Hi everyone, I'm new to opengameart.org. I would like to make a request and will pay for work done, I need some monsters for a FPS doom style game im making. Its 3d style game but the sprites are 2d plane style "always facing player" paper style. I will need about 4-6 types a few evil soliders that shoot and a few monsters/mutants/demons for a scary doom style FPS game with lots of blood and guts lol.
This is not a fan game, its my own spin on a doom/wolfenstein style game.
This is not a open source game. But will be happy to use closed or open assets.
Each sprite needs to have 6 animations per "action" and must be made within 32x32 pixels.
6. animations of walk/run towards player "running at player/facing player" no need for side ways and running away etc like in examples.
6. animations shoot/attack.
6. animations hurt/hit
6. animations dead/killed. also would like options to have stay in level "body on ground" and lots of blood and guts. lol
Theme: scary, futuristic, space, lab, humanoid, evil, demons, mutants.
Will pay but must be made soon. Please let me know if you would like to know more.. :)
the throw looks great! :)
yeah that would be really good if he can do both :D
Slash/hit/die/explode for the red demon.
Die looks best in my opinion. Explode doesn't look that good, maybe you have an idea about how to change it?
Hmmm, yeah does look abit much. also the first couple of frames his body looks weird. I guess you could try green blood
Or even purple blood or darkish green. Idk, you'll need to have a play around and see what you think looks best. Other option is to just change his body colour but I do like him red.
Green version, also changed some of the frames a bit to improve them. Even slash was changed a little bit despite it not containing blood.
that looks better then the red, the slash has nice movment, thanks mate :)
So, on to fatman next, pinky, or the scientist?
fatman then scientist and pinky last. :)
I remembered that he should have a puking attack, but what about a melee attack?
Fat man looks good but can you please give him some man boobs and some skin blemishes like greenish moles. also his mouth and eyes look abit weird. otherwise he looks good!
Like this:
also the vomit is really bright green, maybe make it abit darker baby poo green and pale yellow chunks.
some vomit on his chin and top of his chest would look cool also.
can you please make him do this kinda movement when he vomits. arms back and both legs together, head movment is good how it is. :)
yeah melee attack would be cool also, maybe you could make him do like a sumo clap.. or crab walking and pushing you something like this, whatever you think looks better.
It'll be hard to make his face more detailed without making his head larger and thus making him very cartoony, the other things I can do. ^^
Trying to improve the things you said. Sorry it took so long.
all good mate. the animation movements look great, and the vomit looks alot better that colour, I would change his growth on his eye, cant really tell what it is, maybe if you changed the colour of it to a greenish/yellow colour and put a couple more the same sharps and colour on his arm and or body it will make more sense. also cant really tell he is wearing jeans, they look more black/purple pants. I like the movement of his fat belly lol
You realize that the project is dragging because you want everything to be changed?
yeah I know sorry mate, maybe just send me a sample before you make all the animations, probably should have done that to begin with. :(
Well, it's ok... it's just gonna be slow. :P
But if you need only one file type, not both gif and png, it could be sped up a tiny bit.
Yeah I dont really need the gif. I'm loading them into pyxel edit anyway and can make animations from the png.
To be honest I'll need to go in and separate all the images into individual images for each frame anyway. But thats fine I can do all that once we have finished.
This is an example of the slap animation only, with the head protuberance changed to green and an attempt to make his pants more jeans-like. I'm not getting too much done today, I know.
I added some more moles and changed the colour tiny bit on his moles, was abit bright.
he looks much better now with the yellow vomit etc.. :)
It seems like you colored it back to the brown color it was before?
Anyways, here's a hit, death, and explode sprite for him!
I was a bit slow today :P but things haven't really been working out too much for me. I gotta pull off more time to draw tomorrrow.
sorry I uploaded the old one you made lol
they look really good. lol
it's all good mate, hope everything is ok.
I put completed on the post because I was getting alot of messages
Yes yes. ^^^
Are these animations all you want for the fatman?
yes thats all I'll need for him. thanks mate :)
Ok then, I'll try and get the scientist done tonight, what sort of attacks does he need?
just a slash and a vomit the same colour and stuff as the fatman.
when you make the explode for him, I like how you done the fat man explode with pus and blood, can you do the same for the scientist please, also can you make sure he has a white lab coat and the doctor green pants.
this kinda colour. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=nlQaLOQS&id=6E931B...
Attempt at the scientist's walking animation. You noted that you would rather want a single animation as a sample first, rather than all of them at once, right? ^^
yeah just one, not sure about his head and blood from the neck, also his coat is more pink then white. I think you should make him look more human and use more of the same color you used on the fatman on arms and head etc.
he also looks abit smaller then the army guys etc, maybe just give him one mutant arm and one human arm, and a head with more of a human face but same kinda colours and moles as the fatman, kinda looks like he has headphones on.
I was using this picutre as a reference
But I can make a more normal human version also ^^
Attempt where he looks more like a normal human, but with a single mutated arm.
that looks alot better! can you open his coat so you can see he legs abit more and his coats a little bit more on the sides, and give him eyes and or one eye. I fixed his neck, his head was abit square.
Here you go, he does look a bit cartoony with these eyes though.
I cant see any eyes on him, so much going on, on his face cant make it out. looks like there is a few pixels flashing on his face and bright yellow one on his mutant arm.
It's getting kinda frustrating how you are constantly dragging things out, if you don't like what I am doing anyway, we can just end it, you don't need to pay me more than you have.
the coat and pants look much better, and his neck collar.
I understand it can be frustratin changing things all the time, I'm sorry.. I like what you have done dont get me wrong. Your making them, so you know what things are, when I look at it, I cant see any eyes so he looks like he is walking around blind. I also know its hard to get them kind of details when your working in such a small size.