Error message
- Notice: Undefined index: files_with_preview in _oga_audio_preview() (line 392 of sites/all/modules/oga/oga.module).
- Notice: Undefined index: files_with_preview in _oga_audio_preview() (line 394 of sites/all/modules/oga/oga.module).
ChaosEsque-Anthology: Opensource/Free FPS standalone mod of Xonotic released.
I released a standalone mod of Xonotic.
It is fully free/opensource with all the code GPL, and all the media GPL or CC0 CCBY or CCBYSA (all free/open compatable). The source is included and the mediasource for the added content is included.
It's packaged as an .iso as .zip won't go over 2gb on 32bit systems. Also so you can burn to DVD.
I modeled, and added many weapons (including medeval weapons), added many vehicles, coded spellcasting, foliage for the maps, fun things like bumpers and baloons (which rocket you around if you have the mutator enabled). I made around 40something maps (all gpl) for the mod, in addition to the regular xonotic and nexuiz (gpl) maps included. There are also monsters added (thanks to mario, plus I extended that).
I also used some items from open game art.
OSARE: Skeleton and Minotaur.
OldBook (spell book)
Old Paper texture.
Some CCBYSA songs.
Mario added a spider and a ogre/barbarian monster using opengame art assets.
I'm very glad you're around.
You can also build buildings.
So basically you can do as you wish in this 3d world, and there are many mutators where you can customize your game.
There is even a colorwar option: If you die you join the team of the person that killed you (or if in non-teamgame you become their pants/shirt color).
It adds alot of things, and many more maps and other things I and others made (also more texture packs I made).
The weapons are also more "realistic" in damage and other ways (they kill you quick, guns jam, rockets fail, there is muzzle rise) but still have all the futuristic and medeval weapons.
There are also aeroplanes and such, and mounted weapons.
Be sure to read the movement commands:
Xonotic: Chaos-Esque Anthology
Keyboard Controls
Note: When creating or editing maps in NetRadiant for this game disable “Use alternative texture projection” in Preferences>Settings>Brush to keep full compatibility with the pre-fabricated map sections found in data/maps/
To spawn vehicles, mounted guns, turrets, monsters, and hazards randomly in the map go to Multiplayer > Create > Mutators and enable their respective options.
To start a game go to Multiplayer > Create , select a match type, a map, and press “Start Multiplayer!” or “Play”
Vehicles & Mounted Guns
To enter a vehicle or a mounted gun hold F (The “use” key) or E while approaching the vehicle.
To exit a vehicle or a mounted gun press F (The “use” key)
To turn the engine on and take off when in an aeroplane press E + W
To load or reload a vehicle or mounted gun from its ammo reserves press R (The “reload” key)
To replenish the ammo reserves of a vehicle or mounted gun press E + R (The “reload” key)
(Note: fusion reactors will replenish the ammo reserves on a vehicle or mounted gun when in range)
To increase the gun elevation in a non-automated battle tank press Spacebar
To decrease the gun elevation in a non-automated battle tank press Shift
To increase the ROF of the rotary mounted guns press Spacebar
To decrease the ROF of the rotary mounted guns press Shift
In a vehicle, to increase the ROF of the rotary mounted guns press E + Spacebar
In a vehicle, to decrease the ROF of the rotary mounted guns press E + Shift
In a vehicle, to increase the speed of the engine press E + W (if the vehicle supports throttling)
In a vehicle, to decrease the speed of the engine press E + S (if the vehicle supports throttling)
To pickup a weapon or item press F (The “use” key)
To reload a weapon press R (The “reload” key)
To attach a suppressor to the .45 Pistol, the Rifle, or the MachineGun (Mac-10)
press F (The “use” key) + R (The “reload” key)
To turn on the flashlight press R (The “reload” key)
To change the color of the the flashlight press F (The “use” key) + R (The “reload” key)
To change the focus of the the flashlight press F (The “use” key) + Shift + R (The “reload” key)
Movement Brawling
To move forward press W. To move backwards press S. Punch: W W Uppercut: Shift + W W
To strafe left press A. To strafe right press D. Kick: W W (While in air (Spacebar))
The default port for a server is 26000 (UDP)
More SShots:
The crash test dummy one looks cool too.
If you rig the mech to say the xonotic player animations I could add a mech vehicle. I allready have 2 but they're more like max suits.
(Mech will need "cockpit" model too)
Which mech?
