Would you be so kind and add the sprithe sheet frame by frame ... thaty would help a lot. THX
Hellz yeah ... You can even Hue it red and have yourself a nice Sucubus base moidel .
Aweasome work as always those look so bad ass. Thx 4 the share.
I was pituring something like this for Flare.
Yeah I just uploaded something its all good : )
My favorite creature so far is the Marauder and here are a couple of reasons why :
- It was awesome stats
- Its extremely versatile
- It has AoE dmg and can reflect melee damage.
-It looks like a regular bad ass with those metallic spikes.
Would you be so nice as to upload the individual frames (as a sheet). Some hue variations could be a nice addition too.
Here's a simple demo , the 1st part is an old .midi (about 30 secs) and the second one is an NES type chiptune.
I was thinking in Bomberman terms ... : ) Cannons are undestuctible walls and bushes are destructible ones.
Holy crap those are Aweasome , I totally dig the last images !!
Here's a small level made in Tiled:
DropBox Link here.
Would you be so kind and add the sprithe sheet frame by frame ... thaty would help a lot. THX
Hellz yeah ... You can even Hue it red and have yourself a nice Sucubus base moidel .
Aweasome work as always those look so bad ass. Thx 4 the share.
I was pituring something like this for Flare.
Yeah I just uploaded something its all good : )
My favorite creature so far is the Marauder and here are a couple of reasons why :
- It was awesome stats
- Its extremely versatile
- It has AoE dmg and can reflect melee damage.
-It looks like a regular bad ass with those metallic spikes.
Would you be so nice as to upload the individual frames (as a sheet). Some hue variations could be a nice addition too.
Here's a simple demo , the 1st part is an old .midi (about 30 secs) and the second one is an NES type chiptune.
I was thinking in Bomberman terms ... : ) Cannons are undestuctible walls and bushes are destructible ones.
Holy crap those are Aweasome , I totally dig the last images !!
Here's a small level made in Tiled:
DropBox Link here.