You can always use stuff like "reserve mana" (aka when you summon you reserve X% mana) or simply have the minion "drain" your mana (as long as he is summoned you louse like 2MP per 3 seconds).
This way you ensure that non-spellcasters can't abouse this and summoning more then 1 minion might not be the best Idea.
Minion stats shoud be equal to the summoning skills (the better the skill the better the minion) or a sytem equal to this
Lvl 1: 50% change to summon (the other 50% you get a hostile minion) a lvl 1 minion
Lvl2: 55% chance to summon a lvl 1 minon
Lvl3: 55% chance to summon a lvl 1 minion while 5% resulting in a lvl 2 minion
so at higher skill mastery the minimul level of your minion is guarantied (or hell you cen even incrise the nr. minions).
Ghost busters ?
Yeah I know , I diddn't even use the acual NES pallete. Also the 32x32 sprites can be used on a Rogue Like RPG.
You can always use stuff like "reserve mana" (aka when you summon you reserve X% mana) or simply have the minion "drain" your mana (as long as he is summoned you louse like 2MP per 3 seconds).
This way you ensure that non-spellcasters can't abouse this and summoning more then 1 minion might not be the best Idea.
Minion stats shoud be equal to the summoning skills (the better the skill the better the minion) or a sytem equal to this
Lvl 1: 50% change to summon (the other 50% you get a hostile minion) a lvl 1 minion
Lvl2: 55% chance to summon a lvl 1 minon
Lvl3: 55% chance to summon a lvl 1 minion while 5% resulting in a lvl 2 minion
so at higher skill mastery the minimul level of your minion is guarantied (or hell you cen even incrise the nr. minions).
The Generator is great , but I just wasted my day making 16x16 sprites !
Hare are some head swaps ...
Looks like hes fishing. Great work anyway !
If you guys do recolors why not add a little texture ? Heres a random one:
Hre's my crappy remix ...its based on 2nd sword , I know it kida sucks but guess Ill share it anyway.
This is pretty neat : )
Bonus Door
Boss Door
Nice ... might be look ineterstin as a FPS skybox : )