Everything made from scratch. Just look at videos I linked to and you will realize why this decision were made. The units should be distinguished from a background while trees and flowers, for example, doesn't. Projectiles lies somewhere in a middle, so they have some of the outline but not so dark as units do. Arrows and a flag were used just in debug purposes for path finding and were drawn on top of terrain below the units and trees, so they aren't needed an outline. Jars with potions just as swords and shields, sadly, din't shipped in a game, so, may be if they were shipped, they would get an outline similar to the one that units have
Ok, found a screenshot deep inside a closet and added as a preview, hope it helps
Everything made from scratch.
Just look at videos I linked to and you will realize why this decision were made.
The units should be distinguished from a background while trees and flowers, for example, doesn't.
Projectiles lies somewhere in a middle, so they have some of the outline but not so dark as units do.
Arrows and a flag were used just in debug purposes for path finding and were drawn on top of terrain below the units and trees, so they aren't needed an outline. Jars with potions just as swords and shields, sadly, din't shipped in a game, so, may be if they were shipped, they would get an outline similar to the one that units have
For the help with wang terrain using in tiled, here is a relevent link: https://doc.mapeditor.org/en/stable/manual/terrain/
I've just uploaded the terrain tiles from this project if you are interested :)
Here they are https://opengameart.org/content/wang-4-corner-tiles
These were made in aseprite for this mockup: https://youtu.be/aUaSimXTjfY
And later reused in a "real" game project here: https://youtu.be/AkrFA8BQXnI
What do you mean by differing styles? Elaborate please