I guess that's the muse and the madness for you ;)
Well, there's certainly plenty enough here for me to get started, I'll kludge in whatever else I need and post back when I've got something worth sharing. At the very least, thanks for the inspiration, this game is officially in my head now and it's gotta come out! :)
You play successive generations of a family cursed to battle Medusa through enternity. Every life is another generation of the family. Every generation the world gets bigger, Medusa gets tougher and new weapons/items are introduced. You have one task, find and kill Medusa. If you succeed, all your items, weapons, upgrades, etc. are handed down to the next generation, but if you fail and die, all your equipment is scattered and the next generation must start from scratch, forced to scour the world in search of your lost gear.
Gameplay is metrodavania with procedural world creation. Upgrades include a succession of Ikarus wings granting high jump, hover, double jump, etc. As well as other Greek mythology-based items and weapons.
Theme is the endless cycle of violence and revenge as the story alternates between you seeking to avenge your forebearer's death at the hands of Medusa and a resurrected Medusa returning to wreak vengence upon you for your parent's sins.
Well, surt? Any interest in collabing on such a title? If not, any interest in licensing this sheet as 'OGA-BY' so it could be used on a title like this to be distributed on various platforms that mandate DRM?
I've OGA-BY'd all the work from my most recent title (Instant Dungeon!) and plan to do the same for future projects, so hopefully you'd not be just feeding another parasite.
Thursday, January 22, 2015 - 04:49
Spent some time adding two different edge treatments to the brown rocks in this set.
One is for a traditional Zelda-ish faux top down style. The other is for a more literal 'top down mountain' type look.
Put a little green on the 1st set and it makes a decent base for a platformer, highlighting the wonderful utility of Sharm's work.
Well, of it looks good at all, it's just because Sharm's base is so awesome to begin with, but in the spirit of things, thought I should share it back.
thanks again Sharm!
I guess my additions would be OGA-BY license, but you needn't credit me, just Sharm for the base set.
Monday, January 19, 2015 - 01:54
btw Is there a grand theory to this NES variant, or is it just twiddled a little to suit your needs?
Mission Accomplished! ;)
thanks for sharing! These are great! I really like the aged/worn look they all have, gives them a very organic feel despite being clearly man-made.
aaah! you're telling me that alien stuff was just some toss away work? It looks incredible!
dude, you're talents are unreal!
This stuff is amazing!
love the funk on this one!
I guess that's the muse and the madness for you ;)
Well, there's certainly plenty enough here for me to get started, I'll kludge in whatever else I need and post back when I've got something worth sharing. At the very least, thanks for the inspiration, this game is officially in my head now and it's gotta come out! :)
Great military fantasy track!
any relation (inspiration?) to Thunder Child from war of the worlds?
ok, I'm calling it:
The game is 'Medusa Must Die'
You play successive generations of a family cursed to battle Medusa through enternity. Every life is another generation of the family. Every generation the world gets bigger, Medusa gets tougher and new weapons/items are introduced. You have one task, find and kill Medusa. If you succeed, all your items, weapons, upgrades, etc. are handed down to the next generation, but if you fail and die, all your equipment is scattered and the next generation must start from scratch, forced to scour the world in search of your lost gear.
Gameplay is metrodavania with procedural world creation. Upgrades include a succession of Ikarus wings granting high jump, hover, double jump, etc. As well as other Greek mythology-based items and weapons.
Theme is the endless cycle of violence and revenge as the story alternates between you seeking to avenge your forebearer's death at the hands of Medusa and a resurrected Medusa returning to wreak vengence upon you for your parent's sins.
Well, surt? Any interest in collabing on such a title? If not, any interest in licensing this sheet as 'OGA-BY' so it could be used on a title like this to be distributed on various platforms that mandate DRM?
I've OGA-BY'd all the work from my most recent title (Instant Dungeon!) and plan to do the same for future projects, so hopefully you'd not be just feeding another parasite.
Spent some time adding two different edge treatments to the brown rocks in this set.
One is for a traditional Zelda-ish faux top down style. The other is for a more literal 'top down mountain' type look.
Put a little green on the 1st set and it makes a decent base for a platformer, highlighting the wonderful utility of Sharm's work.
Well, of it looks good at all, it's just because Sharm's base is so awesome to begin with, but in the spirit of things, thought I should share it back.
thanks again Sharm!
I guess my additions would be OGA-BY license, but you needn't credit me, just Sharm for the base set.
Is there a grand theory to this NES variant, or is it just twiddled a little to suit your needs?
surt, dude you are out of control! Do you dream in NES palette or something?
I can't believe all this stuff is abandonded, how can one look up your finished projects?