Wednesday, July 1, 2015 - 08:58
Art Type:
- 3-D Assets for "Closed Source Projects"
- 3d Beat em up
- 3d Creatures under CC0
- 3D Fantasy
- 3D Sci-Fi Game Art
- AK: 3D Artworks
- Arcane arts
- art for an mmo
- CCO Character Models
- Characters, Animals, Vehicles
- Dungeon Labyrinth
- Fantasy
- FPS Game
- Game Project Models
- Legend of Rathnor Parts
- legends
- Models for HERESY - Flare Mod
- PS Tech
- Pumpkin Patch
- Truly Truly Public Domain
- What Arkhados uses
WarWolf model based on ThetankOmeter's original work.
I added following animations to it:
- Charge
- Die
- Jump
- Land
- Roar
- Run
- Swipe-Left
- Swipe-Right
- Swipe-Up
- Throw (dagger)
I also reduced polycount with Blender's Decimator.
I use this in my project Arkhados and it's called Venator there.
I hope someone finds these animations useful.
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Original author:

looks good. can you model fishy cat? I have its head, just not its body,. I don't know how to rig a cat.
Nope. I can't model. I just don't have the skills. Programming is my thing. I try to avoid modelling and animating as much as possible, but in this case I had no choice.
What type of programming you do?, have you done Unreal Engine stuff yet? Because I haven't solved my unreal engine code issues yet with the models, trying to get em to animate in the game.. Because I can't solve the engine code issues, instead I been writing the rest of my game in a windows batch file do I'm writing out the storyline and the game elements, its a sci fi rpg combat game that allows you to explore space, use jumpgates, even explore another galaxy, so it won't be limited to just one galaxy, it just turn based at the moment because there's no 3d engine yet in it, I wrote it in batch code so can see how the game is shaping up in the 2d form at least, that at least lets me see how the diaglog runs in the game, before thinking of putting it into a real 3d engine to build the 3d world of it, That's why I'm looking at Unreal engine to see if it can do the job, allow me to have thousands of lines of interactive diaglog as well since its story line driven.
I don't know if Unreal can do the job with the dialog though. because it uses this blueprint node system. but i rather it just read the text strings in instead from a simple text diaglog file.
Please see the following thread to see my main project. There's link to my github-page and gameplay trailer:
I will probably never use Unreal Engine on my personal projects since it's not FOSS. I've seen the forum thread about your game that you've made in batch. I'm impressed how much you've been able to do with batch. I didn't know you could do so much in it.
Still, I don't think batch was really the best choice for prototyping since it's neither general purpose programming language nor game oriented. Why not try Java, JS, C++ or Python for example?
But this is going off topic.
Before I go back to the topic I do have this to say about Unreal., I can't code in those langauges you mention but only code in batch at the moment, As for Unreal Engine, that engine is a workhorse and is a headache (not a delight) to work with. When you set everything all up in the editor the engine don't generate the new code scripts for you to add them into the game engine, it seems to be that you have to create the scripts YOURSELF. retype the same file parameters all over again to configure them. and that's not talking about how long it takes to build its lighting...........
In Unreal 4 you have to build a blueprint now just to get it to display text up on the screen which took the poor guy on youtube about 15 minutes to set up all of the nodes to get Unreal 4 to display txt on the screen. So what if your game had thousands of lines of dialog, do you have to build thousands of these shaders to display it? Because Unreal uses tons of extra calulcations with all of these blueprint nodes, i why it needs top high end machines to meet all its demmands.
"In Unreal 4 you have to build a blueprint now just to get it to display text up on the screen which took the poor guy on youtube about 15 minutes to set up all of the nodes to get Unreal 4 to display txt on the screen. So what if your game had thousands of lines of dialog, do you have to build thousands of these shaders to display it?"
You build a function or dialogue object to be triggered every time there needs to be dialogue put on the screen. You might have different cases you want to program for, but in general you want to have use cases for the shaders figured out anyway. Just pass into the parameters the dialogue you want displayed (probalby a string variable, because it's a string). Pretty basic concept of object-oriented programming, which UE4 was built using (C++).
I just don't have the knowledge to know how to do it in unreal.
So I can't do anything in unreal except to load in models, but can't even get their animations to work in the game, so its best I look for a guy who can code it for me whos got the experience and is willing to help....
Some people in here have told me, to just give up, 3d is just too hard, just tell me to stick to a simple windows script turned based game instead with pictures. Problem is I can display the pictues in the windows console, with insertbmp.exe but soon as another window gets in the way, the graphics get all wiped out off the console window. I want that little issue to be resolved......There has to be a way to refresh the window without wiping out all the graphics when another window is in the way and keep them on the display. and only allows me to clear the graphics when I type the Mode command to force the screen to reset itself to clear the graphics..
For As long as the graphics keep on getting wiped off the display when another window gets in the way and dosen't refresh it again to keep them on the dispaly, then , I can't do a turn based game until this problem with the console screen has been resolved.
And NOBODY yet has stepped in to resolve this refresh windows issue for me. which a simple screen capture and dump program could probably keep the graphics on the screen during a refresh, at least give me a workaround..
Now as for 3d work, yes I have 1 guy already modeling up one of my scenes in the game in Blender, and 1 female voice actor doing some dialog voice over for some female characters in the game. So I'm making some progress the other areas of the game, but not with Unreal Engine code, so I've decided to just code my script in windows script first to get all the dialog storylines right to make all those changes all outside the 3d engine, and then do the 3d Modeling work on the game and worry about finding a coder later for that game engine later becaue its beyond my abilities at the moment..........
I can only put together that which I understand.
Hey man, as far as not having time to learn OOP that's fine. I'm just telling you that it's not super hard if you have the fundamental ideas figured out.
It's also fine if you don't have time to learn it; real life gets in the way and that's okay. Just do what you can with what you have and keep doing your thing. I don't know much about windows batch programming, so I can't really help you there. I hope you find a solution to your problem and you finish your game really soon!
Sorry if I came across as condescending. It was not my intention to do so.
It's the fundamentals I don't understand of OOP yet that's what makes it a headache but I have written 89 thousand lines out of my game in windows script code, its got 8 party members so far in it as well as a few minor party members who only join the party for short period of time, its an rpg sci-fi storyline dialog driven game. The thing is I can produce a game very fast in windows batch language and if it wasn't for the consol refresh graphics issue, would be ok to develop it for that for a simple turn based gme like Orion Universe, but I use it for testing dialog and debugging text and making changes instead. The real 3d game has to still be made in a 3d game engine.once all the text changes are all made first to the script before putting it into a 3d engine.
I used your model when I created this: https://www.instagram.com/p/B5TUrmSDVh5/