Sunday, May 3, 2015 - 14:38
Art Type:
- !Project::Archeron
- 3D Assets
- 3d Character Models
- 3D Post Apocalyptic
- 3d printable
- AK: 3D Artworks
- AncientBeast
- Art With (Open) Character
- Asset conversions
- CCBY Characters
- CCBY Vehicles
- Character Models
- Characters, Animals, Vehicles
- Gumbot 3D
- Last Echelon
- Low Poly Retro Style 3D
- Models for a space game
- rpg
- Sci-Fi
- THEME: sci-fi / space
- TITLEWave Aesthetic
- Wolf
Blend contains Robot with 3 diffuse texture variations.

This is awesome.
Wow! How many polys/tris is this? :)
Thank you. This is a higher poly model (about 21k tris or 11k quads) intended to be used as a boss or as normal character in a PC game or to make 2D game animation sequence. However, there is room for getting it to lower poly counts. If you decide to do that I'd use Meshlab to decimate the body, not the guns, using the texture option to keep the UVs and textures still usable. I say not the guns beause they already started to look a little square even at the poly count it currently has.
Looks cool and well one. Would love to see it in some open source RTS.
Da miedo
Very awesome! :D
Very awesome work bro! I'm going to use this for my group project class!!
quick tip from me: use the texture in other sci fi models (robots, crates...), it looks very very great.
So I'm guessing this is textured in 3d and the unwrap is that automatic thing that blender does.
Nice work, kinda looks like baked in PBR material thingy that I keep hearing about it nowadays.
Wow this is an awesome futuristic design!