Nice, but the thing is that Cethiel's dragon was actually 3d, despite what was he saying. He didn't released any source files to confirm otherwise and someone noticed that the Dragon properly tips over in the death animation, showing that the dragon was actually 3d. Sorry, but you can't do stuff like that in DragonBones software. Plus the whole body and tail reveal 3d details, which are simply too hard to do in 2D software.
Anyway, his work was quality stuff, not to diss him or anything, but as I said... source file :P
Which would have made all your work redundant. Well done, regardless!
Really cool stuff! I'll be making a lot of stuff like this soon in 3d (with renders) for my project Ancient Beast, first as dwellings for all the creatures. These should also be tagged as building(s)/structure(s) and such.
Indeed, I did more research and wwe talked in private quite a bit and came to the same conclusion.
Was just reading an artigle that Godot engine will reintegrate 2d atlases soon for example and there's also Texture Packer application.
I usually don't like this new new trend of mobile games as they all do fast 2d animations that make me cringe, since elements are always off and sliding around, creating an "uncanny" effect. But this dragon's animations quite good because of head/tail tip going sideways and the spikes of the body, creating dept properly. Anyway, I've just checked the death animation and besides some issue with the spikes from the back legs going through the body, this is mind blowing, making me very confused as it seems totally 3d... hmm... SW = software, yeah, I managed to download and install DragonBones on Linux, gave it a go, but yeah, talked about Blender/Synfig alternatives and perhaps even Godot and Tupi 2d at some point.
I really enjoyed Heroes of Might and Magic 3, but I think it used 3d prerendered creatures, not fully sure though. Seen some timelapse of the HD remake where the artist was just drawing on top of the old stuff, making 2d animation with sprite parts, but that could be perhaps because the team didn't had access to the old 3d models to simply render the stuff at higher resolution or something, dunno. Hopefully I'll eventually find out, I might ask in the community forum since there are plenty of modders around there.
Bumped into that software before, no linux version though sadly. Perhaps it might work with Wine or something...
Cool, go for the spritesheets, that's a total must. Also a folder with previews as gifs for all the animations would be a nice thing. It's good that you included a "Read Me" file with your Patreon link, you should also mention your OGA link in there, because people tend to download a lot of stuff and they don't know where they got it from or who made it by the time they get to make use of it xD
Regarding the dragon, I'm amazed that the head / tail have a 3d effect to it, which tbh I was only expecting that when exporting from 3d software, so I take it that in this software you made those from multiple sprites and the you managed the 3d effect by squashing parts and moving the ones behind, kind of like paralax effect? Usually avoided looking into 2d animation editors like that just because the animations would feel too flat overall :D
Oh and one more thing: Pretty much nobody uses animated sprites in separate files nowadas.
Also sprite sheets are quite redundant overall, see reasoning below!
The golden goose is to have animation from Dragon Bones exported as sprite sheet with the dragon parts and a JSON file with the animation data. That's the most optimized and reusable thing possible. For example I use Phaser-CE for me game and Dragon Bones can export to Pixi, which is the graphical rendering engine for it. This way I could customize the dragon itself and even add new animations or reuse animations between various characters. So you should provide the dragon sprite sheet in a folder along with animation JSON, plus export as Dragon Bones project format ideally, at least as a bonus thing for your Patreon, it would be the ultimate catch for getting new Patreons and making people happy ;-)
Those sprite sheets could be further optimized using a service like which really cuts off a lot of the size without quality compromises, you could optimize those yourself or offer a tip in the "Read Me".
Looks awesome! What software was it btw? I'm a linux guy and have a free open source project where I need to do things along these lines as well...
Regarding my project, going for animations exported from blender, using our Spritify addon
You should usually export the animations as sprite sheets as well btw, because that helps with compression a ton and also improves speed when importing stuff, especially for web based games, since less server requests are being done, which are somewhat slow overall.
Nice work! Just what I needed for Chimera's Disturbing Sound attack and it's even animated, woot!
