Error message
- Notice: Undefined index: files_with_preview in _oga_audio_preview() (line 392 of sites/all/modules/oga/oga.module).
- Notice: Undefined index: files_with_preview in _oga_audio_preview() (line 394 of sites/all/modules/oga/oga.module).
ChaosEsque-Anthology: Opensource/Free FPS standalone mod of Xonotic released.
I released a standalone mod of Xonotic.
It is fully free/opensource with all the code GPL, and all the media GPL or CC0 CCBY or CCBYSA (all free/open compatable). The source is included and the mediasource for the added content is included.
It's packaged as an .iso as .zip won't go over 2gb on 32bit systems. Also so you can burn to DVD.
I modeled, and added many weapons (including medeval weapons), added many vehicles, coded spellcasting, foliage for the maps, fun things like bumpers and baloons (which rocket you around if you have the mutator enabled). I made around 40something maps (all gpl) for the mod, in addition to the regular xonotic and nexuiz (gpl) maps included. There are also monsters added (thanks to mario, plus I extended that).
I also used some items from open game art.
OSARE: Skeleton and Minotaur.
OldBook (spell book)
Old Paper texture.
Some CCBYSA songs.
Mario added a spider and a ogre/barbarian monster using opengame art assets.
I'm very glad you're around.
You can also build buildings.
So basically you can do as you wish in this 3d world, and there are many mutators where you can customize your game.
There is even a colorwar option: If you die you join the team of the person that killed you (or if in non-teamgame you become their pants/shirt color).
It adds alot of things, and many more maps and other things I and others made (also more texture packs I made).
The weapons are also more "realistic" in damage and other ways (they kill you quick, guns jam, rockets fail, there is muzzle rise) but still have all the futuristic and medeval weapons.
There are also aeroplanes and such, and mounted weapons.
Be sure to read the movement commands:
Xonotic: Chaos-Esque Anthology
Keyboard Controls
Note: When creating or editing maps in NetRadiant for this game disable “Use alternative texture projection” in Preferences>Settings>Brush to keep full compatibility with the pre-fabricated map sections found in data/maps/
To spawn vehicles, mounted guns, turrets, monsters, and hazards randomly in the map go to Multiplayer > Create > Mutators and enable their respective options.
To start a game go to Multiplayer > Create , select a match type, a map, and press “Start Multiplayer!” or “Play”
Vehicles & Mounted Guns
To enter a vehicle or a mounted gun hold F (The “use” key) or E while approaching the vehicle.
To exit a vehicle or a mounted gun press F (The “use” key)
To turn the engine on and take off when in an aeroplane press E + W
To load or reload a vehicle or mounted gun from its ammo reserves press R (The “reload” key)
To replenish the ammo reserves of a vehicle or mounted gun press E + R (The “reload” key)
(Note: fusion reactors will replenish the ammo reserves on a vehicle or mounted gun when in range)
To increase the gun elevation in a non-automated battle tank press Spacebar
To decrease the gun elevation in a non-automated battle tank press Shift
To increase the ROF of the rotary mounted guns press Spacebar
To decrease the ROF of the rotary mounted guns press Shift
In a vehicle, to increase the ROF of the rotary mounted guns press E + Spacebar
In a vehicle, to decrease the ROF of the rotary mounted guns press E + Shift
In a vehicle, to increase the speed of the engine press E + W (if the vehicle supports throttling)
In a vehicle, to decrease the speed of the engine press E + S (if the vehicle supports throttling)
To pickup a weapon or item press F (The “use” key)
To reload a weapon press R (The “reload” key)
To attach a suppressor to the .45 Pistol, the Rifle, or the MachineGun (Mac-10)
press F (The “use” key) + R (The “reload” key)
To turn on the flashlight press R (The “reload” key)
To change the color of the the flashlight press F (The “use” key) + R (The “reload” key)
To change the focus of the the flashlight press F (The “use” key) + Shift + R (The “reload” key)
Movement Brawling
To move forward press W. To move backwards press S. Punch: W W Uppercut: Shift + W W
To strafe left press A. To strafe right press D. Kick: W W (While in air (Spacebar))
The default port for a server is 26000 (UDP)
More SShots:
Why are the vertexes screwed up? This doesn't happen in the engine version I use and include. It just shows that the modern DP engine is broken with respects to IQM.
IQM is the only easy way to go directly from blender to game (or was untill IQM was broken). A new user expects that his model shows up and shows up as he exported it. Not be invisible unless he learns advanced features of blender, or to be screwed up in rendering.
Once upon a time vertex groups didn't even exist.
I was hoping that an idea to programatically fix this problem could be discussed. Could you ask divverent and/or LH about how to add a per-entity flag that says "don't do the unneed slow stuff" and or "don't be invisible"
or maybe if an IQM is named something else like model.mdl (like in the weapons code how they're all named model.md3) the skel animation stuff could be skipped (or whatever is slowing things down).
Please. If a fix of such a type is made I'll patch my engine version.
All the vehicle models in regular Xonotic are .dpm, I believe this is for a reason. All that is really needed is knowledge on how to compile to .dpm (which I think is simple, but have only ever tried with non-Blender programs).
The process that I know of for .dpm is creating .smd files (one for the model and the rest for skeleton/animations). Should be able to find a good .smd exporter on Google from Source.
