Attempt at the scientist's walking animation. You noted that you would rather want a single animation as a sample first, rather than all of them at once, right? ^^
This is an example of the slap animation only, with the head protuberance changed to green and an attempt to make his pants more jeans-like. I'm not getting too much done today, I know.
I was using this picutre as a reference
But I can make a more normal human version also ^^
Attempt at the scientist's walking animation. You noted that you would rather want a single animation as a sample first, rather than all of them at once, right? ^^
Ok then, I'll try and get the scientist done tonight, what sort of attacks does he need?
Yes yes. ^^^
Are these animations all you want for the fatman?
Ok, let's wait and see about it then^^
It seems like you colored it back to the brown color it was before?
Anyways, here's a hit, death, and explode sprite for him!
I was a bit slow today :P but things haven't really been working out too much for me. I gotta pull off more time to draw tomorrrow.
This is an example of the slap animation only, with the head protuberance changed to green and an attempt to make his pants more jeans-like. I'm not getting too much done today, I know.
But if you need only one file type, not both gif and png, it could be sped up a tiny bit.
Well, it's ok... it's just gonna be slow. :P
You realize that the project is dragging because you want everything to be changed?