Here is a little bit of info of files used by audio engineers in music production.
In Music production .Wav and .Aiff are used almost exlusively. Usually at 24bit. sample rates are sometimes higher as well. Producing at higher bit rates is considered beneficial. higher sample rates are considered to be undetectable by the human ear acording to most audio engineers.
When the music is finished being mixed and mastered it gets reduced to a 16 bit wav or aiff file which is CD quality. the file is stored on the CD slightly compressed in a Lossless manner. Isn't it interesting that some years ago CDs where the standard of music quality and they where often listened to on stere systems. and in modern times most people listen to hevaly compressed MP3s on their inverior cellphone speakers. Apart from Wav itself It is the Flac file that has brought CD quality bak to us.
Alright I see. Perhaps I continue single uploads since I have more than half of them up already and it allows me to do more specific tagging for each song
Here is the delineation of all Kaiser tracks and albums. Including tracks I have not yet uploaded. I am happy to upoad them all. I have slowed down the uploading process becasue I don't want to overwhelm the spam detection system. currently five of my uploads are visible to me, so I thought perhaps I should wait until my existing uploads have been processed.
I typed the list in here but I keep getting an error everitime I try to post it. So I took a screenshot image of it and atched it. Feel free to delete it once it has served it's purpose.
Thank you. I have three albums and one single. I have uploaded almost two albums so far. Having them bundled in to albums. Or combinig all albums togethor. would make more sense. Whichever is more apropriate for the format of this website is fine with me.
For the track "Isle of avalon" I only uploaded a high res ogg file in the File(s) section because It is a long trach and the FLAC file would have exceeded the maximum size.
I'm new here and still figuring things out. Thank you for your help it is much apreciated.
Thank you, I will.
Thank you so much for your kind comment.
And best of luck to you on that future date when you complete your song that it will turn out just as you have enivioned it.
Thank you.
@Dark Peace Thank you.
Here are the lyrics to this track
Here are lirics to every track
I have tryied to put in lyrics on here but unfortunately I get errors due to lyric layout formating. My apologies for any inconveniance.
Your explanation is very accurate comprehensive.
Here is a little bit of info of files used by audio engineers in music production.
In Music production .Wav and .Aiff are used almost exlusively. Usually at 24bit. sample rates are sometimes higher as well. Producing at higher bit rates is considered beneficial. higher sample rates are considered to be undetectable by the human ear acording to most audio engineers.
When the music is finished being mixed and mastered it gets reduced to a 16 bit wav or aiff file which is CD quality. the file is stored on the CD slightly compressed in a Lossless manner. Isn't it interesting that some years ago CDs where the standard of music quality and they where often listened to on stere systems. and in modern times most people listen to hevaly compressed MP3s on their inverior cellphone speakers. Apart from Wav itself It is the Flac file that has brought CD quality bak to us.
Alright I see. Perhaps I continue single uploads since I have more than half of them up already and it allows me to do more specific tagging for each song
No Problem Here is a direct link to the Lyrics.
I did try to Paste them in here but I keep getting a error every time I try to post them I think it is a formatting issue.
Here is the delineation of all Kaiser tracks and albums. Including tracks I have not yet uploaded. I am happy to upoad them all. I have slowed down the uploading process becasue I don't want to overwhelm the spam detection system. currently five of my uploads are visible to me, so I thought perhaps I should wait until my existing uploads have been processed.
I typed the list in here but I keep getting an error everitime I try to post it. So I took a screenshot image of it and atched it. Feel free to delete it once it has served it's purpose.
Thank you. I have three albums and one single. I have uploaded almost two albums so far. Having them bundled in to albums. Or combinig all albums togethor. would make more sense. Whichever is more apropriate for the format of this website is fine with me.
For the track "Isle of avalon" I only uploaded a high res ogg file in the File(s) section because It is a long trach and the FLAC file would have exceeded the maximum size.
I'm new here and still figuring things out. Thank you for your help it is much apreciated.
I am new here and experianced the same thing. Thanks for the info.