I'm working on it almost every day, and it's more done than it looks, given the language and the tools I'm using. For instance, it only has one tree because I'm tweaking how trees are dispersed and managed, and one crop because I want to get its growth cycle in properly before I make another ten plants.
(I'm currently bedridden and fighting a chronic illness, and working on code is one of the only things I can still do. I've almost finished a robust map generator that will make adding unique looking random biomes a snap, and once the world's made right, navigating through it will look nice and professional.)
Hey! I'm incorporating the Golden UI (and the golden version of your golden scifi ui) in my game here: http://www.thelastscore.com/ -- Still in development, but the dev blog has lots of pictures.
Awesome stuff! Thank you for sharing!
Thank you so much for the comment! :)
I'm working on it almost every day, and it's more done than it looks, given the language and the tools I'm using. For instance, it only has one tree because I'm tweaking how trees are dispersed and managed, and one crop because I want to get its growth cycle in properly before I make another ten plants.
(I'm currently bedridden and fighting a chronic illness, and working on code is one of the only things I can still do. I've almost finished a robust map generator that will make adding unique looking random biomes a snap, and once the world's made right, navigating through it will look nice and professional.)
Hey! I'm incorporating the Golden UI (and the golden version of your golden scifi ui) in my game here: http://www.thelastscore.com/ -- Still in development, but the dev blog has lots of pictures.