117 Stone Wall Tilable Textures in 8 Themes
This pack contains 117 stone wall and floor textures. The textures are divided into 8 themes, with each theme having at least 10 textures. The eight themes are:
Cave(16): Dark brown and red, like a deep cave or a magma chamber
City(22): Grey, a bustling city still in use.
Desert(11): Yellow, a town beset by sand.
Ice(16): Light Blue, an ice cave or an alpine fortress
Jungle(18): Green, moss covered jungle fortress, or undersea ruins
Ruins(11): Dirty Brown, like an abandoned castle or a bandits lair.
Temple(10): White, like well cleaned floors (these are the original tileable version of the source images).
Torture(13): Red, splattered with blood, like a torture chamber or a monster's lair.
Each of the texture is numbered according to the source image it came from, each of the source images came from burningwell.org under creative commons and the attribution is listed below:
1 titus tscharntke stone_rock_texture_TT7010032
2 titus tscharntke stone_rock_texture_TT7010075
3 titus tscharntke TT7001552
4 titus tscharntke TT7001556
5 titus tscharntke dscf0846
6 Georges Grondin brick722
7 titus tscharntke TT7040504
8 Guest P1170645
9 titus tscharntke dscf1764
10 titus tscharntke dscf1764
Each number also has a coresponding normal map which can be found in normals.zip, the settings used for these normal maps is 0-100 with height encoded in the alpha channel to allow for parallax mapping.
Each of these textures is 1024x1024 and has had its colour palette optomized, these images were all made in Gimp 2.6 on Ubuntu 10.10, Free images made from free images in a free program on a free operating system for a free site offering free art to free games. I feel free!!
As always, if you use these I'd love to know, its not mandatory, but its always good to see your work in the wild.

cant wait to see the rest of these! ;)
This is a great post with a very good description, thanks a bunch! (not using them yet, but bookmarking for "later")
Wowzers thanks a bunch :) will be using them in my project, :D everyone can check it out www.thekingofdemons.com 3d mmorpg. Thanks again! anyway we could get it in cc?
all packs have now been uploaded, normals.zip was the last if you already had the rest.
I would like to say thank you and these look fantastic. I used a few of these textures for a game project that my class is working on. :D
These look fantastic...but GPL?
Is there any way you would release these as LGPL, CC-BY or CC-BY-SA?
Thank ye, sirrah! I've just started collecting images and tokens for online gaming and these are great!
Of the four or five textures I tested, none of them tiled properly. A couple tiled horizontally but had noticeable edges when tiled vertically. The others had glitches in both directions.
Thats strange H-hour, I tested them before uploading. I'll try and figure out whats gone on. I mostly use them as texture brushes for 3D modeling, so its less likely i'd notice if one was slightly out than when used in games. Happy to try and fix them, i believe i still have the source files somewhere, though it may take a while.
I also have a few more of these packs which i'll try and get around to uploading.
Hey! Me and some friends are going to use some of your textures for a platform survival game, its in its infancy but I'm starting to make some of the maps. These are all awesome, thanks for making em!