Once we have .smd files, we just need the dpmodel program to compile them into .dpm. There is a semi-official guide here:
If you can get this working, I will consider supporting your project further, but as it stands, .iqm is just too laggy to make it any fun.
Could you post which models, for you, lag.
For me it is the LOD-0 models of:
fokker triplane (the red triplane with the + on the side)
blackhawk helicopter
fastcar and sportcar (labrogini)
I think maybe the T27 Tank LOD-0 model aswell.
When I get into range to load these there is alot of lag.
With the lod1 and lod2 (and lod3) models of these, even in iqm, I do not get lag.
(Like hitting a brick wall)
Only the over 3.5mb models.
Is this your experience aswell?
I use material name to indicate the shaders that should be used in the exported model, does the dmp exporter way support this? (Shame there isn't a direct exporter).
I'm somewhat willing to re-export the worst offenders to dpm, if it makes a difference and is possible to do.
(The non-lod0 models don't lag for me)
Could you perhaps take the fokker blender file I linked and see if you can export it as DMP and if it is thusly improved (you can just replace the .iqm file with the dmp renamed to .iqm, DP will detect filetype anyway)? I've been busy working on the buildable building system (lockable doors now) for the time being.
They're all quite slow, as they are all detailed and use the bad vertexes. I think you should try with 1, and if the process isn't too complicated and ongoing, do it for all the vehicles.
I'd much rather leave this issue to you, as then you're the one who understands it and are able to apply it to all the vehicles if need be.
I am very sure it would increase performance a lot, because I have actually done this using a different method before (the Yugo and LL47 were ported to regular Xonotic for use in my mod, the model's bones and attachments are partially broken there due to lack of vertex groups, but they are .dpm and non-laggy).
Once this is done, I can help lower the overall size of your fork by 70%, and slowly work towards porting it to the latest Xonotic version (0.8, which I know you are against, but the improvements are many and the sands are getting very stable with the newer updates, despite your vertex iqm problem... This is also something I am happy to work on alone after getting familiar with the development process here).
P.S. Do you have an IRC channel or anything? Would be nice to use that instead of a comment section on a random website.
Uploaded a new ISO (v 46)
New things: you can build doors now, more commands to help you build easier, etc.
Doors you build can be teamlocked, and hardlocked
Some improvements to doors where you can set a reduced trigger area in code, and set a reduced triggering set (so only monsters / bots / players will trigger, rather than anything including flying missiles)
Lots of code edits really.
Most of the DVD space is taken up by textures. The aim is to give the player (who might turn mapper) the pallet he needs to do whatever (kinda like the original Unreal / Unreal Tournament). Netradiant doesn't read .dds textures and I've pretty much stripped out all the textures from the map .pk3s so there's no redundancy.
I don't have an IRC channel because I get banned constantly for some reason. I guess various server ops support freedom of speech as much as france does. Last time I ran my own server, many years ago, feminists were probing it and trying to hack the apache server ("traced" the ips back to people who accessed specific images on specific forums at specific times, so I knew who it was)... also it was loud, so I shut it down. The internet was different back then, these days running a server means exploited in a second.... I thought it was bad then.
Also IRC == Direct connect (most places ban proxies), which I don't like to do, they give out your IP to everyone. Even with advanced proxies and all that the low latancyness of IRC means it can be traced back nomatter what.
One thing I'd like to do ... in engine hacking... is allow (non world) .bsp models to be lit the way all other models are lit in the map, maybe if a flag is set on the bsp model's entity. Currently they all use their lightmaps (which usually is fine... except on very dark maps, there it would be nice to have the buildable buildings use the gridlight like other models. BSP is good because it has volume, other modeling formats don't, thus bullet penetration can be predicted etc, and thus it is used for buildings).
Another addition that would be cool would be adding the ability to colour the fakelight setting.
Thanks for showing interest.
I'll might see if I can start doing the dpm exports sometime soon, though I have to study for stuff soon too. It might take awhile, like making the lod models did, but one at a time I guess I'll get it done aslong as all goes well in the export process.
Also note there is a -unstable branch that has the updates but it also has divverent's bendy player code too.
Another form of chat would be nice, I suppose... something that is quicker and easier to respond on.
I know many despise your efforts due to your past, but I have not seen any anti-feminist activity from you in a long time. Not to say I'll disregard your work if you're still into the hatespeech stuff, but either way, there is a great open source resource here that no-one else dares touch.
If I am to start supporting your project, as said, there will need to be a few changes, mainly to the model formats. More on that after the conversion to .dpm though. That is still the show stopper for me.
Best of luck with fixing it, and nice work on the doors.
Unfortunate news:
I have tried today and it is absolutely impossible for me to export to SMD
Thus I cannot export to dpm. IQM is the /only/ model format who's exporter actually works.
I tried multiple versions of the smd exporter for blender 2.61
Here is what I get (note: forum chatter indicates it works for windows users):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/r00t/.blender/2.61/scripts/addons/", line 3438, in invoke
if not ValidateBlenderVersion(self):
File "/home/r00t/.blender/2.61/scripts/addons/", line 216, in ValidateBlenderVersion
if int([:5]) >= bl_info['api']:
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'unkno'
Blender and python must be absolute trash. Honestly
If there isn't an in-engine fix possible for IQM then I'm sorry to say there is no way to get better performance. It is just ____impossible____ to get from blender to dpm on linux.