Nice, but the thing is that Cethiel's dragon was actually 3d, despite what was he saying. He didn't released any source files to confirm otherwise and someone noticed that the Dragon properly tips over in the death animation, showing that the dragon was actually 3d. Sorry, but you can't do stuff like that in DragonBones software. Plus the whole body and tail reveal 3d details, which are simply too hard to do in 2D software.
Anyway, his work was quality stuff, not to diss him or anything, but as I said... source file :P
Which would have made all your work redundant. Well done, regardless!
Looks great, especially considering the amount of time it was done!
I might make some tutorial or small book about how to create a tiny RPG using Phaser 3.x and Tiled along with this pack and other stuff from OGA :3
Really cool stuff! I'll be making a lot of stuff like this soon in 3d (with renders) for my project Ancient Beast, first as dwellings for all the creatures. These should also be tagged as building(s)/structure(s) and such.
Indeed, I did more research and wwe talked in private quite a bit and came to the same conclusion.
Was just reading an artigle that Godot engine will reintegrate 2d atlases soon for example and there's also Texture Packer application.
I usually don't like this new new trend of mobile games as they all do fast 2d animations that make me cringe, since elements are always off and sliding around, creating an "uncanny" effect. But this dragon's animations quite good because of head/tail tip going sideways and the spikes of the body, creating dept properly. Anyway, I've just checked the death animation and besides some issue with the spikes from the back legs going through the body, this is mind blowing, making me very confused as it seems totally 3d... hmm... SW = software, yeah, I managed to download and install DragonBones on Linux, gave it a go, but yeah, talked about Blender/Synfig alternatives and perhaps even Godot and Tupi 2d at some point.
I really enjoyed Heroes of Might and Magic 3, but I think it used 3d prerendered creatures, not fully sure though. Seen some timelapse of the HD remake where the artist was just drawing on top of the old stuff, making 2d animation with sprite parts, but that could be perhaps because the team didn't had access to the old 3d models to simply render the stuff at higher resolution or something, dunno. Hopefully I'll eventually find out, I might ask in the community forum since there are plenty of modders around there.
Looks pretty good. As feedback: the feet kinda tiny overall.
This is pretty good stuff, I like it, might even use it in Ancient Beast perhaps! :)
Bumped into that software before, no linux version though sadly. Perhaps it might work with Wine or something...
Cool, go for the spritesheets, that's a total must. Also a folder with previews as gifs for all the animations would be a nice thing. It's good that you included a "Read Me" file with your Patreon link, you should also mention your OGA link in there, because people tend to download a lot of stuff and they don't know where they got it from or who made it by the time they get to make use of it xD
Regarding the dragon, I'm amazed that the head / tail have a 3d effect to it, which tbh I was only expecting that when exporting from 3d software, so I take it that in this software you made those from multiple sprites and the you managed the 3d effect by squashing parts and moving the ones behind, kind of like paralax effect? Usually avoided looking into 2d animation editors like that just because the animations would feel too flat overall :D
Oh and one more thing: Pretty much nobody uses animated sprites in separate files nowadas.
Also sprite sheets are quite redundant overall, see reasoning below!
The golden goose is to have animation from Dragon Bones exported as sprite sheet with the dragon parts and a JSON file with the animation data. That's the most optimized and reusable thing possible. For example I use Phaser-CE for me game and Dragon Bones can export to Pixi, which is the graphical rendering engine for it. This way I could customize the dragon itself and even add new animations or reuse animations between various characters. So you should provide the dragon sprite sheet in a folder along with animation JSON, plus export as Dragon Bones project format ideally, at least as a bonus thing for your Patreon, it would be the ultimate catch for getting new Patreons and making people happy ;-)
Those sprite sheets could be further optimized using a service like which really cuts off a lot of the size without quality compromises, you could optimize those yourself or offer a tip in the "Read Me".
Looks awesome! What software was it btw? I'm a linux guy and have a free open source project where I need to do things along these lines as well...
Regarding my project, going for animations exported from blender, using our Spritify addon example here:
You should usually export the animations as sprite sheets as well btw, because that helps with compression a ton and also improves speed when importing stuff, especially for web based games, since less server requests are being done, which are somewhat slow overall.