About the robots, as I wrote in the email... I am slow and not very motivated to work on them. I hope I will find the time to finalize them over the holidays.
The one in your contribution gallery.
New version of chaosesque anthology out (release 8)
New additions include the ability to eat food and various maps added, including another random-portal map (put together randomly each map start): darkhold8. So now there are two big random maps :D.
The game now has an expansive duengon to crawl. You can fight skeletons below and other creatures, and if you're playing capture the flag each time you play there is a different path to discover to the other flag.
It is suggested to play with medeval starting weapons (crossbow, swords, TORCH (needed), axe.), and explore the duengon because... well I don't know.
(this particular map has been a few years in coming)
heh, this is like the most confusing game ever :)
The mech is really a long way off before it could be put into a game (no uv, no proper mesh structure for animation, no rig, no texture etc.).
You actually seem to put quite a lot of effort onto this, so it is a pitty that this remains such an obscure and messy project. How about you come up with a proper theme and streamline it a bit toward that? I know I said this before and you politely disagreed, but I think it is quite vital.
Maybe some sort of timetravelling coop action FPS/RPG hybrid? Does Darkplaces support NPC enemies in multiplayer? I am thinking a bit like Left4Dead but instead of fighting zombies you are a group of mercenary timetravellers that jump into historical battles to steal some valuable or so in the chaos :)
Yes, NPC enemies exist allready. You can spawn them via the zombie apocalypse mutator (create>mutators(button)) and/or play on a map that has some allready (Baptistry alone, Darkhold (has lots)). They work in mutiplayer.
About streamlineing: that's the plan for vanilla xonotic, they're thinking of removing textures (nexcompat), features maybe etc. This project is going in a different direction :P
Think AdventureTime!: both medeval and futuristic stuff existing in the same universe (like IRL :P)
Streamlinging/Focusing on one thing as a way to aquire efficency, in my experiance, is a fallacy. What happens is you just get burnt out and bored. I've found it better to have a variety of subprojects and round robin between them, this way one doesn't get bored and actually more stuff gets done. This project has various "sectors" that are worked on from time to time: vehicles and mounted guns, magic and inventory, buildable buildings, mutators, and monsters. Oh and maps :D. Each gets some love from time to time and more and more capabilities come into being. Sometimes a friend of mine will say "you should put X into the game". Often I say "it's allready there" and that feels cool :P
There are over 100 maps (all opensource) in the game, something for everyone, and alot of each something at that. If you get bored with one thing you can go to another style of play.
Actually I've done some "streamlinging" in a sence: I've removed duplicate textures from various pk3s, that saved some space so more features could be stuffed in :P.
Streamlining in a sence of removing features doesn't help. Once code is created it does _not_ have to be maintined unless someone touches it aslong as you're not dealing with shifting sands beneath your feat (other programmers changing subsytems (reason why chaos-esque forked in the first place))
My only possible problem is I'm near the limit of 1 dvd :P. Gotta make sure we make good use of that space, which means keeping new textures to a reasonable size etc (or reusing some of the many many textures that allready are in the game (this is how I textured the futuristic tanks, works pretty good, all the looks of textures allready exist here and there and in blender you can assing per-face materials) :P. Could always make 2 iso's, Dvd1 and 2.
Posted some screenshots: https//
Not sure why you think dvd sizes are important for a download only game, but yes keeping filsize down is a good idea.
Using per face texture is btw a bad idea as it creates very inefficient UV maps that multiply the vertex count to be rendered and thus effect performance very badly (especially with animated meshes).
Well I like to make it easy to burn to DVD (I should upload the dvd art somewhere for it), so split the ISO files on dvd size. Eventually once (if ever) there are enough blueray players in computers then that file size can be used instead.
Updated to Release 9
Improvements to magic casting system (if you press z or x to select a spell
and you don't know the spell but have the scroll it will
select the scroll. If you press c to cast a spell and you have the scroll
but don't know the spell, it will read the scroll).
Improvements to random duengon map darkhold (4 additional areas).
Found a 3 month old email, apparently this projct was rejected on Desura (ModDB something or other), the person who rejected it said it's doesn't live up to their quality standards and then this" "Sorry about that" "Keep making games".
If he said that to a Federal Officer this Tobais Angstrom would be locked up in a prison for lying to a federal official.
He isn't sorry...
Updated to version 11:
New areas in darkhold random duengon.
Updated monster code, menu code.
player attach code, etc.
Updated to release 12. (Bugfixes: making water shaders better on desertcastles, oilrig, etc)
Note: the Desura guy said the problem was not having proper box art picture uploaded etc. Any ideas for what a good box art picture should look like?
How was your holiday?
Version 15 released.
Deeper random duengon. Colonnade area, stairs, transverse, and sanctuary.
Bug fixes to mounted machineguns with bullet shields.
Menu enhancements to increase security awareness.
New binaries for linux64 bit and 32bit.
Better support for ChaoseEsque specific entities in the map editor, netradiant.
Additional textures in castlebunker pack.
Autotaunts enabled.
Misc bugfixes and improvements.
Hope you enjoy
Sorry still haven't got around fixing the models, even though my holidays were kind of boring.
Have you thought about using the FTEqw engine instead? Seems more suitable with all it's real time editing features (lights, terrain; also has ragdolls) to your idea of a sandbox game.
Compatibility to Xonotic isn't too bad:
Download it here:
Edit: there is also now a cool CSQC forum here:
And someone is working on a nice RPG like inventory in CSQC here:
The mod is primarially a data and game code mod, so other people can
do with it as they wish.
Darkplaces supports encryption. Other engines do not, this is a
dealbreaker. End of story.
Almost. Another issue is tact and loyalty.
You see, LordHavoc helped me, personally, to learn QuakeC.
DivVerent put into the engine features I requested (aswell as into
the nexuiz and then xonotic game code, many features).
I am not going to repay the generosity of these men by... by casting
aside that which they have produced for you for me, for all of us...
for a few trinkets of graphics.
Imagine if you helped someone with a wide range of topics in a
project, or in your own life. And then one day they moved to another
state or across the country or another country. Or imagine an
individual moving away from his(or her) parents. Imagine what type of
person that would be. Really think about that.
Another might do that.
But I? No; and, God willing, never.
Loyalty to the King and Emperor.
Well in that case someone should backport those nice features to Darkplaces :p
I especially like the in-game terrain and realtime lights editor.
In game changable (deformable, destroyable) terrain would be a nice feature to backport to Darkplaces. Some time ago LordHavoc and DivVerent were discussing how one might go about destroying/editing/etc ingame BSP files and structures so you could actually blow through a wall, make real pockmarks in walls. It was only discussed, but at lenght. That would be a nice feature to have. And if it was extended to all models... well remeber the laser scene in Resident Evil 1 (movie). There is a laser hall just like that in the EvadProject map... Would be nice to slice and dice :P.
Maybe someday someone will say enough is enough and add such features to DP
I have edited and added real time lights in DP ingame in the past, it was years ago, but the commands still exist. It used to be the only way to get RT lights into DP way way back IIRC. It's pretty easy to add RT lights as entities via QC too.
So the missing feature is ... a way to change terrain and models and bsp in game...
also known as...
Model Cutting.
OOOO I wish. Model Cutting has been a desired feature of mine for a long time.
However every single other feature, bar none, I've requested was coded. I'm very thankful for that. Changing (in a network transparent way) ingame models/bsp/etc, in a performace happy way (doing it in pure QC killllllls framerates, and is fullbright, it needs to be done in the engine, DivVerent tried it in QC and he didn't feel it was more than proof of concept (also filling the "hole" in a cut model is kinda hard algorithim wise, but not impossible by far (blender does it and does it with vertexes!, DP can work with planes so it's easier)) takes alot of thinking and then doing. Also got to re-compute the skeleton of the mesh once it's cut, but that has been discussed and is doable on the fly.
If someone had lots of cash to give to LordHavoc or another engine programmer, perhaps id get done. It has been discussed but is no easy matter.
Updated to version 16.
This version includes more areas for the rnd dungon map darkhold.
Also important things like persistence of stoneation / jailing over disconnect/reconnect so players (and bots) cannot escape being turned to stone or jailed by disconnecting /reconnecting. They remain a pillar of rock, or chained to some device.
Menu options have been given for the tuba/akkordian/etc.
You can now set what concert A pitch on your client is for them.
From Baroque, to Dresden 1815 , to Classical, Standard Modern, Charton, etc etc.
It's an slider under audio.
Various other additions and fixes.
Hope you enjoy!
