24x32 Black Character Pack
- 2D::Profile::Character
- 2D::Sprite::Orthogonal
- 3 Frame Walk Cycles
- 3/4 Directional Sprite Sets
- AK 2D Characters
- AK TopDown Characters
- Cabbit Collection
- Characters
- Characters
- Cosmic Farms Related
- CSCIGameProbs
- CSCIGameRough
- Game Art
- Impyrean options
- nice sprites / assets for rpg / adventure
- Pixel Art Character Templates
- Stendhal
- topdown sprite/tiles
- Waifu Wars - scouting
- Women
Based on Svetlana Kushnariova a.k.a. Cabbit's character pack, athough the male aristocrat is from my extended version.
Includes 10 heroes (male and female fighters, healers, mages and rangers), 2 aristocrats (M&F) and 6 townfolk (boy, girl, middle-aged man and woman, old man and woman), all with attempts at afro-textured hair. The heroes and aristocrats stayed pretty close to their previous counterparts, but the kids could play with all four kids from Cabbit's character pack without a problem.
Other things in this style:
Putting this here because the Copyright/Attribution Notice field doesn't want to do separate paragraphs:
If you don't want to write up your own credit thing and just want something to copy-paste you can use this:
24x32 black characters pack (https://opengameart.org/content/24x32-black-character-pack) is licensed under a Creative Commons
Atribution 3.0 License as well as a OGA-BY 3.0 license. It is based off 24x32 characters big pack by Svetlana Kushnariova
(lana-chan@yandex.ru), which is also licensed under a Creative Commons
Atribution 3.0 License and a OGA-BY 3.0 license.

These are really great! They look unique, but at the same time blend with the original characters well. Thanks for sharing!
Yup! Absolutely love these! :)
Using the little girl's hair in Stendhal. Using her outfit too. Thank you so much diamonddmgirl! :)
Created some brides & grooms
(WIP)using your sprites. :)Thank you for this wonderful artwork!
I used it in my game: https://rk-jain.itch.io/the-twilight-diaries