[LPC Revised] Elders
Tuesday, September 20, 2022 - 15:30
Art Type:
An add-on pack for my LPC Revised Character Basics set!
This kit includes an interchangable elderly head (with the same silhouette), an optional nose overlay, eyebrows, facial hair, clothing and accessory options, and an animated wheelchair! As always, it uses a careful palette with a large number of color options for each item.
To download the base kit, you can go here, or you can download the entire LPC Revised set at my Github.
- 1 modular head, with a modular nose overlay
- 2 eyebrows, 5 mustaches, 2 beards
- Button-down shirt, short sleeve button down shirt, polo, cardigan, suspenders, bowtie, and 2 styles of glasses
- Animated wheelchair in five colors
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Credit to Eliza Wyatt.
Clothing is based on the character animations by Stephen Challener (Redshrike), Durrani, Eliza Wyatt, and BenCreating.

I love it!
For any clothing which is derived from the body sprites (e.g. the shirts, cardigan, etc.), the credits also need to mention the authors of the body (e.g. Redshrike, Durrani, BenCreating) and link to the original submission(s). Same goes for the heads.
This also applies to the clothing in this submission https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-revised-character-basics , which currently does not attribute the other authors.
Attribution fixed. Thanks, Death's Darling!
I'm going to bump this soon since it didn't get to see much light originally.