* For the organic looking areas, have the walls drip ocasionally (just a pixel).
* Have one of the bots broken and covered in vines, as decoration. You could use this to introduce a new bot type as a way to add some anticipation and conveyance.
* Wall drill -- Remove screen shake when drilling, but add it when each block is destroyed instead. Also, make it so the drill stays out if you keep holding left or right, so the first block takes a while to drill into, but the next ones are faster.
* Drone upgrade -- fly it around to scout for you, camera follows it.
* Upgrade to slow your fall.
* Have the double jump booster exhaust damage enemies.
* For enemies that patrol horizontal or vertically, have them stop briefly before turning. It looks more natural. Less like pong, more like patrolling. It'll also give you a chance to do some turn animations to give the enemies more personality, like the turn animation for the rover. For the little tank tread enemies you could have the top part pivot around while the bottom part just reverses direction.
* Make it so even though it's single screen, stuff that happens on other screens still matters, at least for ajacent screens. Enemies should move from screen to screen, rather than bouncing off the edge of the screen disappearing, and they shouldn't reset completely when you re-enter the screen. Having them reset makes it so there's a consistant solution for each room, but it limits things. Examples:
** You could have enemies that change things in the environment that span multiple rooms, like a force field that turns off briefly for enemies to get through, but not you.
** Drillable blocks beyond the screen edge as a way of making a hidden room.
** Boss that chases you through multiple screens, you have to use all your skills to get away, drilling blocks, making jumps, etc.
You still say "Only credit is needed.", which conflicts with CC0; you should remove the text saying credit is needed, or use a license that requires credit. It was just that those two licenses didn't really work together:
I didn't really redraw it but here's how it might look with an old timey ray gun:
Just for kicks I threw something together with my NES tools to see what she'd look like as the hero of Hyrule:
I had a typo in my tags, but you can find mine now, they're in my flowers art:
Looks really nice onpon4. Also check out the weeds in my flowers art, might work for what you're doing.
Looks good, suggestions:
* For the organic looking areas, have the walls drip ocasionally (just a pixel).
* Have one of the bots broken and covered in vines, as decoration. You could use this to introduce a new bot type as a way to add some anticipation and conveyance.
* Wall drill -- Remove screen shake when drilling, but add it when each block is destroyed instead. Also, make it so the drill stays out if you keep holding left or right, so the first block takes a while to drill into, but the next ones are faster.
* Drone upgrade -- fly it around to scout for you, camera follows it.
* Upgrade to slow your fall.
* Have the double jump booster exhaust damage enemies.
* For enemies that patrol horizontal or vertically, have them stop briefly before turning. It looks more natural. Less like pong, more like patrolling. It'll also give you a chance to do some turn animations to give the enemies more personality, like the turn animation for the rover. For the little tank tread enemies you could have the top part pivot around while the bottom part just reverses direction.
* Make it so even though it's single screen, stuff that happens on other screens still matters, at least for ajacent screens. Enemies should move from screen to screen, rather than bouncing off the edge of the screen disappearing, and they shouldn't reset completely when you re-enter the screen. Having them reset makes it so there's a consistant solution for each room, but it limits things. Examples:
** You could have enemies that change things in the environment that span multiple rooms, like a force field that turns off briefly for enemies to get through, but not you.
** Drillable blocks beyond the screen edge as a way of making a hidden room.
** Boss that chases you through multiple screens, you have to use all your skills to get away, drilling blocks, making jumps, etc.
Just a note about the new mushrooms - Wild mushrooms can have long stems so feel free to extend them for even more variety:
This could also work for some of the other items.
You still say "Only credit is needed.", which conflicts with CC0; you should remove the text saying credit is needed, or use a license that requires credit. It was just that those two licenses didn't really work together:
CC0 - Don't need to credit
CC-BY - Need to credit
In lowerscript.gif, what are the characters after the dash?
This shouldn't have CC0 license on it; With CC0 you don't need to give credit.