Blender is trash when it comes to getting anything exported from it (guess that's why they made an in-game game engine) and refuses to test and keep in-tree relevant scripts, and it CONSTANTLY breaks compatability so everyone has to recode their scripts all the time (fucking assholes). Python constantly becomes incompatable with itself (more assholes with the hipster glasses or maybe a collar flipped, I don't know, or maybe they just want opensource to fail).
Tried this:
and this:
The only way to improve performace would be if divverent was given the slow iqms and he found a way to make iqms as fast as dpms in engine, and then that fix could be backported (and used in new engine versions ofcourse)
I just cannot get this fucking _CRAP_ with blender to work. I hate python, I'm sure it's the problem.
I still hate feminists and still support the old testament's conception of marriage (which includes such concepts as "master" and "young girl" if you study the hebrew). The past is the present and always will be: I will never change.
I think it is disgusting that france is putting people in prison for years (one drunk guy got 4 years in prison) because they verbally "supported" what the guys that killed the hebdo people did. France and all of europe are enemies of free speech and men in general. If one doesn't toe the line of the republic one ends up in a jail (I guess that's a step up from straight execution that the republic of france used to carry out). France is the progenitor of the Red Terror: the Soviet Union was simply a scaled up version of the early days of the first french republic, and that spirit still dwells within government of that and all similar nations.
I'd like to see them have another revolution and clean house. They clearly fear that all across Europe as they have banned men from owning weapons. Hopefully their fears will be realized and the ethnic franks, and others indigenous to Europe will burn the continent to the ground once again; destroying their opressors. Europe is an empire for women, and obedient males who support women's wishes. Anything a man would actually want is banned (as in all western countries): good young girls, good fast firing guns, you name it.
European-decendant people are only 9 percent of the world now, due to the incompatibility of women having any rights and even replacement-level reproduction. (I'm sure if factory robots had rights there would be less production from them too).
I really wish I could export to SMD. These versions were made to work with this version of blender. What happened? Were they never tested. Did python decide to not support the language formally known as python?
I always hit into this with blender. Always. IQM is the ONLY damned thing I can export into darkplaces. I wanted to start converting the problem models to DPM but it truely is impossible.
And for a blender 2.62 attempt with a script version written for 2.62 we get:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/r00t/stuff/blender-2.62-linux-glibc27-x86_64/2.62/scripts/modules/", line 259, in enable
mod = __import__(module_name)
File "/home/r00t/.blender/2.62/scripts/addons/", line 33, in
import math, os, time, bpy, bmesh, random, mathutils, re, struct, subprocess, io
ImportError: No module named bmesh
Fucking Trash.
And lets try with blender 2.64 with a version of the script that supposidly is for blender (2, 6, 4)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/r00t/stuff/blender-2.64a-linux-glibc27-x86_64/2.64/scripts/modules/", line 264, in enable
mod = __import__(module_name)
File "/home/r00t/.config/blender/2.64/scripts/addons/", line 33, in
import math, os, time, bpy, bmesh, random, mathutils, re, struct, subprocess, io, datamodel, collections
ImportError: No module named datamodel
Ah ofcourse ofcourse!
It WOULD be "datamodel" this time wouldn't it be.
So to sum it up:
2.61: python doesn't believe this version of the script is written in python.
2.62: bmesh ... what is that?
2.64: I guess we just rgrepped bmesh with datamodel in the script.
Collars are flipped, square glasses are looked through, Charlie Hebdo being supported, old beliefs mocked, interracial and homosexual relations are the only "respectable" relations (because one just has to destroy thousands of years of selected breeding that produced actually pretty girls, to do otherwise would be hate), anything actually good (like young girls of your own race) is totally banned, and opensource is absolute trash these days. ... In a word: systemd.
Sorry that I couldn't get this to work. I tried with 3 versions of blender, 4 versions of the script, it just won't work (IQM exporter works with all of them, which is why I use it... it's the only choice I have). I wanted it to work but what can I do...
Could you ask divverent to take a look at the models (fokkeredits.iqm) in darkplaces and find the slowdown in the code? If that can be found perhaps a per-entity flag could be added that just skips all the slow code, if we don't need it (we probably don't as we don't move the bones in relation to themselves, we just use them as tags, like where a headlamp would be on a car)
The Blender Source Tools specifically says on their download page that Blender 2.66 or later is required.
Your personal beliefs don't affect my business here, I am fine with working towards a better open source future, regardless of the source's origin.
fokkeredits.iqm attached
I am using the older versions from the repo that are for blender 2.6.1 2.6.2 2.6.4 respectively. You can see that they are for these version and I am not doing anything incorrect here:
Here is some proof that these are the scripts to use for that era of blender:
(2.61 he mentions)
The words "Blender Source Tools specifically says on their download page that Blender 2.66 or later is required." Did not exist when these scripts were written. I cannot be held to that, these scripts were written for the versions of blender I use. That download page didn't exist either.
None-the-less, as is tradition, the scripts written for blender do no work.
IQM does, it's the only one that does.
I don't like going hunting for the one version of something that actually works in opensource because all of the, how can I describe them... (?)faggots(?), who these days work on opensource refuse to follow standards and refuse to keep backwards compatability with anything (including python with itself) (this used to not be the case, it was more engineers working on opensource). This has taken up many hours already with nothing to show for it.
I really don't understand how the programmer who wrote the IQM exporter can have something that works fine, but this SMD exporter... it has never worked once. Not even on blender 2.51 I remeber. Do they never test it?
If you want to help, please, please, talk to Divverent on #qc or #darkplaces about improving IQM speed, and even being able to disable parts that are not needed on a per-entity basis. I'll backport that code. It would be probably 10 lines of code. 2 to make the if then to disable whatever skel animation stuff is unneeded, 1 to register a new per-entity variable, and the rest probably in quakec to get in networked from client to server (unless this can be done automatically for some flagged variabled in DP?). I have no idea where 9 of those lines need to go however.
Thank you for the kind comments about the contents of the mod.
What do others say of the mod, if anything? What is the word on the street.
If there was some way to feed that dpmodel program an IQM and get out a dpm that would give a possible way, but I don't think there is.
Really, whatever is the slowdown with IQM inside of DP should be rectified.
Another idea, though it won't help with the slowdown, is a per-entity option of just putting everything in 1 vertex group in-memory by the engine. Which would work fine for any static mesh. The engine could ignore the vertex mesh data of the model, if this is set, and just make it's own 1 vertex group which it could send to the GFX card and sidestep the "you must be very careful when exporting a mesh" problem.
There's really no way around talking to divverent about this, the issue is DP is slow as hell with IQMS that are over 3.5 MB about... for whatever reason... and isn't with same-sized DPMs (which I can't export to it seems :/). So that issue needs to be delt with or worked around if it is an issue with animating bones (would be fine with a per-entity switch to turn off that slow code on models that do not animate and just use bones as position tag_s)
I tried asking on #darkplaces but no luck, and then got G-Lined (as is tradition).
Div0 wasn't awake, nor was LordHavoc. Perhaps you will fare better.
Info about new release: New Release: 46. Did a good deal of code having to do with doors and the buildable building code. You can now build doors. You can also teamlock doors you build or doors that come with buildings you build. Also in the code you can directly set door trigger mins/maxs and set doors to open for less things than normaly they would (ie: only players/bots/ and monsters, not just anything that moves). Some new commands have also been added: lock, unlock, softlock, hardlock, multitool placetype and multitool buildingsnap. Placetype allows you to switch from building where you are standing to building where you are looking forward a little bit. Buildingsnap allows you to have building snap to 64qunits like blocks if you wish. New Buildables -Wood Door -Steel Door -Wood Paneled Door -Glass Door Ability to teamlock doors on buildable buildings. Misc improvements. http// Direct Download: http//
Sorry I wasn't able to test the other model format.
If you can speak to div0 or LH they might give tips on where in the code to hack around to maybe see if one could make it faster for iqm.
Release 47:
New Buildables:
-Metal Drum
-Gasoline Drum
-Explosive Charge
-FireSupression station
(Misc random building mutator will build Fire suppression stations in addition to all the other building it builds)
Added variable for vehicles so that when set when they are placed the traceline collides: movetype_normal
(default is worldonly)
Exploding gasoline drums ignight nearby trees (and wooden buildings)
Explosive charges blow the trees up.
Download: http//
Alright, so, I did some testing and successfully got a working .dpm into the game!
Problem is, it was laggier than the LOD version of the yugo... Looks like the real problem is that your models are way too detailed. Should be able to halve the poly count without losing much detail, it's a bit overkill currently with even the LOD model looking ultra high quality
Congrats on the feat! How did you do it and what versions were used?
What I could do is make an lod2 model for some of the heavier models and make the lod0 model only popup when you are rvery close to the model. My goal usually is to 1/2 the poly count each time (at least)
I'll note for myself to try to make an lod2 (a third model) of the fokker plane and I guess another lod of the yugo.
Server side chaosesque supports I think up to lod4 (5 levels of detail), I remeber adding such code so I could make baloons really basic at a distance.
I think the slowness should be investigated further though, to see what subroutines in DP are using up most of the processing time. If it does turn out to be something to do with skel animation, we might have an area that we can improve speeds by adding code that allows unneeded features to be turned off per model.
I won't beable to work on anything for a month or so probably however now.
I used a proprietary program, 3ds Max.
Better to stick with IQM though, as the only issue with it now is the poly count.
Maybe replace the lod0 and lod1 models with the lod 2 and 3, then add new even lower quality 2-4 models. Their current high detail is too much for this engine.
Release 48: Some more weapons for you and some perfomance improvements perhaps. New Weapons: AK-47, RPG7 RPG7 will ignite things (trees etc) sometimes (not often but sometimes) LOD models used more for vehicles to speed things up (complex vehicles stay at lod1 more than lod0 now) Specifically the fokker tri-plane, blackhawk heli, the sports cars, yugo car, etc Various bugfixes. Download: http//
Info Page: http//
Screenshots: http//
This youtube channel has some vids:
I worked on some LOD models.
Yugo now has an lod2 model (regular, lod1, lod2)
As does the 3 WW1 planes.
In newest release. Vehicle performance is improved for me.
New version 50.
Added AKS-74u and Tokarev pistol.
Worked on LOD2 models alot.
Now all the WW1 biplanes / triplanes have LOD2 models (ie the thrid level of detail model) aswell as the yugo.
