Fantastic stuff!! Also thanks much for providing your palette and color ramps!! Those are always so handy when tweaking, adapting or extending a set!
thanks for sharing!
Friday, December 16, 2016 - 11:50
Still keeping the faith here, are we really going to pass the 1 year mark without even an announcement about the search issues?
I also just noticed that the chat logs stop at October 8, 2015. I guess it's been a bit since I joined the chat, but I usually like the look through the recent log before logging on just to see if I am jumping into the middle of discussion or there are any recent questions/comments I can address.
thanks for sharing!! I'm always saying OGA should have a dedicated section for palettes, they are so useful to have around.
Monday, December 5, 2016 - 08:38
Yeah, like I was saying in the other thread, the title search was specifcally added as a work around for the main search being broken. I think the deal is the title search just looks at the title field which doesn't require any fancy indexing to stay updated. But the main search searches the text of several fields (description, comments, etc) and so in order to be remotely fast, it requires some kind of advanced routines to run and keep it's index/cache current. And something is either broken with those routines or with the thing that is supposed to make sure they get run. Well at least that's my speculation looking at the situation purely from the outside.
Monday, December 5, 2016 - 07:45
hmm... Yeah, I've usually seen it on search sites where you can do 'lpc+base' to get results that match both lpc AND base. But checking that just now it doesn't seem to work that way on OGA. No matter what you do, it always seems to do an OR search.
Well I'll add my voice to the cause and say I agree having some way to do an 'AND' search would be very useful. Of course, I'd prefer search got fixed to return results past Jan 2016 first.... :)
Stunning! Just georgous! I love it! If this is what you can do in 2 hours and 4 colors I'd love to see what you could do with a full day and a full palette!
Just a quick license plug, if all you are truly interested in is recieving fair credit for your work, you might consider the OGA-BY license instead of CC-BY. OGA-BY was created by bart specifically to be CC-BY with the anti-DRM language removed. The idea was to have a license that required attribution the same way CC-BY does but doesn't restrict folks from distributing projects using the work on platforms that have some form of DRM (eg. IOS, PSN, XBL, possibly Steam & Google Play Store depending on how you view it, etc. etc). Well, just a suggestion, however you want to share such amazing work is certainly fine by me! :)
Fantastic work! These are really great! Thanks for sharing!
Sunday, December 4, 2016 - 10:54
@Rainbow Design: If you sift through the thread here you'll find where pOss added the title search as a work around for the normal search. Not sure why tags would also work, I don't think that was part of his fix but maybe they are also not affected by whatever ails the main search.
Fantastic stuff!! Also thanks much for providing your palette and color ramps!! Those are always so handy when tweaking, adapting or extending a set!
thanks for sharing!
Still keeping the faith here, are we really going to pass the 1 year mark without even an announcement about the search issues?
I also just noticed that the chat logs stop at October 8, 2015. I guess it's been a bit since I joined the chat, but I usually like the look through the recent log before logging on just to see if I am jumping into the middle of discussion or there are any recent questions/comments I can address.
thanks for sharing!! I'm always saying OGA should have a dedicated section for palettes, they are so useful to have around.
Yeah, like I was saying in the other thread, the title search was specifcally added as a work around for the main search being broken. I think the deal is the title search just looks at the title field which doesn't require any fancy indexing to stay updated. But the main search searches the text of several fields (description, comments, etc) and so in order to be remotely fast, it requires some kind of advanced routines to run and keep it's index/cache current. And something is either broken with those routines or with the thing that is supposed to make sure they get run. Well at least that's my speculation looking at the situation purely from the outside.
hmm... Yeah, I've usually seen it on search sites where you can do 'lpc+base' to get results that match both lpc AND base. But checking that just now it doesn't seem to work that way on OGA. No matter what you do, it always seems to do an OR search.
Well I'll add my voice to the cause and say I agree having some way to do an 'AND' search would be very useful. Of course, I'd prefer search got fixed to return results past Jan 2016 first.... :)
Great stuff! They are very cute indeed!
Just want to say I agree with all SpiderDave's suggestions and foz's suggestion to put all competitions in their own sub section.
Stunning! Just georgous! I love it! If this is what you can do in 2 hours and 4 colors I'd love to see what you could do with a full day and a full palette!
Just a quick license plug, if all you are truly interested in is recieving fair credit for your work, you might consider the OGA-BY license instead of CC-BY. OGA-BY was created by bart specifically to be CC-BY with the anti-DRM language removed. The idea was to have a license that required attribution the same way CC-BY does but doesn't restrict folks from distributing projects using the work on platforms that have some form of DRM (eg. IOS, PSN, XBL, possibly Steam & Google Play Store depending on how you view it, etc. etc). Well, just a suggestion, however you want to share such amazing work is certainly fine by me! :)
Fantastic work! These are really great! Thanks for sharing!
@Rainbow Design: If you sift through the thread here you'll find where pOss added the title search as a work around for the normal search. Not sure why tags would also work, I don't think that was part of his fix but maybe they are also not affected by whatever ails the main search.