Well your idea about a music based town builder actually sounds very interesting indeed! Something where the town grows according to what song you're listening to. Kinda like cookie clicker but instead of clicking you select music.
Though I have no idea how that would be impremented techically :P
But tbh a lot of times, I don't really care that much about the game itself compared to the soundtrack, and I really wanna do medieval music right now, maybe even record my own tin flute playing.
There are of course the people making mock game soundtrack albums....
Well your idea about a music based town builder actually sounds very interesting indeed! Something where the town grows according to what song you're listening to. Kinda like cookie clicker but instead of clicking you select music.
Though I have no idea how that would be impremented techically :P
Though my main inspirations game play wise were Banished, The Settlers I and IV, and ANNO 1602
Well I guess it could be like Sim City in a way....
But tbh a lot of times, I don't really care that much about the game itself compared to the soundtrack, and I really wanna do medieval music right now, maybe even record my own tin flute playing.
There are of course the people making mock game soundtrack albums....
Working in a place like that is grueling enough even without demonic interference XD
Well it does, I appreciate all the replies I get ^-^ if they're not trolly of course :P
Though this is probably more a strategy RPG you're thinking of, I was thinking something more like just your generic city-builder.
It did. :3 (though I kinda hate halloween)
This is more cute than scary. Still, I like it a lot!
What you write is so complicated man, it's hard to figure out what you actually want :P
I'm definitely no master at english here... and it's hard to even figure out who you are replying to :P
Or have become, I mean I liked Blizzard before they got too big for their boots and mega cocky... they're so full of themselves now.