Also new option in advanced menu to switch teamspawns and switch team bases.
This can be useful when using CTF maps from, say, UrbanTerror as the things seem to be switched.
Those LOD2 models took along time to do, it seems to give improvement (alot) on my machine.
Also worked on making them used more, only when you get right up close do the lod1 and then lod0 (normal) model are used.
(Some let's play vids of the game are on this channel: )
Release 51:
New weapons: M16 vn, M16 mini (like an m4), 44 Magnum, Browning HiPower 9mm pistol.
New buildables: Vineyard
New farman LOD model (3 levels of detail now) to improve performance.
New release. Please give feedback if able.
Release 54:
There are now over 72 weapons, thus code has been reworked to
allow up to 24*4 weapons (96). (items.qh code in qcsrc/common)
New weapons: War Mallet, Japanese Mallet (making 74 weapons total).
Caltrop secondary now is more useful: drops many caltrops (10 to 15).
(old secondary which threw them like darts can be enabled via cvar if desired)
Added: AT mines
Landmines and AT mines can be placed by hand. AT mines create large explosion.
If a player has landmines and the minelayer weapon (throws mines), and
has no ammo, the minelayer weapon will use the placable landmines as ammunition.
If the player has the minelayer weapon equipped while placing the small landmines
by hand (via the toss grenade button (G) after selecting a grenade (v)
those landmines will be remotely detonatbale by pressing the minelayer secondary.
Otherwise they will not be (this is intentional and required more code to
set up).
Mines (landmines / AT mines / mines layed by minelayer weapon) can now be buried if
placed on dirt, snow, grass, etc via the bury command.
Check out create>startweapons button to set what mines/grenades/etc you start
Bot now have a _mele weapon priority list, in addition to the normal _far, _mid, _close
Thus they know when not to use a bow but use a cudgel instead.
Be sure to check out the (;) and (L) keys when aiming (center aim, tip gun to side)
(Commands: altaim, shootfromside).
An additional buildable medeval door has been added for the multitool.
Download: http//
Direct link to v54 not needing javascript: http//
Note: If you have a recent version (53 etc) and just want to update the code
a contributor has uploaded those files, additionally, seperatly.
You can place the following files in the directory XonoticChaosEsque/data/
replacing the older versions of these 2 files:
(There are also git repos available)
Latest version ISO: Download: http//
For anyone that wants an update between versions, a contributor has uploaded the files you need. Here is a latest code update where the bots now know about grenades etc: they will throw grenades, flashbangs, smokegrenades, place landmines and ATmines, and also bury mines (if they can (if a mine in on ground, grass, snow, sand, dirt, etc it can be buried with the bury command)) Makes the game more fun :D And hard to assault a base. Flashbangs really blind you blanca for awhile. These files go in the directory: XonoticChaosEsqueAnthology/data/ 340MB http// 34MB http// (You may also wish to get these small files which are seldom updated aswell:) 94MB http// 300KB: http//
Release 55:
This update has been a polishing update, with a new feature aswell:
Oil ocean mutator: you can now set oil level, if near the vapour level of
the oil, enflamed things will spread fire on the oil. The rate is settable
by cvar, currently set to a global max of 10 spreads per second, a per-entity
think interval of 2 seconds, and a 30 percent chance of deciding to spread
per think interval (0.1, 2, 0.3);
Bugfixes for mines: A bug that has been in xonotic for along time (since
it had mines) has been defeated. The bug was that if a mine was following
(ie attached to a vehicle or mover etc) something and that something dissappeared
the mine would then unfollow it and just stay static. Now for map movers of
the map this might have been fine, their coords are global (IIRC, might be wrong).
For sticking to vehicles, trees, etc, this caused the mine to appear
at 0 0 0+ offset origin, which made life there troubling. When the minelayer
was added there weren't many (or any?) vehicles in xon, and no foliage system/mutator
so testing wasn't done for that. Now the mines (minelayer, landmine, atmine)
if they lose what they're following/attached to remove themselves in 0.1 time.
Bot ai code work: bots know how to throw grenades, drop mines, bury mines if
grenades and mines are enabled. This includes flashbangs and smoke grenades.
Some Gimp work, creating an oil texture and adding it to the caethaver2 tex pack.
,norm map for a wall used in sideloop map, etc.
Misc Updates (ex: to bury a mine press J (it must be on ground/snow/grass/dirt/etc).
Download: http//
For those wishing to update rather than download new ISO image:
For those updating from v54, these files will need to be replaced in your
XonoticChaosEsqueAnthology/data/ directory.
For those updating from v53, this additional file is needed:
Download Full game:
Oil Ocean.
Any thoughts?
Release 56.
New Features:
Containers, commands: put, take (in addition to drop)
(you can put or take from a container or chained prisoner)
New command: search (you can search a container or a handcuffed or chained prisoner)
Buildable Furniture, Archive utilitool block (container).
Builabale Doors auto-center in halls and doorways.
So you can now take over a house and fortify it.
Bugfixes having to do with oil fires, tanks, etc.
Misc bugfixes.
Raptor rotors now have code for gibbing, as the helicopter rotors did for
a long time.
When throwing nades or mines, the other type will not be autoselected if you run
out (only nades with other types of nades, and mines with other types of mines)
Additional water for waterlevel mutator.
