I'm sorry it's taking so long with these screenshots, I've a problem with my laptop.
Long story short - that problem about a monster standing behind a building is complete, only lacks screenshots.
I'll try to describe other problems - in the Black Oak City I was playing with environment. To be precise - I placed my character near the ruined tower in the center of the map. I've placed him in some spot, co half of him isn't visible, as if he was covered by a part of that tower graphics layer. If I'll manage to do it on Android, I'll attach screenshots with my phone.
But there is bigger problem in my opinion. I'm wearing rings, that are supposed to give more experience (on Android and on PC) and normally for 10lvl monster I'm supposed to get 1024 experience points, right? So with a ring I'm supposed to get more, but I'm gaining 1006 points, if I recall correctly (I'll write the name of this ring and supposed bonus later, as I'm in work now).
This alternative architecture looks preety nice and I'd like to see it in the game :) And thank you for explaining "colorblind mode".
Sadly I can't check that issue with colors on other phone (my girlfriend has another android based smartphone, but it's definitely too weak... I can't be sure if it's a problem with some default settings or just with my smartphone. Maybe after April 30 I'll be able to check it somewhere else.
I wasn't playing "Flare" recently, about a week ago I've found another little AI problem (I've got a screenshots on my phone, I'll upload them tomorrow) - in the Black Oak City I've found a minotaur behind a house. Because he couldn't see me (he was standing still behind the house), I thought I'll use a "Burn" skill (the one which can be targeted on the ground after selecting the skill) and try to burn that minotaur. Luckily I've managed to do it and the enemy didn't do anything (he was standing still despite being on fire 4 times). Maybe some panic reaction after being hit but before seeing an enemy could be implemented?
I've prepared some other screenshots on my laptop, but I can't remember what was there (I'm not at home), so tomorrow I'll update this post.
Here I am again with another good news (you can hate me by now).
I've installed new Flare on Android with new game data. First of all - Black Oak City design looks really interesting and I like such an unusual map design. he problem is that when I'm walking through it, it looks pretty much like other villages. It'd be cool, if a different type of architecture could be found in the game.
And I've found a little bug - after building the game and launching it for the first time (with all mods installed), I started the game and all battle text was white. I was changing every possible option (by the way, what does colorblind mode do exactly?). Solution was simple - I've closed the game, launched it again (with default settings) and after that every battle text has colors (at first - about two weeks ago, I though that it was a matter of light in my room, but now I'm sure it's a bug).
And something entirely positive - I really like Necromancers new AI - not only they can flee in different directions, but their shield and summoning minions, while being fairly close to the player is in my opinion pretty good strategy, as for melee heroes, scouts and mages.
About reading a books - maybe there's a way to display a button "Read" in the tooltip? Or use scrolls/potions/books directly from the directory by holding a finger on them for a second or two?
And I think that multi-touch would be useful in other situations - sometimes during a combat, when I was running away (that's how I do combat XD) and I tapped on a potion, I've completely stopped.
Someday I'll download new source but for now I'll finally try to play Flare on Android (I've finally managed to compile it on my Sony smartphone) - so I'll check every feature of it and maybe create some new topic focusing on bugs/suggestions, if I'll have one, and here I'll be posting my impressions on new additions to the game itself.
For now - once again very much for your patience and sorry for so much spam.
Thank you for your answer and fixes :) Auto-equip works flawlessly. I didn't check skeleton AI yet, but I didn't have any problems with AI lately.
After beating campaign with my brute, I've created an female adept withour permadeath. After beginning the game I've encountered one problem (and I'm not sure if it's supposed to work that way - correct me, if I'm wrong). When I'm very close to the enemy, my basic spell doesn't hit the target (tried it multiple times), but if I use some other spell (for instance, fire ball), it hits the target.
I'm sending a short video showing these situations.
And about translating texts in the books - these texts are placed in data.pot and I've updated my translations in data.pl.po file. Everything seems to be in Polish, except for "Book of the Dead" and "Abasi's Journal", these are still in English. Can you check out where lies the problem?
