32x32 (and 16x16) RPG Tiles--Forest and some Interior Tiles
Tuesday, June 14, 2011 - 19:52
Art Type:
- Don't list this collection in the archive RPG
- 02. Pixel Art - Environment
- 2D Tile-Based RPG Art for Trackless and Demiurge
- 2D::Tile::Orthogonal
- 32x32
- 32x32 ambient
- Amazonian trees
- Ancient Gods
- Art used in Dusk Graphical MUD
- Collection1
- Flora - Vegetation - Plants
- Foresty and Modern 2D, Top Down, RPG Tiles
- Generic Art Collection
- Golden Axe
- Impyrean options
- long licence fantasy modern game
- map sprite
- Medicine's disordered list of Fantasy RPG Tilesets
- MyGame
- Objects & Items
- Orthogonal Fantasy 32x RPG Graphics | CC0 or CC-BY
- pixelart-game-by
- Rabbit Run Assets
- RPG Stuff Collection
- RPG Tiles
- RPGBoss
- spirit catcher 2-22-22
- Tilesets
- Top Down 2D JRPG 32x32 Art Collection
- Top-down 2D RPG
- Trees: Mega Pack CC-BY 3.0
- Used in Hero of Allacrost
- Zed: AM: Top-Down
- zzStuff I've Downloaded
Hello once again! Here we have a 32x32 forest tileset with some grass/undergrowth, a tree, a forest, a cliffside and some various odds and ends. It comes in both a dark version and, by popular IRC demand, a somewhat lightened version. Feel free to make your own coloration! Also included are a few interior tiles I did as a test.
These tiles were comissioned by Gaurav Munjal for his awesome HTML5 Canvas Old School RPG, which you can see at http://gaurav0.github.com/Old-School-RPG-Map.I definitely suggest you check it out.
As part of CC-By, please link back to this page.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Stephen Challener and the Open Surge team ( http://opensnc.sourceforge.net), hosted by OpenGameArt.org

Great Work!!
wow, just wow.
Awesome work as always.
They look great. Look forward to seeing them in-game.
@manwesulimo2004 You can see it in-game now. Just go to the forest dungeon. You may have to hit reload if you have played the game before.
HTML5 Canvas Old School RPG
Cool. Is there going to be a dark battle background to go with the dark forest tiles?
Is it alright if I moddify this tileset to use in my game? It's really nice, but too big for the OHR engine I'm using
You absolutely may. As long as you give attribution as specified you can do whatever you please with these tiles. I would appreciate it if you released aany modifications you do under the same license, but this is not required by the license.
That said, I have been planning to update these tiles in the furutre, and I've already done some work on the tree. I dont know when that will be done, though.
Really magnificent!!! I favorited it!!! But I prefer to make my own textures.
How is it I never found this, even with all my digging through your stuff on OGA for enemy sprites? Lovely work as always.