BASED option for water, oil, etc spawning (will base it to height/depth of map,
sliders as percentage, all the way to the right = all filled up).
I have been watching this thread the whole time, and I still don't quite know what to make of this game. It seems to be a kind of post-modern collage of game mechanics, everything including the kitchen sink thrown into a blender and set up as a deathmatch.
Gender and religious politics aside, what are the goals of the project? what are the milestones? And how will you know when its finished?
Version 58:
New weapons: Mini-Uzi, Micro-Uzi
New buildable buildings:
Utilitool: HighTensionWireTower, Energy Bridge, Energy Bridge Control
Multitool: Curtain,Castle,Polish Stairs (like a tower to next level, so
you can more easily build multi story duengons/castles.
Curtian,Castle,Polish interior door wall.
Misc New: white and black pearls as a pickup.
New Reticle for Mac-10 (more like its real iron sights)
Ak's have been moved to button 6 for selection from button 3.
What you can do with the new stuff: build a futuristic base with an "energy"
drawbridge that can be toggled by pressing F in the center control area
of a control bridge section. Remeber to lock-down the area with garrisions
or control bases so the other team may not build their own control bridge
buildings. Also remember the multitool lockz commands to make building
easier. Build a hightensionwire tower for sniping or placing cannon on
(remeber to set multitool blocktype so you may build buildings upon buildings
if you wish to do this). Build a multistory castle of your own design with
vaults, stairs, interior walls and doors, and furnishings aswell. Build these
around your flag base to make capture very difficult.
Equip uzi to feel like the Arnold Schwarzenegger in the Terminator if you wish aswell.
Remeber, this game is fully free, opensource, etc. Code and media. Enjoy!
The utilitool and multitool are what you use to build. A hammer or kiduchi to construct from the scaffolds. Check out all the options in the input menu for commands to use.
"what are the goals of the project? what are the milestones?"
There is no goal, other than to make more: the same goal as life.
"And how will you know when its finished?"
When all the contributors are dead. (God Willing)
If you want some examples of some features that are being worked
towards, and some hopes for the future, I will give so to you, but
please be aware that most members of the team are against making
claims before they come to fruition: they see it as BS, if you will.
If you go to XonoticBla/data/maps/ directory you will see a file . You can unzip this file and you will have many prefab
pieces sc_this sd_that etc. There will also be a text file explaining.
What these are are sort of buildings, roads, tiles etc, elevations,
land, that are analogous to tiles found in SimCity 2000, but modeled
by us in 3d with interiors. They're not the same, but the idea of
having city tiles comes from SC2k. Each full size tile is a certain
size. (there are also half and quarter size roads etc, so you can make
allyways etc. About 1/2 the buildings are done, and most of the roads
and railroads and subway lines. Remeber this is all free, opensource
made by us. But that is an example of something not yet finished but
in progress.
Another is crossfire-extened RPG wealth items. Coins, gems, pearls, etc.
These are almost done, and extra things added aswell.
A third is the ongoing work on the buildable buildings system. This
will continue untill it is felt that one can build whatever one
desires or needs. There are medeval buildings with the multitool and
futuristic with the utilitool.
Some other things that might be added are an armoured bus (we will
model this simple and anguarly, so as not to take up too much room on
the disc, also will look armored), maybe an armoured transport plane,
etc. We'll use the texture that's used for the tanks, that's a good
texture, has lots of pieces you can use and look good. We reuse
textures not to waste the prescious few MB on the disc we have.
For things we need to extend in the engine but cannot now: there is a
buffer that is sent to client about all the models he has to
load/cache. That limit can be reached if you load every block, every
building, etc. For blocks we only precache them when they are built,
but it is possible to build _every_ block if you wish, that is many
hundreads, and then no one else will beable to connect because they
will overrun the buffer when the info of what models to precach are
sent to them. We would need to fix this at some time, and then some
other things we would like to extend if we are doing this new
additional version of the protocal (we would have to set a variable so
the client knows which version it's using too):
For pie-in-the sky ideas we would like, in the engine maybe we mod it
to extend max entity count up from 32 thousand to 4 million or more
like fteengine. That would be nice. Also maybe extend the max players
(we write about what things, such as extended playercolours offsets we
would have to add above the max current plyrcnt + absolute colormaps.
Other things are maybe "model cutting": ie allowing you in QC to tell
the engine "this model is cut by a plane x y z" "do not render the
model past that plane" and "also model now needs to render interior
faces, and these reverse-uv faces will use this texture" this way if a
model was hit by a very powerful laser, rather than gibbing the normal
way you could instead call a routine that makes 2 models which both
have a limit at the plane you specify (but with opposite normal). The
laser would, ofcourse, have to have a variable to store it's initial
position, and then use that + it's current position and vector to
supply the coords for the cut/limit plane.
Another desire is, well, you know how modern engines they generate
grass that sticks up on grass terrain, and flowers etc. That would be
nice. So that it always looks the same the seed for the RNG or fractal
(so always would be deterministic) could be based on the coords of the
face onwhich the shader that calls for the foliage is. That way no
extra info would need to be sent to the clients, they all would
generate the rand placement of the grass or flowers the shader calls
for based on an algo that uses the coords or plane of the polygon as
Then there is the dream of limitless procedurally generated worlds.
