
Hello wobbleboxx, I used some of these sounds for two different android games:
Hello there, I used your coin for two different android games:
Hello there, I used some of your furniture for the tutorial level of an android game:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fede.michimiu
Hello there, I used your cats for two different android games:https://play.google.com/store/search?q=yosoychiro&hl=es_AR&gl=USRegards.
Hello Hapiel, amazing art, I have used this one for the tutorial and presentation of my android game:
Mentioned you in the credits. Thank you very much!
Hello ansimuz I have used this and many other of your arts in two android games:
mentioned you on the credits.
Your art is amazing! Thank you!
Hello Bart, I have used your sound for a teleport on an android game:
Thank you and regards.
Hello themightyglider, I have used one of these sounds for when the character falls from a high altitude, it´s an android game:
so far only my friends played but several said they love this sound.
Thank you and regards.
Hello Centurion_of_war, this music is amazing, It is addictive, I have used it for 3 levesl in an android game: 9, 33 and 41:
Of course I have mentioned you in the credits. Thank you and regards.
Hello Centurion_of_war , I love this composition. Used it for several levels in an android game:
Thank you and regards.
Hello wobbleboxx, I used some of these sounds for two different android games:
Thank you and regards.
Hello there, I used your coin for two different android games:
Hello there, I used some of your furniture for the tutorial level of an android game:
Hello there, I used your cats for two different android games: