Stone Axe
Sunday, August 1, 2010 - 13:30
Art Type:
Simple stone hand axe. Packed textures (256x256 normal and diffuse).
(edit) attached the blender file I used for baking. I baked in a couple stages. I composited the ambient occlusion into the diffuse texture using GIMP (multiply layer).

Beautiful work! I love the little strings on it, they give it a very authentic look.
Very nice (dare I say: as usual :)) Thanks for sharing!
I almost cried when I saw that this is GPL.
Psyckosama: why so?
Licenses on OpenGameArt are options. You can use this item under CC-BY 3.0 or GPL, you don't have to follow both.
Ah. Oh. I'm sorry. I misread the conditions. I thought you had to follow both. Thanks you very much for clearing it up for me. Your axe is awesome and I'm working out concepts for a Stone Age themed game. I do believe I've found me hatchet!
You wouldn't believe how difficult it is to find decent stone tools.
This is pretty. Looks great!