BTW: Spells look preety nice :D
EDIT: After my death, enemies were retreating (one of them was Geno in St. Maria: Mausoleum) and they were flickering, showing just one frame of their animations. I'm attaching another, very short video of that problem
When I was editing previous post, I forgot to mention one my suggestion (I tried to add this information for about three days, but my internet suuuuucks...). When I was playing with Brute, I was using throw axe skill very often, and because I had many items, which speed up my mana regeneration (these are very common in game) and I choose a "flow" skill from mage tree, I had pretty much mana and I could almost spam axes to kill every enemy in sight.
I was wondering, if a cooldown for throwing skills could be made longer (maybe 1-1,5 seconds), to make fighting bit more difficult?
EDIT: Okay, I've downloaded newest source (11.03) - Black Oak Farm has been made more difficult thanks to much more variety in enemies and cowardly necromancers AI (now skeleton minions are some kind of threat) - it's still a shame that they don't attack even if I get them cornered, but it's definitely harder and I like it (good thing that minions are so fragile).
EDIT 24.03: After reading about a new area being added (sewers in Black Oak Farm) I've downloaded new versions of flare-game and flare-engine. Stages completed, visited treasure cache in Nazia Underground and achieved level 12 with my Brute character. During the gameplay I've found one issue, which I hadn't previously - probably just because I was lucky.
It's about Goblin shakers. Sometimes - and it's very hard to reproduce this - when I'm about to attack (I think when my character has his sword above his head - I've noticed it once, probably I should record my gameplay...) and Goblin uses quake, which stuns me - in terms of gameplay everything's fine, but the sound is a mess during this effect - I think it can be that when some sounds in the same time have to be played (sword swing, quake and hurt sound) it gets buggy and it's like one very loud tone playing during stun. I had this issue three times during my 15 minutes gameplay and I was really paying attention at it at the third time. If I'll manage to record it, I'll attach it here.
Another thing - not as problematic, but kinda unwanted. When several monsters surround me, some melee enemies, which are far away from me can wander constantly from one point or another until it gets back on track to find me - I can only assume it's because there are two enemies near me and there is much of space to get me between them, but there is a tree in line of sight of that skeleton (I've marked his path and positions, where it constantly was turning back).
The last thing will be a suggestion - I had full inventory (yeah, I did that on purpose) and couldn't pick up anything from the ground - as expected. What I wanted to do, was to have inventory screen open, throw some of my equipment on the ground and pick it from the ground, to have it automatically equiped or grabbed with a cursor. Unfortunatelly it's not possible and to reequip my boots, I had to throw some thing from my equipment on the ground, pick up my boots to appear in the empty slot and equip them again. Is it possible to:
a) give the ability to grab an item from the ground and have it attached to the curson (thus dissapearing from the ground and not being placed in the equipment, so I can place the item in the equipment or as a part of my armor
b) place an additional option in settings to automatically equip an item, if there is a free slot (and of course, requirements for that item are met)
I'm attaching a screenshot showing said situation with skeleton.
And about that sound issue - I suppose it was only some kind of problem with my system. I entered the game, stood near Goblin shaker for 3 minutes attacking air and sounds were playing normally, so I suppose i called an false alarm with this one.
I had to reinstall my OS (now I have Ubuntu 15.10) and I've lost my save files (I had lvl 11 Scout and lvl 5 Brute) and now I have to start campaign all over again (I wanted to pass campaign with Brute on permadeath mode - with scout it was relatively easy). So I I'll find something new or I'll have a new idea, I'll post it here :)
EDIT: I've completed campaign with brute - it was quite difficult, without Battle Cry and Axe throw it could take me much more time than 2 hours.
And I found a bug - if I stand in the correct spot, just around the corner and near the wall and some melee enemy has seen me, we stand in positions like these (picture under this post), the enemy doess't attack even once, but I can strike him (I was waiting for about 15 seconds, two times on the same level).
Thank you very much for your attention, now that bug is no more.
I've added Polish glyphs to AlexBrush-Regular, now they can be seen, when used in merchants_journal.txt. I sent pull request with updated font.
For now I don't have any complaints or problems. Now I'm getting through campaign once again - this time with melee warrior - I've beaten Seagate, so I'm doing better than I thought - and I don't have any great items (only the best dagger I've seen so far and pants from St. Maria's Garb)
I'm sorry it's taking so long with these screenshots, I've a problem with my laptop.
Long story short - that problem about a monster standing behind a building is complete, only lacks screenshots.
