RPG Tiles: Cobble stone paths & town objects
- 04. Pixel Art - Terrain
- 2-Acetoxy-N,N,N-trimethylethanaminium
- 2D - RPG - [LPC]-Compatible Tiles/Sprites
- 2D 32x32
- 2D assets
- 2D tilesets topview
- 2D::Tile::Orthogonal
- 32x32 Fantasy Tiles
- 3D Shop
- Acid
- AK: 2.5D Artworks
- Andruil RPG
- Art used in Dusk Graphical MUD
- Assets
- Awesome Game Art
- Base pixel art for 3D pixelish RPG
- Best Orthogonal (rectangular) Tilesets for Tilemaps
- Bits and Bobs
- BunchOfHeroes
- CF Inspiration
- Credits
- Dungeon Slayer Art
- Fantasy
- Farm assets
- Field Guardians
- Game Prototype Art Assets
- GameCollection
- Golden Axe
- hero game
- HQ 2D & Isometric
- Impyrean options
- Infinimon - Procedurally-Generated Pokemon- or Digimon-style Game Assets
- Liberated Pixel Cup
- long licence fantasy modern game
- Loot run
- LPC Art Collection + Others
- LPC Collection
- LPC Compatible Terrain/Tiles
- LPC RPG Assets
- maybe assets for Treasure (+other)
- Medicine's disordered list of Fantasy RPG Tilesets
- Minimmo project
- Mitty's Maize
- Must Use
- Non-Commercial - Art
- NOT CC0 Sprites
- NOT CC0 Tiles & Tilesets
- Oddball Gamez LPC Style
- one click minecraft
- PawMon LPC
- PixelFarm
- Platformers for Roman's Rescue
- Potential HTML5 RPG Assets
- psst
- Rockwood village
- Roguelike
- RPG Stuff Collection
- RpgMakerAssets
- SmartPoints Example Game
- SNES Style RPG
- snes-like world textures
- Sprites
- stardont
- Stendhal
- Terrain transitions
- test
- test
- Test
- The Weary Adventurer
- Theme - Fantasy Sprites
- Thing
- Tilesets
- Tilesets and Backgrounds (PixelArt)
- Top Down 2D JRPG 32x32 Art Collection
- Top Down RPG Pixel Art
- Top-down 2D RPG
- TopDown RPG
- topdown tiles
- Trevas
- Ultimate TableTop
- Used in Hero of Allacrost
- Used in Valyria tear
- Viewpoint - Orthogonal Sprites
- Wastelander
- Workable style 32x32 tiles
- Zed - Interesting Yet Unsorted
- Zelda Like RPG
- zombie-buster project
I've put together another tile-set 512x512 consisting of 256 tiles, this time based around CCBYSA assets available here on OGA. This is my continued humble attempts to organize the assets available on OGA into usable tile-sets matching the excellent quality assets of Roots "Hero of Allacrost" and Bertram's "Valyria tear". I'm making these assets to help those guys with their games and also to earn their respect if I re-use some of their assets in my "Dusk" game :-] http://duskrpg.blogspot.com/
I waved my magic wand over some existing art and magically came up with this! LOL! Just kidding this took me plenty of hours to put together and have been putting this together slowly over the last month and it just happens to qualify for the challenge going on in OGA ATM :-]
I've finished Jetrel's cobble stone paths and made a couple of my own re-colorations of it. You can see the paths he started working on in this tile-set I submitted- http://opengameart.org/content/2d-lost-garden-tileset-transition-to-jetr...
Here's a link to the public domain stuff I used out of Jetrel's RPG item set to decorate my market booths- http://opengameart.org/content/rpg-item-set
I basically re-colorized most of Daneeklu's LPC farming_fishing tile-set objects but also heavily edited the roofs on his market booths to match my 2 new booths. Here's Daneeklu's LPC sumbission http://opengameart.org/content/lpc-farming-tilesets-magic-animations-and...
I took Redshrikes table here- http://opengameart.org/content/rpg-indoor-tileset-expansion-1 and combined it with Daneeklu's table shape in his farming_fishing tile-set, used my wood from my market booth to make it all match.
Bertram created the horizontal dock using pieces and inspiration from Daneeklu's vertical docks in his farming_fishing tile-set. I made a re-coloration of Bertrams dock.
I made the new grass to water variation using bits and pieces of Hyptosis' grass/cliff/water variation availavle in tilesetbatch1 here- http://opengameart.org/content/lots-of-free-2d-tiles-and-sprites-by-hypt...
Everything in this tile-set is licensed CCBYSA 3.0 except Redshrike's table I got a boost from and Hyptosis' grass/cliff/water which is CCBY3.0 I've contacted both Redshrike and Hyptosis and got their "*good job!* and approval".
I also emailed Bertram and he's ok with me sumbitting his work here also.
Look at the "Artistinfo2.png" to see visually who did what.
Finally, I want to invite you guys to check out my blog :-] I just added a couple video's of this old game I've talked about and linked to the scripts used in the video's. Yeah it's old needs some polish but I think it has good potential. If you can tolerate my slow typing to put my thought's out I think you'll enjoy seeing what could be another online RPG for everone to explore and PVP battle. Sorry it's not on-line to play ATM-- http://duskrpg.blogspot.com/

Awesome :D
LOL! I love the... Attribution Flow Diagram.
As I said in the email, this is really rad. Great job, and thanks for taking the time to help make assets more usable and cohesive. I love to see things like this.
@Everybody Thanks for the compliments!
@MedicineStorm I thought it was funny when I made it, especially my mouse hand writing.
@Redshrike I'll continue doing these on my spare time but spare time for me is diminishing.
O_o on attributions
I just re-worded the attribution instructions.
@qubodup it's good to have the graphical attribution diagram don't you think? It's a lot clearer who did what then just the description. I've been looking through the other remixes in the challenge and I wish some of those had this kind of explanation because after reading their description I'm still fuzzy who made what exactly. In my diagram you see visually how I put things together and who's art each piece is.
I have put together a quick map with tiled and your fire camp animation to produce a tutorial on how to use lighting in a 2D game. It creates a cool effect that you can see here:
Thanks for the art!
Hi :-]
Thanks for showing me this, it's nice to see a map drawn with these tiles. That is definately a cool effect. Nice tutorial BTW and thanks again for putting my art to good use ;)
The link to rpg indoor tileset expansion is broken, as it apparently has a couple of extra invisible characters at the end (%C2 and %A0).
Hey, thanks man - I really appreciate someone finishing the transitions for those cobblestone tiles of mine.
Uuuu this is a cool one! Includes one complete level actually:)
If you dont mind, im using this in a project of mine! thank you!
Very nice little tile set you have here and what othes have helped with I am using it to help me build a gaming plugin for a platform I program in, only going to be a basic system but with tile sets like this it really helps me move forward and see what I trying to create thanks.
My work is on my blog, AutoGame
Todos tus diselos son muy buenos
is this LPC compatible?
Hey I saw this and I am making a little commercial game and would love to use these texytures. I just wanted to know how exactly you wanted to be credit, the format and what needs to be in the credits. And Do I credit anyone other than Zab,hyptosis and daniel? Thanks lemme know. I saw the castle tiles one but slightly different license I presume
There is attribution instructions
So in this case I would use something like this:RPG Tiles: Cobble stone paths & town objects by Zabin, Daneeklu, Jetrel, Hyptosis, Reshrike and Bertram.http://opengameart.org/content/rpg-tiles-cobble-stone-paths-town-objectsLicensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0
Oh thank you!And I mentioned the castle one, got no reply there so for that would I be safe with
Castle tiles for Rpg by Zabin,Hyptosis and Daniel cook, www.opengameart.org?
I know it's a bit off topic but you seem to have a good understanding of this. I appreciate it.
If you are refering this one:
Yes, your attribution would seem correct. I would also mentioned the license too.
Hey, just make sure you include the names of all collaborators, the license, and a link back here.
I like to see my art used in projects so if you make something out of this I'd love to check it out!
Thank you. Using the bazaar table in Stendhal (slightly modified):
Did a minor re-work of the table to use in Stendhal: