Except that isn't how it went down. You was berating many people whose opinion differed from yours, wishing people would die before their time, basically being an drama queen.I enjoyed how you tried to spin that post of r00ks into you being the victim, but that is not the case.
If you are gonna drag content from Quakeone.com to OpenGameArt.org , why would you bring only a snippet of what transgressed? Seems you are a bit ashamed of how you conducted yourself, considering you only post a FRACTION of what happened.
Except that isn't how it went down. You was berating many people whose opinion differed from yours, wishing people would die before their time, basically being an drama queen.I enjoyed how you tried to spin that post of r00ks into you being the victim, but that is not the case.
If you are gonna drag content from Quakeone.com to OpenGameArt.org , why would you bring only a snippet of what transgressed? Seems you are a bit ashamed of how you conducted yourself, considering you only post a FRACTION of what happened.
Nice try bud.