Hello, Vladart! Your attribution notice and license are conflicting. If you want users of the graphics to leave you credits, you shoold choose OGA BY or CC BY license. If you want to use CC0 license, you can’t require users to leave you credits.
Doesn’t the 'email me' requirement make it non-free? The idea of free licenses is that anyone can use the art without asking for permission, and if you need to email the artist and ask a permission before using, this effectively makes the asset non-free, no?
Разве требование «напишите мне письмо» не делает эту графику несводной? Смысл свободных лицензий в том, что графику можно взять и использовать, не прося разрешения у автора, а если нужно сначала писать автору и спрашивать разрешения перед использованием, то такая графика, получается, несвободная, разве нет?
I have a suggestion: since you have more pixels, you could add more detail to them. For example, bricks could do with a more little cracks or to make them look less smooth. Because now the bricks look somewhat shiny, as if they were newly built and not ruined. However, this is just a suggestion, and your tiles are already very nice as it!
They are very nice, but I believe they won’t work on real Spectrum: Spectrum doesn’t allow more than 2 colours per 8*8 block, while your pictures have more (e.g. purple/white/red, purple-yellow-red on the first picture).
It’s wonderful! Thank you for sharing!
Looks very nice! Thanks for sharing!
Hello, Vladart! Your attribution notice and license are conflicting. If you want users of the graphics to leave you credits, you shoold choose OGA BY or CC BY license. If you want to use CC0 license, you can’t require users to leave you credits.
Doesn’t the 'email me' requirement make it non-free? The idea of free licenses is that anyone can use the art without asking for permission, and if you need to email the artist and ask a permission before using, this effectively makes the asset non-free, no?
Разве требование «напишите мне письмо» не делает эту графику несводной? Смысл свободных лицензий в том, что графику можно взять и использовать, не прося разрешения у автора, а если нужно сначала писать автору и спрашивать разрешения перед использованием, то такая графика, получается, несвободная, разве нет?
Thanks for sharing this! The look very nice!
I have a suggestion: since you have more pixels, you could add more detail to them. For example, bricks could do with a more little cracks or to make them look less smooth. Because now the bricks look somewhat shiny, as if they were newly built and not ruined. However, this is just a suggestion, and your tiles are already very nice as it!
It is very beautiful indeed! Too bad I don’t have a use for it. xD
Thanks for sharing this! This looks usable in many different kinds of puzzle games.
They are very nice, but I believe they won’t work on real Spectrum: Spectrum doesn’t allow more than 2 colours per 8*8 block, while your pictures have more (e.g. purple/white/red, purple-yellow-red on the first picture).
Looks very nice!
I would prefer there were some less 'geometric' trees, but this is a matter of personal taste.