JTTS SId drawling
Monday, January 2, 2023 - 21:56
Art Type:
A drawling of Sid from JTTS on roblox, this drawling is being used for a contest, involing Journey to the Sun, here's a link to the game on Roblox (3) Journey to the Sun ☀️ - Roblox there isn't to much said about sid, other then he started the great war in the sun domain and then was in prisoned in the sun and then escaped from it. If you would like to use this art work in your owm projects I don't mind, even if it is for a contest.

Fan art?
It's for a contest.
Unless you can give a better description of how the art was made, what the contest involves, and if it represents trademarked characters, I have to mark this as having a licensing issue.
I don't know what you mean by how the art was made, but the contest involves characters from JTTS or Journey to the Sun which can be found on Roblox, and the contest is making art work of characters from the game, and then posting them, at first it was only on discord but then they didn't want to possibly have legal issues so then they said to put it on OpenGameArt which is what I've done, and the characters are not trademarked, aleast they have not said that they are.
The owner of the game Journey to the sun (or possibly the company who owns Roblox) owns the trademarks to the characters, so unless the owner gave you permission to share fan art, it sounds like this is very much a trademark violation. How would sharing it on OGA avoid legal trouble that would otherwise be present?
I mean it's for a contest and we ware told to put it on here, by the way this art contest is for a card game they're working on which is in Roblox, here's what they told us to do "we intend to use your art for the card game, but in order to ensure that your art will be properly legally secured by our team, we need you to go make an OpenGameArt account and put your art in the public domain" so that's what we were told to do, so if they're in the worng in anyway please tell me, and I can derictly message them about it.
I am trying to determine if they're in the wrong or not. Contacting contest host. I'll message you when I know more.
IP owner of these characters has properly granted permission to create and share art of their characters. However, more information should be included in the description above so that others are able to determine this as well. For example: linking to the contest announcement and/or game this was made for. By sharing this art here, you are allowing people to use it however they want, including in stuff that has nothing to do with JTTS or Roblox. Not everyone on OpenGameArt has heard of JTTS, so it would also be helpful to tell us more about this character or how others might use this in their own games.
P.S. Despite the contest announcement saying that tagging with "just 'original' is fine", it is not. Please include as many tags as you can think of to describe what this art is. See https://opengameart.org/content/art-tags for more information.
OKay, thanks for letting me know.
I've wirtten down more info. If there's anything you still think should be changed just tell me and I'll fix it, I coudn't think of anymore tags to add,if you think I should add more tags it would be nice for you to provide some.
Well, a few things to address:
I Guess I forgot about not using 2D, I did indeed read it but I seemed to have forgotten what tags to not use. I have changed the discription to tell people that this art work can be used for other projects, other then just JTTS stuff, and I've added a few more tags and have gotten rid of the 2D tag.
If you think that I've fixed all of the issues I would like if you make my art work public again.
Thank you very much.