The legs look unnatural big and a cat tail is much more thin.
Also in some frames its hard to recognize what he is doing because the pixels merge. Did you try to add some outline to the sprite? That could help to solve the issue.
I was drawing him when suddenly this question came in my mind. What if i change his skin color? I pick up famous characters which have uncommon skin color. Im usually the guy who picks the normal stuff but other colors dont look too bad either..What you think? any thoughts?
Thanks. You know whats awesome? I made a pony tail before you said it. :D
But good to know that someone else felt like me .. Good point about beard, should I make scars into his face? It's like every xy hero in games and movies has a scar on his face. By the way I actually draw scars on his body, but made it opaque. So should increase the depth maybe to make it more "seen".
Also if anyone has a name suggestion how to call him would be nice. Ill make some title text with that name.
I think of Barbaros like Barbar + os . Or maybe Atilla, can also be some describing name like "Angry man" or "The Gladiator" etc.
OMG! The King looks sooo adorable. Would love to see more animations <33
Thanks this is really helpful.
pretty cool cat :D
I would correct the proportions though.
The legs look unnatural big and a cat tail is much more thin.
Also in some frames its hard to recognize what he is doing because the pixels merge. Did you try to add some outline to the sprite? That could help to solve the issue.
OMG! I never clicked or even thought that the label is clickable.......
All I asked is already implemented. I feel so dumb now :D
Thanks for the info anyway.
@boomshaka. Thanks ill take that as guidance.
@dannorder. Thanks. This is not finished art. That's why I didnt include all files. I hope to include all files once the pixel drawing is finished.
These are really amazing. Appretiate your art and work ;D
This is the final art.
Thanks guys for your review comments.
There is always place to improve. But it's fine enough for now. I did 10 animations for the start.
Once I clean up the project, ill share a link with you guys so you can download it fore free as promised.
I always make some evolution to see if the art really improved. Just interesting sometimes to see it..
I was drawing him when suddenly this question came in my mind. What if i change his skin color? I pick up famous characters which have uncommon skin color. Im usually the guy who picks the normal stuff but other colors dont look too bad either..What you think? any thoughts?
Thanks. You know whats awesome? I made a pony tail before you said it. :D
But good to know that someone else felt like me .. Good point about beard, should I make scars into his face? It's like every xy hero in games and movies has a scar on his face. By the way I actually draw scars on his body, but made it opaque. So should increase the depth maybe to make it more "seen".
Also if anyone has a name suggestion how to call him would be nice. Ill make some title text with that name.
I think of Barbaros like Barbar + os . Or maybe Atilla, can also be some describing name like "Angry man" or "The Gladiator" etc.
Thanks for your comments. Helped me to improve him alot.
@capbros ya it was intentional with the hands, but I already changed it.
Sorry for the late reply I was busy drawing :D