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I was recently contacted by a 3D artist who would like to sell the community the models in the attached picture for a total of $220 ($130 for the executioner and $90 for the lizardman). I have the .blend files in my possession for previewing purposes, and I can verify that both of these models are rigged and ready to go. Also, given what I know about 3D art, I would normally expect to pay a good deal more for models of this quality.
Unfortunately my budget is really tight this month due to some family circumstances, so I can't just purchase it myself, and all of donated commission money has already been allocated to other commissions. So, what I'd like to do is see if people will be willing to donate money to pay to liberate some existing art. I'm going to change the donation goal for the month to $220, at which point we will purchase both models. If we don't reach this by the end of December, I'll just continue the donation drive into January, and so on.
I'd be interested to hear peoples' thoughts on this process. If it turns out to be a good way to raise commission money, we may do it again in the future.
Note: If we can manage to raise the funds in the next two weeks, he'll also include the nude version of the executioner model (as seen in the last image).
Click for full size (now with wireframes):
- bart's blog
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I wanted to drop a quick plug that will benefit OpenGameArt, OSARE (my game project), and especially user Justin Nichol.
Announcing the Creative Commons Fantasy Portrait Marathon!
Justin is taking pledges towards creating 30 high-quality fantasy portraits. They will be featured in OSARE as PC portrait choices or story-line NPCs. Additionally these portraits will be uploaded to OpenGameArt under CC-BY-SA and GPL licenses. Finally, these pledges will help Justin attend his next semester at Concept Art Academy in Pasadena.
A $50 pledge gets you a fantasy portrait in your likeness! Maybe you'll even be the first vendor, quest NPC, or villain of OSARE...
See some of Justin's other high-quality portraits here on OpenGameArt:
And his portfolio:
- Clint Bellanger's blog
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Just a quick heads up, guys. Lamoot has risen to the top of the submissions list for the last 30 days, with 65 submissions at the time of this blog post, and is leaving the rest of us in the dust. Can anyone overtake him, or are we all going to be completely pwned for the next 4 weeks? Better get started if we're gonna catch him. :)
P.S. Keep it up, Lamoot! Not trying to stop you, just trying to take advantage of peoples' competitive urges and whip them all into an art submitting frenzy. Whoops, did I say that out loud? :)
- bart's blog
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Those of you who follow my blog posts (yes, both of you) are probably aware by now that I'm a big fan of HTML5 and all the awesome potential that it has for the web (like, say, superseding Adobe Flash). Today, I'd like to direct your attention to Gaurav's WIP old-school RPG, which uses a lot of art resources from right here on OGA. It's still an early demo at this point, but there's a lot of potential there, so it's work checking out. This is definitely a project to follow. :)
Gaurav is currently looking for a 32x32 treasure chest sprite, so if you'd like to help him out, please reply to his forum post.
- bart's blog
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This time it's Cardinal Quest, an addictive little open source dungeon crawler. The source is downloadable from here. I managed to make it down to the 5th level of the dungeon before getting pwned in the face by a succubus. Good times. :)
- bart's blog
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