Death by rotor: This release adds the ability to destroy ones opponents when using the helicopter vehicles by tilting forward the rotor blades and allowing one's enemies to make contact. This is done via 16 invisible trigger boxes for each helicopter arranged in a circular pattern. The origins of the hit-boxes pertain to the pitch of the vehicle thanks to being updated by their .think function. Thank you quakeC. What is beyond your grasp? Additionally another player model has been included. Set in the misc user menu and apply to be-able to select.
v18 Release Notes:
*The aerocommander airplane now can coast before taking off, and there are prop damage boxes for each prop.
You can feed opponents into said props (Think Raiders of the Lost Ark). E+W to increase engine speed. E+S to decrease.
*The nieuport, sopwith, and fokker biplanes now have prop damage boxes: you can run opponents down with them. *The helicopters now have damage boxes for the tail rotors. Spin the sparrow around to take out all attackers in the close vicinity. *Misc bug-fixes.
Got some new screenshots of that mess? :p
I made some progress with the robots yesterday... turned out to be a bit more work than expected, but I guess I was able to do about 60% of what is still needed to do so that I feed somewhat satisfied with releaseing them.
Edit: you saw these: (public domain high quality environmental assets)?
Here's one:
Dev image showing invisible hurt-you boxen: http//
The blog just says " blog removed by author". Sounds like something went down and he got mad and pulled the plug. A shame. Id have liked to get those files before he pulled the plug.
I just edited some code to make gibbing work on huge (multi-mile) maps. Had to change a short to a long. Before there wasn't enough data to represent said coords. Worked fine for small and medium and large and huge maps. Even immense maps. But titanic or queen mary II maps, nope. But now it does in the qc on git. And will on next release for everyone.
Here's the plane chewing through people on the big ice-island map (which is a bunch of miles big, for good vehicle combat, and building buildings/cities, and nuking stuff if the admin gives the teams some nukes to tactically choose to use during the round)
Here's some timelapse!:

(BTW: Thanks for working on the player model, I'll put it in once you want me to, Tell me what you want the bots that use the model to be called too)
(Also note what license when giving the files, gplv2, gplv3, gplv2oranylaterversion, , dual licensed gpl2/gpl3, CC0, CC-BY, BSD, so one etc. I'll incude a filename.license-bla.txt, as is tradition)
(Most of xonotic is dual gpl2/gpl3 I think)
Release 19
New map: volcanic island - good for vehicle fights and buildable buildings.
You can now clear away trees using mines or the large aerial bomb of the nieuport biplane.
Additional areas have been added to the darkhold random duengon map.
Misc bugfixes and additions.
http// New things since release 19: *Flood lava in any map (also improvements to water flooding) *Roman Ballista and ancient Mortar fire Canon mounted guns. *Grenade mutator (Create>Startweapons to enable and set). Press G or V to throw. *Sideshooting: Press L: Turn your gun to the side, changes dominant vector of recoil (your hand is a fulcrum, try it in life before complaining) *More things to build (fiends of wheat, turrets, fences, greenhouse) *Mannable turrets (you can get inside). *Improvement to the random building spawn mutator (percentages controlled by variable and config file, like the rest) *Repairing buildings (go to center column of building, press R with utilitool or multitool) *Rubble is created when most buildings are destroyed. You can rebuild for no cost by pressing R with your multi or utilitool. *If you destroy your scaffold with any weapon other than grenade fragments (they are owned by "the world") you will recoup your converted-nails investment (but not the other materials, they are lost to the wind). So if you don't like your scaffold planning you can change it. *Z-Snap can be changed in the building tools. E and F plus second mouse button. *Bug fixes. Rel_24: You can now flood any map with lava. (Create>Mutators>(under foliage)) Flooding with water has been improved. Fields of wheat (kelp if build underwater) and greenhouses can now be constructed with the multitool and utilitool. The percentage of building types when randomly placed can be controlled by variables now. When a building is destroyed the flag drops to the earth if it was holding a flag. Various bugfixes. R23: The grenade mutator has been added to this release (off hand grenades); V to throw. Additionally, you can now turn your gun sideways by pressing L; recoil is directed in the new changed axis. A laser dot can be enabled on the pistol (F+R), and its intensity and brightness toggled. Some new buildings have been added to the building mutator. Various bugfixes with regards to the rotary cannon on the light tank and mannable turret(s) have been accomplished. Grenades can be enabled in the create>start weapons menu. R21: This release added a PDW submachine gun (9mm) and new mounted ancient weapons: Roman Ballista (Scorpion) and Charbelcher (fire mortar). Other changes includes custom aiming reticles for the PDW and the Mac-10 style machine guns. R20: New additions include 7 mannable turrets (which can be built using the utili-tool), Oil Pumps, Factories, and various fences and concrete walls, as well as a new tank (a mortar tank). Buildings leave rubble when destroyed; they can be rebuilt from the rubble. The oil pumps and solar panels now fill up your team's oil and energy tanks, and power the chemical and munitions factories that supply your ammo depot. They also power shields you might build (utilitool). There are various other improvements.
