I'm all for sticking to reference/inspirational material as much as possible. If something is set in medieval England, then medieval English is what should be spoken. Keep in mind that back then the language would have had many differences to the English we know now.
Try and find some kind of historical reference for the language you are using.
I think consistency is more important. If you are using American English, use it for everything.
Wow. Rock on dude. This is quickly becoming one of the best 2D art pieces on this site.
I have found myself in dire need of some kind of dirt path to guide players with. I have been recolouring the sand paths to more of a brownish colour, which sort of works.
The buildings look similar to some that I have been working on.
I have basically took http://opengameart.org/content/isometric-medieval-city-sim-assets and tried to make them orthogonal. Looks ok I guess, though I have some alignment isues, and I need to give them some shading. I might do the rest of the original set and put them on OGA.
My game characters are kind of wide so I had to make the door wider.
Not doubting the abilities or dedication of your team, but there have been 100s of small projects just like this that have been mothballed in the past. Your environments and characters seem to be of a good standard, but if the programming is where you are needing help then the potential of the game becomes at lot more limited.
I think this is one of your better fantasy themed pieces.
It reminds me of classic Runescape. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HJCYgDnfGY&list=RDJkR7zClEkAo&index=5
I've just edited my OP on that topic, now it has disappeared.
I can still access it, but it doesn't show up anywhere on forums. =(
I made a topic 4 days ago in Resource Requests that I have heard nothing from since. It was kinda lengthy, I hope it isn't lost to the cyber-abyss. =L
Roughly, what is the average approval time that I should expect to wait before I start getting worried?
Wow, very creepy. Great for use in some tense scene or level. Them being short and sudden makes them very useful for creating quick 'jump' moments.
I'm all for sticking to reference/inspirational material as much as possible. If something is set in medieval England, then medieval English is what should be spoken. Keep in mind that back then the language would have had many differences to the English we know now.
Try and find some kind of historical reference for the language you are using.
I think consistency is more important. If you are using American English, use it for everything.
Cool stuff. I like how you are using only native web technologies.
There seems to be many web developers, and many game developers, but so few web game developers that are using modern stuff (sorry Flash).
Have you tried Phaser for making games?
Wow. Rock on dude. This is quickly becoming one of the best 2D art pieces on this site.
I have found myself in dire need of some kind of dirt path to guide players with. I have been recolouring the sand paths to more of a brownish colour, which sort of works.
The buildings look similar to some that I have been working on.
I have basically took http://opengameart.org/content/isometric-medieval-city-sim-assets and tried to make them orthogonal. Looks ok I guess, though I have some alignment isues, and I need to give them some shading. I might do the rest of the original set and put them on OGA.
My game characters are kind of wide so I had to make the door wider.
Good piece. Really grabs the attention straight away. Sounds very Hans Zimmerish.
The default volume is way to loud for me though. I crapped myself when I put it on with my normal monitor volume.
Humm... Good question.
I just created a random collection to see what you mean. There is no obvious way to delete collections. Wierd.
Wow, a zombie FPS.
How original...
Not doubting the abilities or dedication of your team, but there have been 100s of small projects just like this that have been mothballed in the past. Your environments and characters seem to be of a good standard, but if the programming is where you are needing help then the potential of the game becomes at lot more limited.
The screenshots here are way too big.