Thanks, withthelove ! You pointed out few points that answer problems that are up ahead. is a fantastic website to be started with considering controlled releases. Bonus point on havin useful informations about licences, especially on proprietary licenses that MedicineStorm mentionned on there.
I tried to make a quick Java Applet out of the application, but can't figure how to make to run it. I guess I'll stick to a simple download page for now. Thank you for pointing out DRM clauses as well
Thanks for your reply, I'm adding few informations to clear any interrogations.
I made sure not to take any resources from the game I'm effectively inspired by, the only elements I am actually keeping are the original rules, which I believe are not protected, correct me if I'm wrong.
I also made sure all the art I was using from here or from anywhere were either CC0 or CC-BY, so no worries about licensing issues, I think (again, if there is risks, feel free to point them out)
I am already using resources that make the game "demonstrable", that is what I called an "alpha stage". Resources may not be definitive, but at least every thing is working with acceptable graphic resources. For example, my characters don't have any 2D sprite-based animation, so they currently simply "slide" from a tile to another when they move, but they are using a model from here, on OGA.
I'll be creating an art collection for sure, as I've been tracking every art used manually and it is not the simplest way to go, indeed. Thank you !
Thanks, withthelove ! You pointed out few points that answer problems that are up ahead. is a fantastic website to be started with considering controlled releases. Bonus point on havin useful informations about licences, especially on proprietary licenses that MedicineStorm mentionned on there.
I tried to make a quick Java Applet out of the application, but can't figure how to make to run it. I guess I'll stick to a simple download page for now. Thank you for pointing out DRM clauses as well
Hi Medicine Storm,
Thanks for your reply, I'm adding few informations to clear any interrogations.
I'll be creating an art collection for sure, as I've been tracking every art used manually and it is not the simplest way to go, indeed. Thank you !