Friday, December 2, 2022 - 17:29
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A track by Kaiser that falls in to the symphonic black metal / Gothic doom metal genre

A track by Kaiser that falls in to the symphonic black metal / Gothic doom metal genre
Who is Kaiser?
Kaiser is the name of the band. Almost no one knows Kaiser.
Is "The Oracle" a member of Kaiser?
Yes Kaiser is my Band. Now that we are in the era of streaming music like Spotify etc Bands get paid next to nothing. I love making music but since I'm not earnig money of it anyway I have decided to put Kaiser in the Public Domain. This way everione can benefit from it. nut just big greedy companis like Apple or Spotify.
-It`s appears of some kind of demonic music, looks like Walt Disney maniacs has to establish recruiting center here on OGA as new playing grounds,
..original is here:
Medicine, eliminate them at all cost, for GOD sake.
Are these songs submitted to YouTube's content id system?
No I there is no Youtube ID for Kaiser. I had the yutube ID removed many years ago. It was a nuisance for people who uploaded my songs, it was even a nuisance for me uploading my own songs.
That's good to hear. Yes the contentID system causes lots of trouble for people sharing free songs. Developers would find great music here on OGA, use it as the background for their videos, then youtube would copyright strike them for using publicly shared content. Aweful!
This music gets my blood pumping! Thanks for sharing!
Let me know if you would prefer to have all the tracks available on one page as an album, instead of the delayed release one-page-per-song.
Thank you. I have three albums and one single. I have uploaded almost two albums so far. Having them bundled in to albums. Or combinig all albums togethor. would make more sense. Whichever is more apropriate for the format of this website is fine with me.
For the track "Isle of avalon" I only uploaded a high res ogg file in the File(s) section because It is a long trach and the FLAC file would have exceeded the maximum size.
I'm new here and still figuring things out. Thank you for your help it is much apreciated.
how are the albums currently delineated? I am seeing 16 individual tracks.
I am sad about the Isle of Avalon .flac. Definitely a superior format, and already compressed. Thanks for sharing the ogg, though. Still useful. :)
Here is the delineation of all Kaiser tracks and albums. Including tracks I have not yet uploaded. I am happy to upoad them all. I have slowed down the uploading process becasue I don't want to overwhelm the spam detection system. currently five of my uploads are visible to me, so I thought perhaps I should wait until my existing uploads have been processed.
I typed the list in here but I keep getting an error everitime I try to post it. So I took a screenshot image of it and atched it. Feel free to delete it once it has served it's purpose.
What I was suggesting is uploading an entire album at once. If 10 songs of an album are attached to a single submission, the site sees it as one upload, not 10. For example: https://opengameart.org/content/star-shift-freelancers-ost is one submission containing 26 songs.
You're decision, though. However you prefer.
Alright I see. Perhaps I continue single uploads since I have more than half of them up already and it allows me to do more specific tagging for each song