I'll try to describe other problems - in the Black Oak City I was playing with environment. To be precise - I placed my character near the ruined tower in the center of the map. I've placed him in some spot, co half of him isn't visible, as if he was covered by a part of that tower graphics layer. If I'll manage to do it on Android, I'll attach screenshots with my phone.
But there is bigger problem in my opinion. I'm wearing rings, that are supposed to give more experience (on Android and on PC) and normally for 10lvl monster I'm supposed to get 1024 experience points, right? So with a ring I'm supposed to get more, but I'm gaining 1006 points, if I recall correctly (I'll write the name of this ring and supposed bonus later, as I'm in work now).
This alternative architecture looks preety nice and I'd like to see it in the game :) And thank you for explaining "colorblind mode".
Sadly I can't check that issue with colors on other phone (my girlfriend has another android based smartphone, but it's definitely too weak... I can't be sure if it's a problem with some default settings or just with my smartphone. Maybe after April 30 I'll be able to check it somewhere else.
I wasn't playing "Flare" recently, about a week ago I've found another little AI problem (I've got a screenshots on my phone, I'll upload them tomorrow) - in the Black Oak City I've found a minotaur behind a house. Because he couldn't see me (he was standing still behind the house), I thought I'll use a "Burn" skill (the one which can be targeted on the ground after selecting the skill) and try to burn that minotaur. Luckily I've managed to do it and the enemy didn't do anything (he was standing still despite being on fire 4 times). Maybe some panic reaction after being hit but before seeing an enemy could be implemented?
I've prepared some other screenshots on my laptop, but I can't remember what was there (I'm not at home), so tomorrow I'll update this post.
Here I am again with another good news (you can hate me by now).
I've installed new Flare on Android with new game data. First of all - Black Oak City design looks really interesting and I like such an unusual map design. he problem is that when I'm walking through it, it looks pretty much like other villages. It'd be cool, if a different type of architecture could be found in the game.
And I've found a little bug - after building the game and launching it for the first time (with all mods installed), I started the game and all battle text was white. I was changing every possible option (by the way, what does colorblind mode do exactly?). Solution was simple - I've closed the game, launched it again (with default settings) and after that every battle text has colors (at first - about two weeks ago, I though that it was a matter of light in my room, but now I'm sure it's a bug).
And something entirely positive - I really like Necromancers new AI - not only they can flee in different directions, but their shield and summoning minions, while being fairly close to the player is in my opinion pretty good strategy, as for melee heroes, scouts and mages.
About reading a books - maybe there's a way to display a button "Read" in the tooltip? Or use scrolls/potions/books directly from the directory by holding a finger on them for a second or two?
And I think that multi-touch would be useful in other situations - sometimes during a combat, when I was running away (that's how I do combat XD) and I tapped on a potion, I've completely stopped.
And I have to admit, that I really didn't expect that a mobile port would work so well, despite the controls. So I respect them nonetheless.
Thank you very much for everything :)
Someday I'll download new source but for now I'll finally try to play Flare on Android (I've finally managed to compile it on my Sony smartphone) - so I'll check every feature of it and maybe create some new topic focusing on bugs/suggestions, if I'll have one, and here I'll be posting my impressions on new additions to the game itself.
For now - once again very much for your patience and sorry for so much spam.
Thank you for your answer and fixes :) Auto-equip works flawlessly. I didn't check skeleton AI yet, but I didn't have any problems with AI lately.
After beating campaign with my brute, I've created an female adept withour permadeath. After beginning the game I've encountered one problem (and I'm not sure if it's supposed to work that way - correct me, if I'm wrong). When I'm very close to the enemy, my basic spell doesn't hit the target (tried it multiple times), but if I use some other spell (for instance, fire ball), it hits the target.
I'm sending a short video showing these situations.
And about translating texts in the books - these texts are placed in data.pot and I've updated my translations in data.pl.po file. Everything seems to be in Polish, except for "Book of the Dead" and "Abasi's Journal", these are still in English. Can you check out where lies the problem?
BTW: Spells look preety nice :D
EDIT: After my death, enemies were retreating (one of them was Geno in St. Maria: Mausoleum) and they were flickering, showing just one frame of their animations. I'm attaching another, very short video of that problem
It happened my twice already - in both cases I dragged Geno far from his point of origin.
EDIT 2: Books can be translated now, thank you!
Thank you very much for quick fix :)
When I was editing previous post, I forgot to mention one my suggestion (I tried to add this information for about three days, but my internet suuuuucks...). When I was playing with Brute, I was using throw axe skill very often, and because I had many items, which speed up my mana regeneration (these are very common in game) and I choose a "flow" skill from mage tree, I had pretty much mana and I could almost spam axes to kill every enemy in sight.
I was wondering, if a cooldown for throwing skills could be made longer (maybe 1-1,5 seconds), to make fighting bit more difficult?
EDIT: Okay, I've downloaded newest source (11.03) - Black Oak Farm has been made more difficult thanks to much more variety in enemies and cowardly necromancers AI (now skeleton minions are some kind of threat) - it's still a shame that they don't attack even if I get them cornered, but it's definitely harder and I like it (good thing that minions are so fragile).
EDIT 24.03: After reading about a new area being added (sewers in Black Oak Farm) I've downloaded new versions of flare-game and flare-engine. Stages completed, visited treasure cache in Nazia Underground and achieved level 12 with my Brute character. During the gameplay I've found one issue, which I hadn't previously - probably just because I was lucky.
It's about Goblin shakers. Sometimes - and it's very hard to reproduce this - when I'm about to attack (I think when my character has his sword above his head - I've noticed it once, probably I should record my gameplay...) and Goblin uses quake, which stuns me - in terms of gameplay everything's fine, but the sound is a mess during this effect - I think it can be that when some sounds in the same time have to be played (sword swing, quake and hurt sound) it gets buggy and it's like one very loud tone playing during stun. I had this issue three times during my 15 minutes gameplay and I was really paying attention at it at the third time. If I'll manage to record it, I'll attach it here.
Another thing - not as problematic, but kinda unwanted. When several monsters surround me, some melee enemies, which are far away from me can wander constantly from one point or another until it gets back on track to find me - I can only assume it's because there are two enemies near me and there is much of space to get me between them, but there is a tree in line of sight of that skeleton (I've marked his path and positions, where it constantly was turning back).
The last thing will be a suggestion - I had full inventory (yeah, I did that on purpose) and couldn't pick up anything from the ground - as expected. What I wanted to do, was to have inventory screen open, throw some of my equipment on the ground and pick it from the ground, to have it automatically equiped or grabbed with a cursor. Unfortunatelly it's not possible and to reequip my boots, I had to throw some thing from my equipment on the ground, pick up my boots to appear in the empty slot and equip them again. Is it possible to:
a) give the ability to grab an item from the ground and have it attached to the curson (thus dissapearing from the ground and not being placed in the equipment, so I can place the item in the equipment or as a part of my armor
b) place an additional option in settings to automatically equip an item, if there is a free slot (and of course, requirements for that item are met)
I'm attaching a screenshot showing said situation with skeleton.
Another Edit: I've uploaded a video with said skeleton on dropbox - https://www.dropbox.com/s/n8aznyctc367hfh/skeleton.mp4?dl=0
And about that sound issue - I suppose it was only some kind of problem with my system. I entered the game, stood near Goblin shaker for 3 minutes attacking air and sounds were playing normally, so I suppose i called an false alarm with this one.
Thank you very much.
I had to reinstall my OS (now I have Ubuntu 15.10) and I've lost my save files (I had lvl 11 Scout and lvl 5 Brute) and now I have to start campaign all over again (I wanted to pass campaign with Brute on permadeath mode - with scout it was relatively easy). So I I'll find something new or I'll have a new idea, I'll post it here :)
EDIT: I've completed campaign with brute - it was quite difficult, without Battle Cry and Axe throw it could take me much more time than 2 hours.
And I found a bug - if I stand in the correct spot, just around the corner and near the wall and some melee enemy has seen me, we stand in positions like these (picture under this post), the enemy doess't attack even once, but I can strike him (I was waiting for about 15 seconds, two times on the same level).
Thank you very much for your attention, now that bug is no more.
I've added Polish glyphs to AlexBrush-Regular, now they can be seen, when used in merchants_journal.txt. I sent pull request with updated font.
For now I don't have any complaints or problems. Now I'm getting through campaign once again - this time with melee warrior - I've beaten Seagate, so I'm doing better than I thought - and I don't have any great items (only the best dagger I've seen so far and pants from St. Maria's Garb)