And destructable terrain like you see in other games. These, well we
have only a very small amount of work that has been done on the
engine, so we would not know how to do these changes at this time.
We will not change engines.
Also you should know that someone mentioned that the game is packaged
as ISO. A proud freesoftware contributor that very much supports the
cause of "geek feminism" proclaimed that that was good to know and he
(?, I assume he, geek men are weak and support everything that is bad
opposed to them, and they do so very very very very very very very
very very very very very very very very very very very very very very
very very very very proudly), he was going to rewrite a portion of his
iso creator to corrupt our game.
We are not sure what we should do to him if he does that, but someone
told him that it would be easier to find out who he is once he does
that, that one could then just look at the list of contributors to
that ISO creator project. Pro-geek-feminist contributors proudly
display all their info, as if they have conqured the world and can be
out and do whatever they want to whomever, by whatever power they have.
That is corruption and it will be treated as such. Disclaimers won't
save one from that. Intentionally destroying others work is not
disclamerable and none of us care what any systems say to the contrary.
We will have to figure out what we will do.
Also we will never support systemd: those people are pushy bolshevks
taking over linux by force. They are the same type of people threatening us
with making sure our game can't be made into an ISO, those people also
support systemd constantly, and also support feminism all the time.
(Read lennarts statements). They're birds of a feather and flock together.
We will not support their crap usless backdoor that is ruining anything
good about linux. (Yes a network aware root running thing that you can't
disable is a backdoor, and we allready have 2 in linux systems: the kernel itself which has an exploit every release, and intel VPro/AMT/VT which has a
built in VNC server on the chip that pulls from framebuffer, listens on the bus,
and can upload the contents of ram through the network or through 3g if available on the chipset, a third backdoor is unneccasary and we will not support it).
You might call the people captaining the boat of linux, intel, etc "corporate scum" "shills" or "enemies of men". They are all these things. You could
also say they are simply allies of the government, either bought or threatened.
Their goal is to drive any man's society which benifits men and not women
from the earth completely.
Those are some features that you can look forward to perhaps in future releases. Enjoy the game.
They say "release early, release often"
Members of the team have been working on the build-able building system this past week, adding some more pieces you can use to build your castles, and another stand-alone building for the multi-tool where you can imprison other players in if you have the shackles weapon.
Release 59:
New buildables: Multitool: Gaol (similar to security building in function,
you can jail players in it if you have the shackles), Alcove, Alcove top, castle window, castle
arrow loop, castle arch, castle arch+bars, castle door two, castle door side.
Version 60:
This version adds a good amount to the game, including a new armored truck
to move alongside your tanks, a missle attack raptor variant to destroy enemy
tanks, tankresists to make tanks more tank like, covered garage to protect your
tanks when in storage if you are building, and a small jail to build to perm
imprison players who try to destroy your city that you have built. The menus have
been updated to include the new options of spawning these new vehicles. The
misc-items mutator can spawn the new buildings if you wish your map to be populated
randomly by a city at start.
New Vehicles: LightAPC (Armored Personell Carrier) with 2 turrets, for transporting team mates.
M-Raptor: Missle Attack Raptor flying vehicle.
New Builables: Small Jail, APCPad, Covered Garage, (furniature:) Bookshelf, Emptyshelf
Various fixes and improvements (such as: imprisoned players, if respawning imprisoned
will not spawn with grenades, ammo, armor, etc. Only health, mana, etc. Spiderbot
now can reload rockets from your stores, etc).
Tank Resists: tanks no resist most small arms fire and incidental damage up to
90% above and beyond the normal vehicle resists and any specific resists.
Explosives and nukes do full damage. High caliber weapons also do high damage.
Low calibers do almost no damage to tanks, no do other damages such as energy, etc.
(The following only applies to developers and modders:)
Note: Build with GMQCC if you are compiling. (Only really use FTEQCC for the menu qc,
and to check code once in awhile). If you are using FTEQCC you'll need to increase
some of it's maxes (otherwise you'll get a "Too many types" error no,
since the code has out grown it: MAX_FUNCTIONS, maxtypeinfos
in fteqcc/qccmain.c . You can double them from 16384 to 32768 and the code will
compile fine.
Also read COMPILINGPITFALLS.TXT in zzzzzzzz99999bla.pk3/qcsrc/
Full Download:
If you are only upgrading from v59 you can place these 2 files in your
XonoticChaosEsqueAnthology/data/ directory instead:
Full Download:
Enjoy and give feedback!
>From: Ansgar Burchardt
>Subject: Not suitable for Debian
>Date: Wed, 27 May 2015 08:57:59 +0200
>Not suitable for Debian.
They don't say why. They package nexuiz, xonotic, openarena, etc for debian.
Last time they rejected a package by this author they indicated that it was
because they did not like the author ("troll" for being anti-women's rights)
(ie: no non SJW projects allowed in debian what-so-ever).
(¬e=&title=OpenS... )
( )
This time they gave a vague statement.
Could they be forced to explain themselves?
The project is fully libre/free/opensource. Code and media. DFSG compliant. Similar projects all are packaged, including ones that are not DFSG compliant. This one, which is compliant, is not allowed into debian however. They refused to allow an earlier DFSG compliant work (a casino) game who had a disliked person (anti-social-justice/anti-feminist opinion) as a contributor. Is this why they rejected this libre videogame?
If so is there any action that can be taken to expose the true nature of Debian? Regardless of their propaganda about being purely a free software haven?
Great project! Hope to see more stuff from OGA incorporated. Like this walker robot suit by piacenti
Thanks for the encoragement.
We would like to incorporate a mech.
(Sorta we have some, "max suits" etc).
Just need animations for walking though etc, none of us are good at animating things, so we usually just program "animations" :P (moving parts etc).
There is very little room left on the Dvd (over dvd size the host won't allow) so what we do now is look for fairly low poly models (fine for things like mechs) and then use existing textures to texture it, which is fine as there are so many in the game allready. EX: for tanks, armored personel carrier, we use the coloured raptor texture. It looks hightech but strong like armour.
This way we save on space. There are also textures for often used things like black metal, aluminum, brass, etc.
(there have been some thoughts to start on a 2nd supplemental dvd iso in the future, but that will be for extra textures and maps and music for those maps, but vehicles need to be on the first dvd just incase someone doesn't download the 2nd file and only has the first)
@ chaosesqueteam
I just was pointed at this thread, you are welcome to your beliefs, however it will not be tolerated degrading other people, man, woman, child or otherwise. If I see this kind of behavor again I will be forced to ban your account. This rule applies to everyone, if there was a female in here degrading men we would have the same standard for them. OGA is NOT a forum for politicics, and will not be used as a soap box, there are plenty of other places on the internet for that.
Debian may have bent to the will of others and that is potentually a valid critisism, there is a discussion that can be had on that topic, respectfully of others however. Saying that debian didnt allow the project due to conflicting beliefs is fine, even calling them on it is fine. What is not fine is insulting them and there beliefs because they conflict with your own, just the same as its not ok for people to insult you for your beliefs.
Long story short respect others.
Full Steam Ahead! o/ <-- little ascii fist in the air holding a debugging hammer.
Also if you have any questions about OGA's "respect others" policy please feel free to ask on IRC.
Full Steam Ahead! o/ <-- little ascii fist in the air holding a debugging hammer.
Have you tried out the game. It is fully opensource, and contains binaries for Linux, windows, and MacOSX, aswell as source. What did you think, if so.
Checked the LGDB account, found that the entry was modified, not by me, and to my knowlege only account holders can modify. This was likely done by an SJW from 8chan or "Joerg", who follows a certain contributor around the net saying how anything he makes is "crap".
The lgdb account was defaced and made to read as such:
ChaosEsque Anthology is crap. It is a standalone modification of Xonotic which includes extended weapons, maps, vehicles, buildable buildings, mounted weapons, spell casting, monsters, player characters, textures, and game modes. It would like to be a first person shooter, but since nobody is playing it, it is more of a minecraft thing.
It has over 100 shitty maps. Some pretend to be futuristic, some are ancient (really), and some are medieval (from a level design perspective). A few evoke platform games such as sonic, others follow a style more akin to diablo. Some are static maps, others are randomly connected.
There is something to fit your mood. There are mutators that can add mounted weapons in any map, buildings, monsters, foliage, hazards, and even balloons and bumpers. You can fight with futuristic weapons, medieval weapons, and /or hand to hand combat (over 70 weapons). There are also many vehicles (and a mutator to spawn them in maps that do not have them, as is tradition (as you can see)).
You can also set each team to start with different specific weapons if you want to test a theory that you could defeat a well equipped military force with your bolt action rifle or crossbow. Same with vehicles and mounted weapons spawning (you can set which spawn near which team in CTF etc). You can drink wine, potions, learn magic, read scrolls, so on and so forth.
The goal, and much of this has been reached, is to not limit the player.
Special thanks to NASA for images of Earth and Mars.
Probably by the :-) SJW guy from 8 chan or "Joerg".
New Release: V61: City Generation, monsters improvements (better model for fiend added, worked on and added one for hellknight), Better Quake1 Map compatibility.
(Create > Mutators > Spawnmisc items > SC Tiles)
No Java script direct link:
(All buildings have interiors, they're not just facades)
For the record, the invisible IQM model problem on newer engines with r_glsl_skeletal was due to your models having too many polys (the lod2 models work fine).
By default in the mod's defaultXonotic.cfg r_glsl_skeletal is now disabled.
Has the problem of high poly IQMs not displaying been fixed in more recent darkplaces or is it a do-not-fix thing?
Why does the engine choke on models past about 1.3 MB btw? Is there just a 1MB buffer somewhere and then past that another has to be used or things are loaded into a buffer and then the buffer has to be cleared and then the rest has to be loaded or something like that? The perfomance hit almost reminds me of swapping to disk.
Also I noticed when you imported the rotary guns into your tree you changed gun.count to an autocvar and said it didn't work otherwise. In my tree it works fine the way it was, but there may be other extra code that it relys upon.
You have to load them first (R) before they will fire. And you can load into the guns reserves by F+R or shift+R (same for vehicles in my tree).
Maybe whatever code I did in vehicles.qc isn't in your branch so that's why it wasn't working for you. I just want to write this down so I don't later go an "fix" in my tree, as the guns work fine here and as intended. (Also the code is written so you can change the firing rate, and they can be mounted to vehicles and that stuff will carry over)
Any word on morphed's Mage, Wyvryn, etc models? Are they released? Is there source etc?