Gun to the side.
Release 26
Morgenstern: new weapon.
Game now has 48 weapons. To add more macro code will have to be changed
in qcsrc/common/item.qh .
Rifle type bullet casings have been added. Of differnt sizes too. You can
tell what weapon an opponent has by the shells on the ground.
Weapon jam code has been fixed.
A new stone house has been added which you can build with the mutitool.
Need code help to move beyond 48 weapons, please help:
Updated to relase 27. Added new hand to hand fighting maps, and some other improvements.
(More options for building, including command to change settings: multitool <bla>)
People that get headshotted and somehow survive (?) will be temp blinded.
Ability to perm blind captured prisoners (few maps have jails, you would need the shakels to bring them to one).
Chaosesque Anthology release 28:
Flashbangs and Smoke grenades added.
Nuclear weapons now cause a nukeflash and temp blindness.
You can build with blocks now (all the rage it seems), if you don’t like the regular buildings
you can build.
Freecode/Freshmeat just shutdown so don't know how I'll get the word out ever again. Their rss feed went everywhere.
Release 30:
New weapons: Katana, Odachi, Nagamaki, Lightsabre.
(The game now has 52 weapons)
The 48 weapon limit has now been extended to 72, and it is know how to extend it further if the need arises.
Nukeflash and blindness have been improved.
You can drink from your surroundings (water, lava, slime etc).
Release 32:
Updated Darkhold map.
New weapon: Tesubo
Improved lightsabre code.
Shootable doors can be set not to respond to imprisoned players.
Misc improvements.
Not sure if you still check this, Mikee, but I am Mario from Xonotic, and have some information on the IQM vehicle model problem.
The vehicles are invisible in newer engines (and lag alot) and are unable to be exported as .dpm, because of vertex groups. Here is a simple Blender guide to fix it from a friend:
(object mode) select mesh, select armature, Ctrl+P > With automatic weights.
Shift + right click to select multiple meshes in 3D view.
I think the models should also be .dpm, as .iqm even when fixed seemed to lag really badly to me.
Hope you're able to do this, as it would be nice to have better performance with the vehicles.
Release 44:
New Buildable Buildings:
-Siege Workshop
-Treetop Sentry (treehouse)
New Mounted weapon:
-Battering Ram
Various improvements to the buildable buildings system.
Siege Workshop added to the randomly place buildings mutator.
Release 45:
New Buildable Buildings:
-Office Tower
-Wooden Stake Floor
-Iron Spike Floor
-Wooden Stakes (64x64 block)
-Wooden Bridges (wide and narrow)
Improvements to the burning code.
Improvements to ruble code for wooden bridge.
Office tower added to the randomly place buildings mutator.
Download: http//
Screenshots: http//
DirectDownload of Release 45, no Javascript: http//
I reported that bug a year or more ago (invisible IQMs), git bisected it, found the commit that caused the issue. It was never fixed?
(I remeber informing Divverent and LH possibly)
For this game I supply the last working and stable 2013 darkplaces engine, + source ( in the top directory of the ISO). With some updates for code vulns patched in (compiled for linux. The windows and mac binaries are Xonotic binaries from the same era, I cannot compile for those platforms though :( (is there a step by step how-to? I would really like to start modding the engine more, the older stable one that works fine with IQMs)) Also an change that allows texture swapping in multiplayer.
There are many vehicles, many iqms, and lod iqms aswell.
"Hope you're able to do this, as it would be nice to have better performance with the vehicles."
I will not beable to do that.
Too much work. No benefit. Would have to rember all the diff models I exported and all that.
I don't use the new darkplaces engines. They don't even work correctly with intel gfx cards and no one seems to care at all (ie this 2 year old bug which I reported and bisected the month it happened, and no fix still).
I told you the commit that caused the problem over IRC aswell I think.
