LPC Shelves Rework
Tuesday, February 13, 2018 - 21:13
Art Type:
IMPORTANT: I made a mistake with licensing. Tuomo Untinen's submission does not include CC BY, so I have removed it from this submissions license list. This entire submission must be redistributed under CC BY-SA or GPL. If you use only those parts of it created by Lanea Zimmerman, then distributing under CC BY licensing is allowed.
A few LPC shelving tilesets reworked for Stendhal tileset drop-in replacement. Derived from works by Lanea Zimmerman & Tuomo Untinen.
Tileset details:
- Designed for use with 32x32 tiled maps.
- Orientation: orthogonal (south-facing)
- Dimensions: 128x96
- PNG images use indexed color (smaller files).
GIMP sources (.xcf) use RGB color.(currently not included)
- Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) version 3.0 or later
- Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA) version 3.0 or later
- GNU General Public License (GPL) version 3.0 or later
- Upload zip archive.
- Trying to figure out source of book from [LPC] Misc tile atlas submission:
(currently not included)
- Included works by Tuomo Untinen are licensed under CC0. Attribution is not required by this author but is included in the Copyright/Attribution section.
- Currently, any changes I have made are licensed under CC0 so that original licensing can be used with attribution necessary to only the original author(s). E.g. You do NOT need to credit me.
- Attribution requirements and/or licensing may change with future edits.
Original link: https://opengameart.org/node/81362
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Lanea Zimmerman (Sharm) & Tuomo Untinen (Reemax)

Looks like at least the bottom shelf book is from https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-house-interior-and-decorations by Reemax. Idk about the one on the middle shelf---I spent a while looking for it, but it only seems to appear in that giant merged submission; just goes to show the problem with using art of unclear provenance...
Ah, found it: https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-misc-tile-atlas-interior-exterior-tr...
Thank you for finding those for me bluecarrot16. I will get attributions updated ASAP.
Waiting for confirmation from Reemax.I removed the book with unknown attribution information from ak-blanc's submission
. I will re-add it later if I get it figured out.