[LPC] Cats and Dogs
Tuesday, December 27, 2016 - 12:18
Art Type:
- Don't list this collection in the archive RPG
- 01. Pixel Art - Characters
- 2D::Profile::Creature
- 2D::Sprite::Orthogonal
- 2D::Sprite::Sidescroll
- 3 Frame Walk Cycles
- 3/4 Directional Sprite Sets
- A Simple Knight
- AK 2D Characters
- AK TopDown Characters
- Animals
- Animated top down creatures.
- AshenFarms
- Cats & Dogs
- Comb Hair
- Discontinuum
- Dungeon Slayer Art
- Epic Pixelart RPG
- Farm assets
- Impyrean options
- Into the Aether
- Loot run
- LPC - Creatures and animals
- LPC Animals
- LPC Art Collection + Others
- LPC Character Sprites
- LPC Collection
- LPC RPG Assets
- LPC-Compatible Sprites
- maybe assets for Magic
- Orcish Adventure!
- pixelart-game-by
- Project A - Mobs
- QuestTown prototype
- Random
- RPG (non LPC)
- RPG Characters
- RPG Game
- RPG Stuff Collection
- Stendhal
- Survival Game
- Top-down 2D RPG
- Use
- Vanguard
- [LPC] Collection
- [LPC] Farming
Cats and Dogs in the style of the Liberated Pixel Cup; walk animations in all 4 directions and some bonus sleeping images and eating animations. Four colors each.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
"[LPC] Cats and Dogs" Artist: bluecarrot16 License: CC-BY 3.0 / GPL 3.0 / GPL 2.0 / OGA-BY 3.0 Please link to opengameart: http://opengameart.org/content/lpc-cats-and-dogs
These are beautiful.
I have reworked them for use in Stendhal: https://opengameart.org/node/77694. We are currently replacing many of our old sprites & these are so helpful. Thank you so much!
Glad to hear these were useful!
Do you have a list of sprites somewhere that you're trying to replace? I'd be happy to help if possible!
The current list of sprites we are replacing is found here. And the list is still growing.
We are replacing some of our tilesets as well. So when I get to that, I will be looking at yours. ;)
Don't know if you noticed, but I added your LPC horses to Stendhal as well: https://opengameart.org/node/77472
Very nice cats! Thank you very much for creating them and uploading them here. I used the cats in a small game i created https://tzoop.itch.io/santa-claus-and-the-cats-and-the-bad-guys
Hello there, I used your cats for two different android games:
Some framed pictures of your kitties: https://opengameart.org/node/147653