The attitude I get from Darkplaces irc is "We will never NEVER implement features you want because YOU want them (model cutting etc)". I guess they will never NEVER fix bugs I report because it only affects me and that is "good".
FK THEM if that is their attitude!
(Oh and they ban me on sight. FK THEM!!!! (except Divverent he's great, also except LH and grey when they help me with QC))
Let me look for the broken commit in my file if I can find it.
Here it is:
$ git bisect good d37b098c2280e9aa8205c8d3638d3498361d1b3f
Bisecting: 11 revisions left to test after this (roughly 4 steps)
[40feb4844c09f72a1e2101e44a24e5850510c821] reworked some code for BATCHNEED_NOGAPS to be more consistent and made the comments more clear about its behavior (firstvertex is 0, no gaps), no longer using BATCHNEED_NOGAPS in a couple places
$ git bisect good
Bisecting: 5 revisions left to test after this (roughly 3 steps)
[5a2686be1ae3d6ae92098c3dbf5dde40d98853b1] make MUL_VF and MUL_FV friendlier for compilers, and fix segfaul in LOAD_V
$ git bisect good
Bisecting: 2 revisions left to test after this (roughly 2 steps)
[fb938b81a66661b4c6178a4ef09d6dec65e62229] Fix typos in GPU skeletal; explain the crossproduct hack
$ git bisect bad
Bisecting: 0 revisions left to test after this (roughly 1 step)
[5c9d806b99ac9ffda51a3815f25be208e5637864] implemented a fallback case for r_glsl_skeletal 1 when dynamicvertex occurs (the batch code will apply the skeletal deforms to the batch, to ensure proper functionality with deformvertexes and such) added r_batch_debugdynamicvertexpath cvar which is useful for debugging skeletal fallback issues
$ git bisect bad
Bisecting: 0 revisions left to test after this (roughly 0 steps)
[3e0cb857fd2ea871cb22d243cca55a51a1d90ce7] implemented gpu-skinning (vertex shader skeletal animation), can be disabled by turning off the r_glsl_skeletal cvar
$ git bisect good
5c9d806b99ac9ffda51a3815f25be208e5637864 is the first bad commit
commit 5c9d806b99ac9ffda51a3815f25be208e5637864
Author: havoc
Date: Wed Jan 16 16:54:25 2013 +0000
implemented a fallback case for r_glsl_skeletal 1 when dynamicvertex
occurs (the batch code will apply the skeletal deforms to the batch, to
ensure proper functionality with deformvertexes and such)
added r_batch_debugdynamicvertexpath cvar which is useful for debugging
skeletal fallback issues
git-svn-id: svn:// d7cf8633-e32d-0410-b094-e92efae38249
:100644 100644 958a341b5a201b60dad5451dc53a2b619301f33d 7a10c491c4186865e5c8fa85ac3b558e086776e5 M gl_rmain.c
:100644 100644 f694bcfeefac24532f061afb3140a1dae1cee25f 4b353f7039de4403671763e9e5f4e7ad790431ac M render.h
There you go.
The version I use is in the file in the ISO /XonoticBla/ folder.
Now for my branch, this is a pipe dream but I would like it....
I would like to someday add some new features/extentions to my "branch" of works-with-olde-intel-cards-and-iqm Darkplaces:
sorta easy probably:
Higher max entities (would like millions or billions, net protocal change needed) so I can have tons of trees.
Ability to cope with more precache'd models (currently there is a limit and you get an overflow) (another protocal extention probably)
This would need a new protocal version number (what should it be for a branch?)
Higher max players (would have to add an offsetted colormap shirt/pants for the ones past 255, as 1024 to some number is for set specific pants/shirt colormap)
Specific black colormap (currently use a hack where 1023 is used and there is thus no colormap untill the 255th player joins)
Maybe coloured "fakelight"
harder still:
ability to set bounds on rendered model (ie: don't render it past this plane: ie very rudimentary "cut")
(there could be a few variables which define up to 4 or maybe 6 render limiting planes)
(you would have to freeze the animation to make this work as "rudimentary model cutting")
-Ability to set model to render with "back" polygons and set a specific texture for that
(blood texture based on species)
Would be controled by quakeC and the cut plane variables
(Ie "add render limit plane to entity X, spawn new gib entity
with same model as entity X, set animation to frozen on both,
give reverse limit plane to entity Y... model now "cut" in half,
enable backing polygons, set appropriate texturemap)
even harder:
Volumentric, randomly generated, infinite (or nearso) worlds that are destructable.
(7days to die, minecraft, etc) supported in the engine
"Real model cutting", with filling in cut area.
Fix that slowdown you're talking about
(I experience it to with a few models: when you get real close to the Fokker triplane usually)
Maybe you can get LH to fix the issue. IQMs used to work fine, now they are broken. Therefore newer Darkplaces is broken: AKA regression.
Unless they want to pull a systemd/lennart and blaim everyone else who relied on a working feature for a long time.
I standardized on one thing that works because I cannot STAND shifting sand beneath my feet. This is why I forked in the first place: Samual was needlessly randomly rewriting subsystems. I've standardized on the older stable DP that the game ships with now. Patched from time to time by hand.
If you have patches to apply to the version of DP I use, that fix bugs, make the game more stable, etc, they are very much welcomed. I've fixed bugs in the Xon QC that caused crashes because nothing changes on my branch except what I add.
If somehow the slowness of some IQMs (really just that biplane usually) can be found the reason to and fixed without messing up other things, that would be welcomed too (very hard probably tho).
Are you using the latest DP btw? Xon did ship with the broken IQM one.
IQM isn't broken, the r_glsl_skeletal option kinda is (it uses the GPU to render skeletons, much better performance in some cases).
The GPU-based skeletal rendering makes models invisible in your case, because your models lack vertex groups. Using .dpm or a .iqm with vertex groups would improve the performance 10-fold, even with your old engine. The FPS drop is greatly noticeable when playing with the vehicles currently, regardless of engine version.
IQM is really easy to use to get models in-game. The exporter works
great with blender, it's a straight shot Blender -> Game. No intermediary steps.
How do you even export DPM? Is there an exporter for blender 2.61, 2.62, 2.58 etc?
Can it export materialnames as the textures (this is how I do it in IQM)
IQM has great support so my project will continue to support it. The other
ways seem to be a nightmare.
For some reason when an IQM is over about 3.5 mb there are slowdowns in DP.
I don't know why.
This is just a shot in the dark, but perhaps it has something to do with animation
and bones moving in respect to one another?
The vehicle IQMs use bones to set attachment points, but they never move:
there are no animations.
Perhaps in this version of Darkplaces, this branch of ours, we could add a variable
for entities: .float ModelNotAnimated, or IQMNotAnimated
thusly if an entity was self.ModelNotAnimated = 1; perhaps we could
toss in an if statement to skip over animation code, or skeletal model code, if
that wouldn't affect the attachment of entities to those bones?
I don't know, shot in the dark.
Could you perhaps list the slow models. I know the fokker is one.
I made the LOD models so this wouldn't be an issue except for upclose.
(ofcourse one must be using my mod from the ISO for those to be loaded)
(all source is included in the ISO too)
Also note: there is a QuakeC branch in the git repos, unstable, that has the bendy-player-model
code. It isn't as well tested, and will never be the main branch, but it
is kept up to date with the concrete branch out of respect for Divverent's work
to bring us that.
Also if you could maybe gin up some way to compile DP on mac (32) 64 and windows 32 and 64
we could really start hacking on the engine. A friend of mine is learning C
specifically because he want's to beable to hack on Darkplaces and games.
I did a few small changes, but this not being able to produce mac and windows
binaries (must support the crypto too) means we're stuck... maybe for all time.
Check my other comment for other info, including the version of DarkPlaces that
gave up the ghost on IQM support.
Any new additions will be made to the version of DP that comes with the ISO, No
building on sand. New features, if we are able to make any, then can be made into
a patch and patched into a new version of DP for those who like bleeding edge.
(Similar situation of concrete branch of the QC and the unstable in this game)
(Concrete will always be the default used, is tested, and is where development happens)
(Changes are then ported to unstable, and see if they compile)
These IQM models have no animation, the bones do not move in relation to
each other, they are only used to attach entities to, use as tags to find
where a virtual hover force should be applied from, where a cannon shell
should be fired from.
It's a shame there isn't a per-entity way to disable animation.
They were visible before, they are invisible now. They are simple
models without animation, now this is nolonger supported. The engine is broken.
Why do I _HAVE_ to have vertex groups in every model, and weight painting,
None of this is used! There are no animations, the bones don't move, they are just
use for position info. No I don't feel like being pushed around and forced to
reexport many many models.
