it sounds like your using the modes of the major scale already your just shifting the tune a half step upwards or downwards in different parts of your songs. C aeolian to D mixolydian for example.
For rock rythm only get rid of the 3rd and b3rd notes out of your chords were its neither minor or major and play diminished chords to make it darker. I use to play metal and rock all the time. You can do it by ear but the 5th chords are important. If you know your major chords you take out the middle note
Assuming that you are playing by ear. Just assuming not implying.
You can play with the modes of the major scale Ionian and Aeolian to spice up your music if your getting bored with the major scale. Start with the key of c. For example all the white keys on a keyboard are the c ionian if you switch scales (otherwise its the major scale). When most people learn the modes they think the modes that compose the major scale which are different keys but in reality what you need to do is play all those modes at the key of c. You can also think of switching to the c aeolian as the Eb major. Also you dont want to switch keys until a complete chord progression is played. Another thing you want to keep in mind is if you want a more softer tone learn your 7 chords like major 7 minor 7 and 7th chords.
you can also use the most common chord progression found in music I IV V
basically the "I" chord for c ionian is the first note in the scale which would be C you just play that note as the lowest note in the chord and play for example the 3rd note, 5th note and the 7th note to make a c major 7.
the IV chord is the fourth note in the scale which would be the 4th note in the scale as your root note for the chord.
and 5 the fifth note of the scale same thing as previously.
another thing that might be useful is knowing your triads of the scales or chords
here is a link on all the chords for the ionian and aeolian(or natural minor)
Glad you like my music. lol =) Any requests?
Nice song what software and vst are you using?
I was thinking google hangouts video chat. What is your email. Mine is
haha alrighty
I have experience making games and will beable to help out with programming and making music.
check out my profile to hear my music.
used in metal but can be used in hard rock as well they sound darker and will add spice to your pieces
diminished 5ths and augmented 5ths
it sounds like your using the modes of the major scale already your just shifting the tune a half step upwards or downwards in different parts of your songs. C aeolian to D mixolydian for example.
For rock rythm only get rid of the 3rd and b3rd notes out of your chords were its neither minor or major and play diminished chords to make it darker. I use to play metal and rock all the time. You can do it by ear but the 5th chords are important. If you know your major chords you take out the middle note
heres an example of c major
and now its equivalent 5th chord or power chord
If your going more for a legend of zelda kinda thing you can always use the lydian with the ionian
Assuming that you are playing by ear. Just assuming not implying.
You can play with the modes of the major scale Ionian and Aeolian to spice up your music if your getting bored with the major scale. Start with the key of c. For example all the white keys on a keyboard are the c ionian if you switch scales (otherwise its the major scale). When most people learn the modes they think the modes that compose the major scale which are different keys but in reality what you need to do is play all those modes at the key of c. You can also think of switching to the c aeolian as the Eb major. Also you dont want to switch keys until a complete chord progression is played. Another thing you want to keep in mind is if you want a more softer tone learn your 7 chords like major 7 minor 7 and 7th chords.
Here is the c ionian scale
and here is the aeolian also known as the natural minor
you can also use the most common chord progression found in music I IV V
basically the "I" chord for c ionian is the first note in the scale which would be C you just play that note as the lowest note in the chord and play for example the 3rd note, 5th note and the 7th note to make a c major 7.
the IV chord is the fourth note in the scale which would be the 4th note in the scale as your root note for the chord.
and 5 the fifth note of the scale same thing as previously.
another thing that might be useful is knowing your triads of the scales or chords
here is a link on all the chords for the ionian and aeolian(or natural minor)
hopefully that was helpful if not just ignore what I said and have fun