HeroesOfMightAndMagic2-style basilisk
HeroesOfMightAndMagic2-style basilisk, roughly based on http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/14/Basilisk_aldrovandi.jpg . I didn't do any graphics back when I played HOMM2, but there were really many things about its imagery that left a lasting impression:
* the weird heraldic-like way some units in it standed (griffins, black dragons)
* using subtle dithering to denote rough surfaces (the more common use of dithering is just to get an additional "color" when given a limited palette - but homm2, I think, used the whole 256-colour vga palette)
* brightly colored additional selection outline outside the fully black normal outline, that leaves a great contrast
* ignoring the fantasy stamps at will (eg elves are dark-skinned & black-haired)

I especially like the texture dithering, well done