I am in that mod to totally agree with Ragnar Random, but if you can do this with Spaceships under heavy enemy fire in cold space you are our boy. Those rotations under heavy enemy fire, strive for survival, ..exciting pulse of vacuum around us. Plus sound of dark Space .., Total Master(..wings).
-Hey @MichaelEWhite, is it possible that you found your holy sprites on WhiteKnightStudio account, is that "White" found in both names is not suspicious at all, or I'm somehow mental boy with two lollipops in hands around.
I mean, we need open types of designers here, we are not in stone ages(propaganda mentals commutators), and we are not stupid, ..at least an that lever.
-Hope ..last stand, still around.
..extremely brutal fight in space in Dune movie stile. But for that time it has some heart, I don't know why Mac developer use this name. In parallel, I also played Supremacy aka Overlord on C64. Thank1`s God, name is not used by Mac in some asteroid hunt.
-Rhythm is very similar with first Mass Effect video game. That`s instantly return me to past when gaming means something. I`m currently in process starting bunch of old games again and filing better right now. Wondering self why old games are so full of life, what`s happens with that moments of pleasure?.
-Good idea Ragnar.I will try to make this with mobile phone, just need to buy good realistic plastic pistol with silencer.
OK, blue_prawn, and now next task for you, extract Space Station from picture.
I am in that mod to totally agree with Ragnar Random, but if you can do this with Spaceships under heavy enemy fire in cold space you are our boy. Those rotations under heavy enemy fire, strive for survival, ..exciting pulse of vacuum around us. Plus sound of dark Space .., Total Master(..wings).
-Hey @MichaelEWhite, is it possible that you found your holy sprites on WhiteKnightStudio account, is that "White" found in both names is not suspicious at all, or I'm somehow mental boy with two lollipops in hands around.
I mean, we need open types of designers here, we are not in stone ages(propaganda mentals commutators), and we are not stupid, ..at least an that lever.
-Hope ..last stand, still around.
Original Maelstrom in not arcade it is strategy game in space.
..extremely brutal fight in space in Dune movie stile. But for that time it has some heart, I don't know why Mac developer use this name. In parallel, I also played Supremacy aka Overlord on C64. Thank1`s God, name is not used by Mac in some asteroid hunt.
Thanks my son )D
..converted to 3d for joke, just now.
-Admirable CC0 assets, cant`t wait to lay hands on them. Hey @drummyfish, upload more at next opportunity if possible, thanks.
Never, but true is above us, so place is uninportant. We live on a wings of daylight manifestation. We are for forever ...our dear Umplix. Haha )D
To Ragnar Random and MedicineStorm, you are not alone. Bravely up(Last Stand).
-Rhythm is very similar with first Mass Effect video game. That`s instantly return me to past when gaming means something. I`m currently in process starting bunch of old games again and filing better right now. Wondering self why old games are so full of life, what`s happens with that moments of pleasure?.