However. I am willing to re-export the worst offenders.
Can you tell me, step by step by step, what to do. With the end of
exporting to IQM with a faster-rendering model.
I'd be open to fixing the fokker and other especially slow models.
I wish there was a variable I could change to avoid it all however (is there?)
I imagine everything would be in 1 vertex group.
(Or can I just disable vertexgroup use and/or skel animation per model?)
I use IQM for everything, it is way too much to re-export every model.
I tried it, did what you said for the fokker, and recolored 2 faces so I'd know it was the new one.
Same slowdown.
Re-exporting doesn't help.
Still go from 30fps to 14fps either way
(Went into object mode, selected the 2 objects that make fokkeredits.iqm, then selected the bone(s) (clicked on the rotor bone, all bones became highlighted))
Pressed CtrlP, selected automatic weight painting, it did it but complained 2 bones couldn't be accounted for), exported, tried it out, still slowdown, then I changed 2 silver faces to be black, exported again, there are the 2 black faces, so I know it was the model, same slowdown)
I think we need a programmatic solution. IE: beable to disable whatever is causing the slowdown per-entity via a variable... because whatever it is, these models probably don't need it.
It is impossible for me to export into DPM, I can only export to IQM. No animation is needed on these models.
Do you notice no-slowdown on some simpler models btw? I do. There seems to be a threshold where it all gets real slow.
Could you post the newly exported .iqm? I would like to test it with the new engines.
Such a threshold could be a limit to the .iqm format. Morphed has mentioned in the past that .iqm has its limitations and bad sides, and that .dpm is the much better option.
The vertex groups are to properly handle the bones, as far as I can tell, even if the model has no animations to use them.
Ok, attached to this post.
rename it fokkeredits.iqm and put it in some /data/models/vehicles/ dir that will override the normal one.
I'd very much like to find away to make these render faster, a programming solution would be the best.
I really can't export to DPM, have no idea how to, Last time I tried it was multistage, and really there are way too many models to reexport them all.
Usually what I do is I have bones in one blender window, then LOD versions of the model in other windows. Then I go to each ,select the same bones, but different LOD model, export.
I don't think that can be done with vertex grouping as then the bones can only be grouped with one version.
Also I really have no need of that with how I use the models.
Would it be possible to look through the dp source, and discuss with LH or Div0 or Grey etc and find the spot that is slowing down and has to do with the vertex groups and animations and just add an if-then so per-entity it could be disabled.
That will probably fix this issue as I could, on these vehicles and other models that don't animate, whos bones are always fixed with the model like headlamps, set that variable on each of these entities, and they just won't go through those rendering stages that bog everything down.
They'll be like an md3 with bones.
Could that be done? I'll back port it right away to the version of DP I use. Then maybe we could figure out how to compile for Mac and Win too :P
(Please?) It would be nice to beable to say "I don't need these costly features on this model, so let's keep it simple" via if then skipping it.
It would be great to have fast rendering vehicles, I can't reexport everything tho. I can edit and recompile the engine (atleast for linux, and the rest can be a future experiment (my friend has a Mac, we maybe could be told how to make a release))
" The specified file fokkerboneexperiment.iqm could not be uploaded. Only files with the following extensions are allowed: png jpg gif blend svg bmp ogg mid mp3."
Renamed it to mp3.
"The vertex groups are to properly handle the bones, as far as I can tell, even if the model has no animations to use them."
Without vertex groups everything works fine for the vehicles as the bones never move: they're only for position info (Attach cannon entity here). It's just slow for iqms over 3.5mb it seems.
(IQMs are used for almost all the mounted guns and all the new weapons and everything, they don't seem to slow down, no vertex groups used, also used for spikes and baloons)
If whatever is slowing it down, in the code, has to do with skel animation, or something, that could probably be skipped for these entities as the bones don't move in relation to eachother, they only move in relation to the model rotating.
(IE: model turns 90 degrees, the bone stays with it, static always orientated the way the model is etc). Very simple use case.
Also all the .blends are in the mediasource git repo, if you want to try experiment. http//;a=summary Fokker: http//;a=tree;f=models/vehicles/fokker;h=821528cae0c59f65a6e7075e0acfa361dd48f9bd;hb=HEAD fokkeredits.blend
I have done some testing with a modern engine, and despite the broken vertexes, there is a great performance increase. I will test with the original soon, but here are the results: