Your license is not right. You made a derivative work to killyoverdrive's dark alchemist which is released under Creative Commons 3.0 Share Alike. Therefore, you need to change your license to CC BY SA 3.0 as well. In addition, by not quoting killyoverdrive as your source you are infringing killyoverdrive's copyright on his intellectual property. - Other than that your model turned out good. I like the hands, but you could save many polys by doing a retopo on the cloak.
Well at least France and Germany have adopted a DMCA compatible law afaik so that if it is not allowed in the US, it is not allowed in Western EU countries imho. But I am no lawyer either.
The picture is infringing copyright anyway, just look at the priest. He depicts a copyrighted character from a very popular fantasy sci-fi table top wargame that made it into a MMO...
Bart only wanted to be constructive. I like the riff but I have to admit that in my case the "dirty" sound was not that well recieved in my ears. (I was wearing headphones.) Nevertheless you are right, there are soundtracks which also use such grungy effects.
Nice, thanks for sharing!
I knew candy mountain was real!
Thanks for the rectification of the license.
Indeed with ~1500 polys the model looks still as good as the higher poly.
Happy New Year, 2014
Your license is not right.
You made a derivative work to killyoverdrive's dark alchemist which is released under Creative Commons 3.0 Share Alike.
Therefore, you need to change your license to CC BY SA 3.0 as well. In addition, by not quoting killyoverdrive as your source you are infringing killyoverdrive's copyright on his intellectual property.
Other than that your model turned out good. I like the hands, but you could save many polys by doing a retopo on the cloak.
I think this crade will be a good companion to us.
nice :D
Well at least France and Germany have adopted a DMCA compatible law afaik so that if it is not allowed in the US, it is not allowed in Western EU countries imho. But I am no lawyer either.
The picture is infringing copyright anyway, just look at the priest. He depicts a copyrighted character from a very popular fantasy sci-fi table top wargame that made it into a MMO...
Good times, good times when the VG industry still was full of innovation.
Bart only wanted to be constructive.
I like the riff but I have to admit that in my case the "dirty" sound was not that well recieved in my ears. (I was wearing headphones.)
Nevertheless you are right, there are soundtracks which also use such grungy effects.
pss you might want to rename your .gif file. The filename reminds me of a time traveller with a posh British accent:-)
very catchy, I like it. :-)