As long as the raw fonts of themselves aren't included or modifyable as fonts, that should be fine. Thanks for asking for clarification, though, because most people don't and Medicine Storm (the active site moderator) has to drop the hammer on them.
Multiple files can be uploaded into one submission, though a zipped folder like Ragnar was saying might make it quicker for users to download all at once. I look forward to seeing it!
Hahaha for a second, while listening to 'Super Overworld', I thought "Wait, is this Super Mario Bros.?". The inspiration is obvious, yet the song is unique. Good work!
The previous one is what I was referring to. There's nothing wrong with this submission or anything.
Nice chests!
Any reason you submitted them seperately?
Very nice! I do appreciate the use of Level Y in the track. You chose some pretty good songs to go with it!
Nice! You and your friend should make more of these!
Haha, nice work. I think this is a big improvement over the original even scaled down.
As long as the raw fonts of themselves aren't included or modifyable as fonts, that should be fine. Thanks for asking for clarification, though, because most people don't and Medicine Storm (the active site moderator) has to drop the hammer on them.
Multiple files can be uploaded into one submission, though a zipped folder like Ragnar was saying might make it quicker for users to download all at once. I look forward to seeing it!
Hahaha for a second, while listening to 'Super Overworld', I thought "Wait, is this Super Mario Bros.?". The inspiration is obvious, yet the song is unique. Good work!
Ok, thank you, makes sense.