Shouldn't it be cathegorized under 2d art since we are talking about sprites? (I know this depicts 3d, however I tend to relate 3d art to something which can be loaded into a 3d software. Maybe it's just me.)
If it's based on the demon statue by umask007, CC0 is fine.
really nice topology.
These are some great ressources, already thought of sharing them on as well?
Awesome. A real gem. *jaw drops*
I like it nevertheless. Let's say you could tag this version as "dungeon for Gulliver's Travels". ;-)
I don't know. Someone else uploaded sprites as 3d art. Maybe we are a bit picky ...
Shouldn't it be cathegorized under 2d art since we are talking about sprites?
(I know this depicts 3d, however I tend to relate 3d art to something which can be loaded into a 3d software. Maybe it's just me.)
If it's based on the demon statue by umask007, CC0 is fine.
wow, very beautiful it is.
Classy through the galaxy, Perry Rhodan style. :)
In case you didn't know, I can recommend:
other than that, nice model.
nice thanḱs