2D Shooter Effects (Alpha version)
Saturday, December 13, 2014 - 07:17
Art Type:
- !Project::KISS Armored Battle
- !Project::KISS Topdown Shooter
- 2D - Effects
- 2d space game, shooter
- AK: 2D Artworks
- Animosity
- Assets for Last Stand
- Assets I Want to Make Games With
- Asteroid Survivor
- BlackCortex
- C-Dogs SDL art
- Cold Circuit
- Collected
- FX
- Good CC0-Art
- Graphic FX
- HQ 2D & Isometric
- Isometric assets buildings and more
- Off The Shelf
- Other
- Project Alpha Zero
- Projectile Attacks Art Collection
- Prototype Stuff
- QnD001 Assets
- RTE game art
- SciFi
- Scifi
- Space Game
- Space game
- Space Game Assets
- space magic
- Space Pirates 2
- Space Shmup
- spaceships
- special effect
- Special effects
- Tatermand's Art
- Tau Ceti
- Top Down view
- Top-Down Space ARPG
- TopDown
PSD with layered graphic assets. This effects tested and usable for both of my sets:
Space Game:
And for Top-Down shooter:
But you you need to pick the right size of effects for a specific situation.
Forum topic about my art, when you can leave your questions or suggestions:
Character drawing tutorial:
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Used this art in your project? Please, send me a note and maybe a some free copy of your game :)

I registered to opengameart.org just to say that your art is awesome! Thank you so much, I'll probably use it in a project i'm willing to do in december/january.
really nice art :)
Thank you all! I glad that you like it. Please, leave some feedback when you use it, in order I be able to expend this pack with mostly missing things.
Very nice art! :)
It would be awesome with some minor variations on the shots (e.g. three or four of the same shot), to be able to give the impression that the shot is pulsating as it is flying.
Keep up the good work!
Kind regards - Jakob
I'm working on a game using those assets, the progres so far is open source if you are interested, here is a demo
let me know if anyone it's interested in the source code o private
Wonderful art! I'm using it. Also, if you're looking for suggestions, maybe some explosions? Possibly animated? By the way, here is the cover I made for my GIP (Game In Progress), Last Stand. Your art goes nicely with Rawdanitsu's space backgrounds.
rsergiu2003 you should change "speed" variables in the meteors stuff. Now it's that when you "accelerate" forward, meteors are going up (they are slowing up)! They should go down quicker. Then you have when you pulling ship back, meteors are going quicker! They should go slower :) That's only my advice, maybe you have already changed that :)
Hey guys! Thank you all, for games that you made with this art, and your comments.
I made a tutorial about the style in which I work, so please, enjoy and leave your feedbacks!
Does anyone know how I can acess this type of file without buying Photo Shop?
FunkyB: With GIMP: https://www.gimp.org/
amazing art
Hi Tatermand, Do you can allow me using arts for my game? arts very peffect, especially for the bullets. Thank you for sharing :).
there are good
Hey there. Thanks for the great shooter effects! I used them in the following game jam entry: