Okay, I found the headless bodies I used for male, female, and muscular characters. The head is not completely removed, but any remaining pieces should be covered by the new head in most cases.
Also, I don't think these have all the updates and fixes I made to the bases, but they may still save you some work.
The hurt animation only has 3 unique heads, so all variations can be drawn in 6 frames if the east/west heads are mirrored, 7 if they are not. If you count the eyes closing in the cast animation, it is 10 to 13 frames.
I did use a script to place the heads, but did not have a way to automatically do the arm cutouts. The most difficult part of automating head swaps would be a few frames (I think mostly in the shoot animation) where adjustments have to be made to the neck to fully connect the head and body.
Children would need to have smaller heads.
Regarding the female thrust animation, the right foot is slightly different in frame 1 and 2. The change was made because the original frame has a lot of messy, stray pixels, and the right arm attempts to replicate the pose in the male animation but just looks like the hand is swelling. If you compare it with the male animation, the torso is also angled differently.
I was attempting to cleanup the messy bits, and bring it as close to the quality of the male animation as I could, while minimizing the work required to make existing assets fit the new frame.
Skeleton (assuming it uses the same assets as the Human Male. There are some offset errors I have not corrected yet, but those exist in the original skeleton anyway)
And some that can be replaced if you make some easily automated adjustments to the clothing:
Human Male Muscular (assets for Walk North should be shifted up 1 pixel)
All Pregnant bodies and animations, except the lizard (assets for Walk North should be shifted up 1 pixel)
I made no edits to the Zombie base, so the generator should already have the most recent version of that.
The remaining bodies break compatability too much to work with existing assets, or are likely to have compatability breaking updates in the future.
And moreover, imagine one creates new items, eg a new shirt, based on the new bodies you submit here. Will that still work with the old bodies?
Other than position shifts, I think the only issues would be with the Female and Teen bases. Pants would not be compatible on the Thrust and Shoot animations, and shirts would need to be fixed on 1 or 2 frames where the arm position is different.
submitted by Rhimlock, based on work by Johannes Sjölund (wulax). Rhimlock was unclear how much they contributed, but said there was no need to credit them. https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-skeleton
Matthew Krohn (makrohn) is credited because of the female thrust/shoot animations.
Thanks Eliza, I enjoyed working on these with you.
Evert, one other difference to note between these and Durrani's original is that we removed a slight head tilt in the side-view frames, and I think we also adjusted the eye position in the front-view to match the death/hurt animation.
Okay, I found the headless bodies I used for male, female, and muscular characters. The head is not completely removed, but any remaining pieces should be covered by the new head in most cases.
Also, I don't think these have all the updates and fixes I made to the bases, but they may still save you some work.
If I have time Saturday, I'll see if I have any headless bases. I know I have one for the muscular body, but I'm not sure if I saved the others.
Yes, the bodies are mostly just recolors.
The hurt animation only has 3 unique heads, so all variations can be drawn in 6 frames if the east/west heads are mirrored, 7 if they are not. If you count the eyes closing in the cast animation, it is 10 to 13 frames.
I did use a script to place the heads, but did not have a way to automatically do the arm cutouts. The most difficult part of automating head swaps would be a few frames (I think mostly in the shoot animation) where adjustments have to be made to the neck to fully connect the head and body.
Children would need to have smaller heads.
Regarding the female thrust animation, the right foot is slightly different in frame 1 and 2. The change was made because the original frame has a lot of messy, stray pixels, and the right arm attempts to replicate the pose in the male animation but just looks like the hand is swelling. If you compare it with the male animation, the torso is also angled differently.
I was attempting to cleanup the messy bits, and bring it as close to the quality of the male animation as I could, while minimizing the work required to make existing assets fit the new frame.
Not in the near future. I want to make those, but I probably won't have time for several months at least.
Thanks, blancaster45. The Attribution Notice on this page is all you need to put in your credits.
I'd love to, but I won't have time for awhile. Making an LPC bear is pretty high on my personal list, though.
I've replied to your forum thread with a few other animals you might be able to use.
You've already found my boar, but here's a few others you might be able to use.
Redshrike made a rabbit you could definitely use, and you might be able to get a quail or partridge out of bluecarrot16's birds.
There's also a goat and a ram that could work, especially near mountains.
There are several you can safely replace now:
And some that can be replaced if you make some easily automated adjustments to the clothing:
I made no edits to the Zombie base, so the generator should already have the most recent version of that.
The remaining bodies break compatability too much to work with existing assets, or are likely to have compatability breaking updates in the future.
Other than position shifts, I think the only issues would be with the Female and Teen bases. Pants would not be compatible on the Thrust and Shoot animations, and shirts would need to be fixed on 1 or 2 frames where the arm position is different.
I don't know about the recolors, but I can help with the others.
Human Female Shoot/Thrust
by Matthew Krohn (makrohn) https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-ladies
Skeleton Shoot
by Johannes Sjölund (wulax) https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-medieval-fantasy-character-sprites
Skeleton Thrust
submitted by Rhimlock, based on work by Johannes Sjölund (wulax). Rhimlock was unclear how much they contributed, but said there was no need to credit them. https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-skeleton
Matthew Krohn (makrohn) is credited because of the female thrust/shoot animations.
William.Thompsonj is credited for commissioning/contributing the wolf I took the head from. https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-wolf-animation
You should also credit castelonia for commissioning the Wolfmen.
Thanks Eliza, I enjoyed working on these with you.
Evert, one other difference to note between these and Durrani's original is that we removed a slight head tilt in the side-view frames, and I think we also adjusted the eye position in the front-view to match the death/hurt animation.