quote Like it says, visit http://dalliance.net/xmas2011/ to play unquote
No, I loaded the game, how do I keep the pirates drunk?
How do you play?
Blender could not covert the blend. file to FBX file
If it's Unity 3d, you have to 'export fbx' then copy the fbx to your unity project.
I did give all 3 of you credit, you can see the mage in this Unity web demo
The player and spider was a free model, the knight was $3.50 during arteria3d's 88 pct off sale.
Let me know if you put up a store
I put her in my game, WASD moves, r-click or l-click attacks, click on the items to
put in inventory (i)
What's the copyright?
The animations import in like this after I export FBX in blender 2.67
Default Take 0-63
Attack 0-64
Die 0-28
Hit 0-13
Idle -20
Walk 0-24
I can do it in 3ds max, have to look it up again though. |P
Aha, now I know how long the animations are, but unity wants them like this:
spartanking 0-100 : Waiting(idle)101-137 : Walking138-160 : Running161-183 : Charging184-234 : Waiting for Battle235-270 : Resist with the Shield271-352 : Victory353-429 : Salute430-500 : Dying (Normal)501-566 : Dying Hard (Spin)567-602 : Swing Sword (Attack)
In the blend file they all seem to start at 0, is that correct?
I'm only seeing 'attack' 1-64. Unity barfs on .blend files
I'm trying to get all the animations into 1 timeline, they are listed in the Unity 3d project window but
only the 'Walk' (30 frames) is appearing when I import to 3ds max. I need the start-end numbers for
each animation in Unity.
I loaded it in blender 2.63a but I'm only seeing the twirl-staff and jump animation, don't know how to
see the others.
Like it says, visit http://dalliance.net/xmas2011/ to play
No, I loaded the game, how do I keep the pirates drunk?
How do you play?
Blender could not covert the blend. file to FBX file
If it's Unity 3d, you have to 'export fbx' then copy the fbx to your unity project.
I did give all 3 of you credit, you can see the mage in this Unity web demo
The player and spider was a free model, the knight was $3.50 during arteria3d's 88 pct off sale.
Let me know if you put up a store
I put her in my game, WASD moves, r-click or l-click attacks, click on the items to
put in inventory (i)
What's the copyright?
The animations import in like this after I export FBX in blender 2.67
Default Take 0-63
Attack 0-64
Die 0-28
Hit 0-13
Idle -20
Walk 0-24
I can do it in 3ds max, have to look it up again though. |P
Aha, now I know how long the animations are, but unity wants them like this:
0-100 : Waiting(idle)
101-137 : Walking
138-160 : Running
161-183 : Charging
184-234 : Waiting for Battle
235-270 : Resist with the Shield
271-352 : Victory
353-429 : Salute
430-500 : Dying (Normal)
501-566 : Dying Hard (Spin)
567-602 : Swing Sword (Attack)
In the blend file they all seem to start at 0, is that correct?
I'm only seeing 'attack' 1-64. Unity barfs on .blend files
I'm trying to get all the animations into 1 timeline, they are listed in the Unity 3d project window but
only the 'Walk' (30 frames) is appearing when I import to 3ds max. I need the start-end numbers for
each animation in Unity.
I loaded it in blender 2.63a but I'm only seeing the twirl-staff and jump animation, don't know how to
see the others.